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WANTED, FOrIaIeTíETC. S ',;t OP UNFÜRNISHED ROOMS. 8] South M.un st. ( T! X?L 3AnTJDwFor ereral housework. v i Address O. W. M agaer, 12 Packard s( reel 36-39 IJORSÉS FOR SALE.-I have ,i few tour forFittSnSl horaesTfor sale. Your clioice ror Jfffty Dollars. James C. Allen. m-m 25 Whilb"y. a-si-ïyear old horse without % -a& blemIsh !s I have uo use for him öiM InquireatlTSo. División. F'OR RENT - House on 50 E Kinirslev" ffnllTe9 reasonabIe ■ Enquire at 2ü KS iSl gaUS' 31-34 ed Clark Uros farm of 238 acres at Saline. áí'M A ■ ë Clark, Ann Ai-bor _ A. P. Clark, Saline. FwtLM.""A flne seeond-liand Purroy and Single Harness, almost as f?ood' as new torjeoheap. Enquire at 83HÏ. Huron St! F wï,f ALEO,R, RÜNT-A new 8-room house I wlth a goot] barn, good well, tv o good eiterns, one and one-balf lotaof land. Toims eaS,tfEniluil'e ac 33 Detroit St.. AnnAibo" ÜOR SALE.- 30 acres on Chubb St. in acre f or flve acre lots or all together. Lonl UmeAVsïïail Psyment, 6 per cent interest. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit PARM TO about ZOC i:ffi'gSg6t-A-lArtOT'" %y ANTKD-A MAN in every section at once v to sellstaplegoodsto dealers; no ped dhns; experience unnecessary; bestside Jine. S.o.OOamonth. Salary and expenses orlara-e commission made. Address, with 2 cent stamp for sealed particulars, Clifton Soapand Manufactura Company, Cincinnati, Ohio P,F,LT?y7Snted-"market Price paid for all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Flfth ArborUm tS' a Weeks&Co.,In5 POK SALE CHEAP-My house 7nd lot on ,-n th r -f ,,rner of T'tver aH(1 Pontiac streets rr0 KENT.-At No. 20 S. State St. A flat of A 8ix rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. gm piANO TÜNING.-A. D. Brown, the well 1. known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the Argus office will receive his attention. DEESONS to put out maple or elm - shade trees should correspond with P. H. O'BRIÉN Whittaker. POR SALE OK KENT.-Larse new nouse , w.'th all modern improvements, cistern mfi01? "atcr ln h0U6e and weI1 "ear door ïll take in part payment small house or lots or email farm nearcity, balance on Ion" time and low interest. P . C. Box 1345. Seed Corij tíuqgariai) Seed liWhite Wonder" Pea Beans J& bbe A goocl time to buy Farm Tools, all selling at cost to close out. K. J. ROGERS Farm Implement and Seed Store, 25-27 Detroit St. mmêmmf Í "i ' ( A FRIEND IN KNEAD Isafriend In the rooery business. Bvervbody DfCüsffroceries and we ure lrieüds of everybody. Loye on i' onemics too. They cnn't hurt us, so why bear ill will Partloularly we are frlenda of those 'who mui, and knoud Hom-, llore are a few of the many gj-ades we keep Mamolia, Success, Gold Dust White Loaf, Holler Kina, and Piíisbury. Besides flour we keep Cornmeal, Grabam etc., well everythíng in the way of Kro oeriea and we don't get as nmch for them as we ought to either' 5FAEPLEÏ? A CO., Phoue 141. 41S. MainSt.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News