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Estáte ot Jane A. Nelson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CoiiDty of Wasta) tenaw, bs. At a session oí the Probate ourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at ie Probate Offlee in the city of Ann Arte, n Fridaj, the 2(ith day of April, in the year ne thou and eisht hundred and nlnety-flve. Present, J. Willard Babb tt, Judge of Proate. I n ! he matter of the estáte of Jane A. Nelon, deceased. Leonhard Gruner, the administrator of 6aid state, comes into eoui-taud represents that e iü iiow piepared to render his final acount. as such administrator Tbereupon it is ordered ihat Friday, the .wenty-fourt.b day of May ne.xt at 10 o'cloek in he forenoon be assigned tor examiniog and Uowing Buch account, and that the heirs a-t awof said deceased, and all other persons i nerested in eaid estáte, are requi red toappear t a eession of said Court, then to be holden t the Probate Office, in the, city of Ann Ar)or, in said County, and show cause, if any here 'ne, why the said account should not be llowed: And it is further ordered that aid Administrator give notice to the perons interested in said e-tate, of the penency of said account, and the hearing ttaeref, by oausingr a copy of this order to be pubi.-hed in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper rinted and cireulatlng in said county, three luccessivo weeks previous to said day of hearJ. W1LLABD BABBITT, [A trne copy-] Judg-e of Probate. Wjluam G. Doty, Probate Keirister. Estáte of Lucinda DePuy. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 0 oi VVHslitenaw, ss. Ata .se3sion of the Probat e üurl ior the Oounty oí Washtenuw, huldeti at the 'róbate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on WedneHdii, the 2-Itli day o!' April, in the est one thoaaand eïght hundred and Mnety-five. Pveseni, J. WlUard Bnlibiit, .) iul}fe of Pro ate. In tht' matter of the estáte of Lucinda DcPuy, rceased. William K. Chllds, the administrator of said esato, comes into conrl and ropn-senu that he is ow prepared torendcr his ilnal account as sucu dminibtra+or. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the wenty-first day ol May next, at ten o'elock in the tormioon. he assigned i'or xamining and suoh account, iind that the heirs at law 01 said deceaeed, and all oüier pfraons interested in said eslale. urerequited toeppear ataseavion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in tbe city of Ann Arlior, in said county, and show cau83,ifany there be, why the .aid account Bhould not he allowed: Ai.d it is turther ordered, thttt said admiuistrator iiive notice to the persons inttsTtiil'ed ín s.tiu estai-u of the pendency of tííiid Hccoutit, auii the hearing thereof. by causing a oopy of thinoider to l)e publihed in the Ann Arbor .m:uíí,a newspH]n;ip prtnted and circulating in eaid county, three siiceebsive weeks previou to said dav ot hearing. J WILLAIM1 RAnSTTT, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. William ü Doty. Probate Huuister. WE HAVE NO AGENTS M M but ship frorn our factory at lHWWHB Wholesale prices. Snip any KVipB where for examination ; pay IaMHH freight both ways if nat satis_-VíBHtTcp. factory. 100 styles of Sjmj BH BaAt Carriages. 90 styles ol I L3em Wfsá-A HarncHS. Send4cta. rJSKKI for 112 page catalogue. YAnWX AKyTVV MSHART CARRIA6E AS ViMiHJi, HARNK8S JIF. CO., Ko. mjá $35. b. Pintt, avj, Kiurt, i.d. SCaveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J Jent business conducted for Moderate Fees. 5 SOUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE? 5and we can secure patent ia less time than tnosej fremote from Washington. 5 S Send model, drawing or photo., w!th descnp-J Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J Jcharge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. o 5 i A PAMPHLET, "How toObtain Patents," withj icost of same in the U. S. and foreign countriesj Jsent free. Address, 5 C.A.SNOW&CO. 5OPP. PAXENTOFFICEWTASHINGTOriDC ■ yon money, set you highest mrtet I I prïce, and make you prompt and full I ■ returns on y our míJ Our erperience of 29 years is worth HBS ffi JW somethingto you, our reliability also. DV1 &□■ Ask Chicago Bankors or Morcantile lr?J ■L Housen about us. Sacks free to HA ■ Bhippers. Write for "Wool Letter." Silbertnan Brothers, aol-114 Michigan St., fe ) CHICAGO, 1LL. SS ) Detroit , Weekly fribune Price Reduced 75 Cants a Yaar. Unsurpassed as a Newspaper. Unrivaledin Popular Intertst Soundly Republicana ... An Agent wanted in vwy TovnsMp In Michigan, to whom liberal terna wffl be jiTen. v THE THIBUNI . . ntftl. Il n


Ann Arbor Argus
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