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It is human nature to want sornetfivng Jor notluwj. IL VERW A E X GIYEI Af AY FEEE - AT- W. F. Lodholz Grocery Store. Nos. 4 and 6 Broadway. This is the way it is done: With every Cash Sale, whether it be ten cents ot fifty dollars we give you a coupon showing the amount purchased, and when you hav bought groceries or any goods in our line tp the amount of Forty Dollars, Forty-ñve Dollars or Fifty Dollars YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CHOICE of theTWFNTY BEAUTIFUL PIECES OF SILVEKWARE, such as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holder, Cream, Fruit. Caster, Berry, Pickle, Butter Dishts, etc. CALL AND EXAMINE. emember Everything in the GROCERYR LINE Sold Cheapfor Cash. W. F. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway jTBCJCK AND -TORAGE, C. E. GODFREY, Residence and.Office, 48 FourthAve., North Teleptaoue 82. MICHIGAN MINING SCHOOL & VSSSSSA high-grade tecunical school. Practical work f.lMtlvcsvatetn. Summercourses. Givesdegreesof b. B., E.M. , and Ph.D. Laboratories, shops, mili, . etc., well cnulpped. Catalogues free. Address j Sccretary Michigan MiningSchool.Houghton.Mlch Chancery Sale. TN ITUSUANCE AND BY VIRTÜE OF AN I - order and deoree of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw . in chauoery, in tlie State of Michigan, mide and dated the twenty-nihth day of Marcii, A. D. 1895, in a certain cause ttierein pending, whereln Patrick Kearnej Is complainant and Lewis F. Alber is deïendant. Notice is hereby griven thatlshall Bell at public auction, to tlie highest bi:der, at the squtli front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arnor, in eaid County ot Washtenaw and State of Michigan, said Court House beingthe place for holding tlie Circuit Court for said county, on Friday, the tenth day of May, A. D 1895, at ten o'clouk In the forenoon, to raiee tho amount due to said complainant for principal, interest and coste in this cause, all the followinjf deseribed pieces or pareéis of land sitúate in the townsnip of Northfield, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and deseribed as followe, to-wit: I Comniencintr at the soutbeast corner of the ■ west huil' oí the northwest quarter of section nuuiber twenty in township one eouth, range I six east. State of Michigan, running thence : west on the east and west quarter line of said seotion loity-four rodsand fourteen and 011e1 third feettoastake in tho high way; thence i northerly to the north line of said section to a point therein the distanct from which to the I Dortheast corner of the west half of thenorthj west quarter of said section süall bear thé saiiic proportiou to width of the north end of said half quarter section. which torty-four j rode, fourteen and one-third feet bear to the width of thesouth end of said baLf-quarter section; thence east on the north line of said section to the northeast corner of said hallquarter section; thence south parallel with the west side ol saii section to the east and west quarter line of said section to the plce of bêsinning, containinKforty-foui'anclseveneightfas acres, moe or less. Al6O. commencing nine rods and two feet cast. from the southwest cornerof said half-quartersection; i running thence north parallel with the west ; line ot said section tibteeu and oue-half rods [toastake; thence east thlrteen iodg; thence south eighteen and one-half rods tf a stake in ! the bighwu.y: tlience west to the place of beI srinniut;. And also the right to occupy and eojoy tns" land uow covered by the blacksmlth 1 shop on said haJf-quarter section as lontr as tbc samesbaU be used as a blacksmlth'e shop, and wbene-er such shop shall cesse to be oocupied as a blacksmith's shop, then the rights of the graxttee or mortsagee to the lands covored by such shop shall eease. Said jik1 will e made m aceordance with the terms of said decree Dated Ann A bor, Michigan, April 2, 1S95. O. ELMEli 1H!TTERF1ELD, Circuit Court. Commissioner in and for Washf,.p.;„- Oonntr Michigan. i'HUS. D. KEÁRNEY, Solicitor for Complainant. Estáte of Archibald Henry Smith. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wushtenaw, so. At a session of the Probate Court for the Countyof Waöhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the eity of Ann Arbor, od Friday, the tenth day of May, in the year one thousand elffht hundred :ind ninety-tive. Present, J. Willard Babhitt, Jqdge oí Probate. In the matter of the estáte of ArchibaM Henry Smith, incompetent. Kintisly Cuikii n Uie guardián of sald ward, comes into court and rtf(,rients that he is ■ now prepaxed to ren der h ia final accounts as sucb guardián. Thereupon it s oriered thatFriday, theTth day of June ïicxt, at (en o VI ook ín the forenoon be assigned for Cxamioing nrá al I ow ing siich account and that thn next of kin of eaid ward and nU o'uher pert-uns icterested in suicl estáte, are requirt'd 10 Mppear ut a ses!-i(ju of saul ,ourt, thfii to le holden at the Probate uiüce, ir lhe city of Ann Ar or. in sald couniy, and ho■w cauwe, if any there be, why the saiil accoviut should not be lloved, A id it is lurther ord'Ttd that aid guardián elve notice to the p( rsousiutfieated iti aaii ustate oi the pemïcncy oi said acooui t and the heaïingthereof, by ciuisiuf? fi copy of this oider to be piibTibbed to the Ann Arbor Argna, a uewapaper pHBtfd and cirf-uhi'ing in Paul uuunty, linee Miuccssie weeks i'.tus u f-aii dv ot faearinff, J. WILLARD BABBÏTT, JudÊreoI'Probrtti.1. ( truecopyj WlLLIAM U. DOTT, Probate Register. Michigan CMEBM " lhe Manara Falis Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Man 19, 1 . GOING EAST. Atlantic Express 7 47 a, m. Detroit Night Ex 5 iO Grand Kapids Ex II 05 Mal 1 "mi Ex prees S 80 p. ml N. Y. & Boston Sp'l 5 00 Fast Eastern 10 12 GOIÍJU WEST. Bosto:, VY.&Ch :■;■:.. n:. rui .-. ;■,."-!■! s ANort 't 'liore lilmited V:.'". Kiisi Western Ex 'i ■ a m. ti. ! . & kn!. Kx 5 ■■" ChioftjfO NiRh: Ex I' l'a.-, lic Express 12 15 O.W. BUGGLES a. W. HA YES, Q. P. ft ï. Age'jt i I wc. Ag't Ann Arbj TTANSYiPiUS ■B BEWARE OF OIMÏBFEITS. Theonly afe and always reliable Beller V for Ladfes. Accept no worthless and danV gerous Imltations. Save memey anl guara m hcalth by taking nothinff but the only Kenum ine and orlrlnal Wllcox Compound Tansy m PIlls, In metal boxes bearing shield trado ■f mark, prlce f2.00, al] druggists. Soiid 4 ets. . forWoman'sSafeGuard, sccivrely niallea. WILCOX SIKCIFIC' fO„ 328 Soatb EiKlttta Street, Fhll., Po.


Ann Arbor Argus
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