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Coosch. Chamber, i Ann Arbor, June 3, 1895. ( Regular session. Called to order by President Hiscock. Roll callea. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Moore and Brown. COMMUNICATIONS AND PBTIÏIONS. KROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Jaokson Mich., May 28th 1895. To the Honorable Common Council : Gentlemen - We have made draft upon Mr. H. Hutzel of your city for goods laid this spring for which your clerk has given us notice that Mr. Hutzel has received his pay for and the same has been returned to us uiipaid and we would ask that the amount for sewer pipe laid this season be retained by you from his pay for the payment of such sewer pipe to us. Very truly yours, F. B. Crego, Supt. Referred to the Fiuance Committee. ' To the Common Council : The Board of Public Works submit the following bids for building side■walk on the easfc side of Seventh street along the property of Mrs. A. E. Yale and WT. J. Cocker for the consideratiou of your honorable body. George Kirn, $2.10 and $3.25; D. Hunt, $2.25 and $3.50; C. H. Stevens, $2.25 and $4.15; T. L. Hewitt, $3.25 and $3.50. All labor and material to be furnished by contraetors and walks built according to snecifications. George Kirn being the lowest bidder the Board recommend to your honorable body that they be authorized to enter into a contract with saii' Kirn. By order of the Board of Public Works. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. Aid. Koch moved that the council concur in the recommendation of the Board of Public Works. The motioa prevailed as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman.Coon, Butterfield, Cady, President Hiscock - 13. Nays - None. j.0 me xionoraDie uomniou council : Gentlemen - We hereby refer to you for your considersation the bids received for building sewers in districts number 3 and 4 espectively 8EWER BIDS. Total Bid Total Bid Name of Bidder. Dist. No. 3. Dist. No. 4. 1. Thomas F. Moore $ Informal. 2. SchneiderBros. & Koss 34,973 00 ïó.434 00 a. William McMabon.... 34.636 ü:) 5,419 59 4. Clarken .Sc Ulaney 41,i90 80 6292(15 5. Mmr&U'Suilivuu 40,474 K-i 5,951 7u Ö. Branhan&Uest 51,118 68 7,693 4: : MC. Sloiin&Co 34,194 79 (,28 a GeorKe . .Uilier & Co. 29,4-'O OU 4.991 OU Bock, Kufd Fiimue & Sehults 37,945 '0 4.(01 (K ïo Petersou & o 28,867 00 5,38: 4 11. (ireenvulu Coust. Co.. s!l,790 00 7,500 00 12 Thomas P. Sheehun... Informal. 13. Walker & Uobison.... 38,500 00 6,uün (tl 14. Jenkinson & Nicholson37,Oi.O 00 5.10 0 15. James C. Dan forth..-. 29,875 00 4,975 W 16. Ulrich, Nissley & Williams 3S500 00 6,000 00 17. John Wasner ...55,700 00 6,900 00 18. George B. Kelly 36990 (JU 5,551) 00 ■1. Mercier & Affcld 32,874 00 4,79? 00 'Al. South Beud Constructioo&Impr. Co 28,900 0 4,3D 00 ': -. 1 Ueunis & Co 37,fiSl 75 5.315 70 :i„. Grimes K Irtorari 40,84131 7,994 80 i. W. W. (.'ook 29.V84 S5 4,81" 40 25. HeniTCollins.-.-v 26,740 75 4,18120 S6. D. A Motieod ..: 73 456 OU From which it appears that Hemy Collins id the lowest bidder and bas complitMi with all the requirements iu the matter of bidding. Therefore vre recoinmeiid that a contract be entcred iuto with him for the constructtiou thereof. We furhter submit that Messrs. Bedk, Reed Firnane & Schultz are the next lowest for district nuinber 3 and th it Lephardt & Winterhalter are the lowest bidders for district number 4 and in case of failure of said Collins to contract that wp be ordererl to contract with Siossru. Beek, Reed, Firnaue & Sohultz and Liphardt & Winterhalter respect. Tely. All of which is reapectfully suumitted. Bv order of the Board oí Public Wo, Uien V. Mills, Clerk. Aid. Prettyman moved that the rocommendation be accepted and adopted and that the board be ordered to enter into a contract with the lowest bidder. Aid. Taylor moved as a substitute that the matter be referred to the sewer committee and report at an adjoumed session. Aid. Prettyman moved that wheu the council adjourn it adjoum until Monday, June 10, at 8 o'clock. Adopted as follows : Yeis - Aid. Moore, Maynard.Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Taylor, Shadford' Prettymau, Coon, Butterfleld, Cady, President Hiscock - 15. Nays - None. To the Common Council : Gentlemen - The Board of Pnblii Works wonld respectfully cali your attention to the unsafe coudition of the bridge over the M. C. Ry. We are of the opinión that the stringers are decayed and it is questionabte if they will carry the load much longer, also the plank are worn out. What shall we do towards repairiug these defects? A. M. Clark President Board of Public Works. Referred to committe on streets. Whereas the Coiumon Council did order May 20th. L895, i cement walk construeted in front of Nos. 44 and 46 west side of South State street, front of property owned by J. H. Nickels, said walk to be (per ordinance) five feet in width, and believing this tobe an iuadvertance ou the part of the oounuil , I oall your attention thereto to the end that you may take sueh actiou as yom houorable body may deern adviaable. Resp'y A. M. Clark, President Board of Public Works. Aid. Moore and Brown entered. Aid. Maynard moved that all walks ou the west side of State street between Liberty and Williams be 12 feet wide. Aid. Butterfield moved as an aniendment, that the matter be referred to the sidewalk committee. The recommendatious of the sidewalk inspector was read and referred to the sidewalk committee. Aun Arbor, June 3rd. 1895. To the Honorable Common Conncil of the City of Anii Arbor, Mich. : Gentlemen - I huye rhe honor to report that I have examined the books of the City Clerk aud have found the same correct. I desire to cali the attention of the Council to the painstaking care which has been exercised by W. J. Miller and Glen V. Mills in keeping the books of the City. I have examined the books and vouchers of the City Treasurer, and flud that the arnount in the treasury, June lst. 1895, is $23.204.58, that the amouut of outstanding unpaid orders is $140.01. Respectfully submitted, Jno. R. Miner. Recieved and placed on file A petition signed by W. S. Perry and 32 others asking for an electric light on Washington street between Fifth Avenne and State street, was read and referred to the lighting committee. A petition signed by Emmett T. Coon and 7 others asking for improvements on S. University Avenue was read and referred to the street coinmittee. A petition signed by Andrew Hunter asking for the privilege of placing a sign across the sidewalk was read and referred to the ordinance committee. I A petitiou signed by A. D. Condón ' and 15 others asking for improvernents ' on Sonth University Avenue was read I and referred to the street and lighting conimittees. KEPOKTS OF STANDING COMMITTKES. FINANCE. To tlie Honorable Common Council: Your Committee on Finance respectfully report tuut thev have taken the following accounts undercousideration and reeommend thelr ailowance and warrant? ordercd drawn for the same. CONTINGENT FUND. Gk-n V. Mills, .salary $ 66 tí" Patrick O'Hearn, salary 83 34 Marión Davenport, janltor work ti 25 Charles H KI ine, salary 25 iO expenses 14 1)5 Gorse H. Pond, salary 8 34 Ana Arbor Savmgs liauk, accounts assiirued them: Walter T. Seaboit, irold dollar-. SSÍ 00 OlayA Green, rent zal.' :1 17 Thomas Finane, assigned to A. a. Gas Co.--., - 12 00 August tíchultz, assijíned to A. A. Gas Uo - 12 oo SW W. MUlard, printing 7 25 U. A. Beaï. prlnttng 94 37 Aiid ArtX)r Artic, pfiutlng 3a u; Uleu V iVllllli -'i;., i-S -- IJ 57 Jacob UailtM-. mu uiting gold dolljr... 5 15 Miiniic 'ïell.s, tpuiVrltlnK '.. 8 6U Miiv ;'.. !0 bMWHrl, " for ■ i: íi i 'y 7 2) Wi! iam r'irket, sei vioes tl WesY. iiicn: ri. u., telearupliiu"; .. i ;- ;. t' . S; :iüu:i . -. kt - and slguts 19 Tó K.-Mü.i & Quintan, services. . 15 o Johu ilaumgarlu'-r, relay lag walk.. 25 Ou A. rl ( -I ;: w. y .. . .. 7 iü Ililing bios. Je tveiard, bunddater : O) lni. . tevetisou. a-inedto tJ. Kiusey 12 00 J. ,1. vi iison, flxiux office doora . 1 v ■ .1. k. Poiüemue. hvery 2 00 -loiin ! Lawrence. [egsi services . 26 Uu Gixn V. Milis, clt.Tniri woi'k 10 OU J. Mauning. servioes 5 H. ü. feterson, expenses to Pt liaron il 9S Marcin Halier, nseof tabla 70 Aim Arbor Lteglster, printintr 70 Aun &r cor 'l'.-H. tileutne Co., lihting 562 59 .is. Kuhu, janltor work ._ 4 20 litakes & Hammond, irintiug 1. 81 10 Total $ ia.9 Xi SEWER FI'Sli. Ann Arbor Savings Bank, accounts assigned them: ('lint Bnjclor, labor 90 Oüarles Wiukler, " 1 50 Michael Williams, " 105 Mioliuci KuoCer, " .. 5 55 Micuaei Hessians, " H 60 George Healy, " 6 90 Michael Wil name, " 75 b'rank Henderson, " 7 50 William Kuoiin, " 90 Michael Williams, " 4 50 Utehaei Hessian, " 4 50 h'rauk llenderson, " 4 50 Fred Ulrich. " 4 50 Ed. Uarueit. " 4 50 Win. Wheeler, " 3 75 Frank Schulty, " 3 15 Cihrls. Jctter, " - li 00 Alben chwerman, " 8 70 PatHcCabe, " 4 35 ion Hutzel, " 60 Abram Voorheis, " 8t Chas. H. Spencer, " 5 25 GcorKe K. Key. salary 75 00 K. W. Groves, salary 74 50 Chas. A. Ward, inspectiou of plumbinpr 54 00 Öeorge Kischer, saiary... 16 35 I''rank Sutlierland, saliiry. 14 'ó ünfriuterinü Record, advertisiug 8 00 Mooie & Wotinore, suppliee 4 9U Nathau I. Üorbia, clerical work. 3 50 Ann Arhor Register, printing 1 4'i Aun Ai bot Water Co., flush tanks 193 48 Total 8 5;ï7 7.1 STRBET FÜND. barmer's and Mechanic's Bank, acoauuts anuined them : l'ru.k Miuiiy, labor 3 75 A. l'inkbinUer, d Ï5 Cliaries Bart, " 1 SO Mat Saviugtj liank, accounts assigned tht-m: Oeor-e Healy. labor 6 00 A. Kinktiinder, " 1 50 Niek Henderlong, " 150 Klias Haddier, " 15 00 -iiii Arbor Bavlngs liank, accounts ossiiraed them : Charles Winkler.labor 45 uilnt Snyder, " 18 (,0 Charles Wiakler. '■ 2 h: - Ichael Williams, ' 8 75 Suth i) ake, '■ 1 50 Michael (Custer, " l 35 Win. Knkercnauu, " -- 4 65 Paul Uichard. " v... 7ó Michael Hessian. " 10 20 William Wheeler, " 16 50 Mtchael Williams, " ia i Mii'liai-1 Kuster, " ia uc Kiouard Burns, " 12 CC Wui. tvnkeiuian, " 4 oi AlexanderSuulupe, .. .■ 75 Wm. Lamboni, " 375 Lhaiioa Wiukler, " 11 n Michael Kustor. " 6 00 Mieüael Hessian, " 3 30 Wiiliaiu Lamlxiin " -70 l'eier Menderiong, " 3 ou tieorge Healy, " 3 uo Miohael Williams, " 7X0 Frank Henuerlong-," IJ o William Kuehn. " l 7u Nick Henderlong, " 3 uü Leonard Bassett, salary (itt 66 W.J. KanUall, labor j (,0 (iustavus Walters, " 7 5u John l'hilhps, " 750 Jake Kies, " 7 60 Michael Kuster, " 450 l'atrick MuCabe, " _ 20 lu Joe Hutzel, " 16 33 Albert Sohwerman, 4" 14 7u Christian Jetter, " 22 05 Willis Clark, " 42 00 Abraiiaui Voorheis. " _ 54 ifl 1'ianK schulty, " 20 40 Wm. Wheeler, " -s j ÜU. Uarnett, " 150 Micliael Heary, " 25 50 Kiiwarn U'JSeil, " _ 2100 uilliam Lamborn, " 450 Zenas sweec, " la 50 liichaiM Burns, " 6 10 Chnsliau Larmey, " 3 Ou Georgu fiealey, '■ 4 50 John Holk. " 3 00 wuliaui lvuehn, " 4 50 .iolni Mcirthur, " 7 80 Louis schtiider, Bervices 1 75 James Donegan, " 185 üssllutfer Bros., " 3 81 Frank .sutherland, " 8 56 Ueorge H. Flscher, " 6 45 Ueortfe F. Ivey, salary 25 00 Ueorííe Kiru, services 22 42 Bd. Warner, labor 3 U0 Kenny & Quinlan, supplies 2 61 Aan Arlior Water Co., water for side walk. 22 66 Total $ 712 11 FIRE DBPARTMENT FUND Fred Sipley, salary i 60 00 C. A. Edwards, " öu OU W. H. McLaren, " 50 00 Max Whitilinger," 5 1 00 Albert West, " 50 00 Eugene Williams 45 uu Herman Kirn, ' 45 0 Samuel McLaren 34 84 Louis Hoelzle, " s in William Rettich, " 13 16 Edward Hoelzle, " 8 00 W. L. Schuierle, " 8 00 M. C. Kj-au, " 8 00 Mis. Keam, washiug... 5 00 J. F. Lawrence, feed 15 83 Heinzman& 4 05 M. Egan, horses 275 u0 G. W. Snow, horse hire 2 00 ' U.J. Mal loy, supplies.. 3 uo Total $ 734 88 ; PÓLICE STTND. M. C. Peterson, saiary.. $ SS CO ' [iavld Collins, salary 5U 00 Seuben Armbruster, salary. 50 Oa Georjii: Jsbell, salary 5U 00 : 1 John ü'Mara, salary, 40 OU ?. S. Bantield, salary 13 00 Kobert Leonard, aalary ]uo V S. Banfield, speoial pólice 6 00 M. O. Peterson. special pólice 4 U0 i LesterCanfleld.bpecial pólice 4 Ou i Kobert Leonard, special pólice 4 00 ; : M. C. Petersou, teiephoning 45 1 Total $ 2S3 45 I WATER FUND. Nathan D. Corbin, clerical work $ 16 30 Ann Arbor Water Co, mov'ghydraiit 46 45 Total 't 62 75 POOK FUND Fred. Sipley, salary ...$ 10 f'O E.C üradl'ord & Bro.wood 12 34 Fred. bipley. fre gilt on wood 11 56 H J. Brown, medicine... 135 Bach & Koath, supplies 42 Edward Duffy, (iroceries 3 00 Miss Efner, nurse 3 Ou John Eisele, groeeries 9 47 Mis Evans. aid.. 5 uO John ueotz, jr., grocenes 2 26 J. Geotz & Son, groceries 4 64 Martin Haller, cot 150 W. ii". Lodholz, kroceries 11 39 E.I Mason, livery 1 5U Wm. H. Mclntyre, srroceries 10 71 O'Hara & Boyle. groceries 8 W Blnsey & Seabolt, grocerles 11 8B O. Hlnsey, groceries 12 22 W. F. stlnigon. groceries 3 39 C. W. Voel, meat 83 C. Zuern, meat 50 ] Total t 125 86 OKMETERÏ BTJND. Mat Leapi'le, aervioeá $ 14 25 Newton i'Uicb, " 18 00 '■ Tutal J 32 25 ' liBCAPlïüljATIOK. Cuhtuiiniut Fund Ï1.208 32 ' -'".T F,, ml 557 73 ' Street l'un.l 712 11 tflre Finid. ;:si s1PollcoFucM 283 45 ' Water Fund - 62 Í5 1 loor Fuiiii í:í"j w ' Ceinetery Fund 32 25 ' Total 8 3,711 10 SUPPLKMENTAHV KEPOKT- CONTINGENT FUND. Charles H. Kline, services on Clark lnvestlgation $ 20 (Xi : Total 20 00 Eespectfully submitted, H. J. BROWN. KMMETT COON, t; H. OADif, Committee on Finance. ( Adopterl as follows : . Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Kooh, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettyman, Uoon, Butterfield, Cady. President Hiscock - 15. Nays - N on e. To the Common Council : Your committee on finance to whom was referred the matter of the amount of money on hand in the several funds and of the sum of money necessary to be raised f or the ordinary expenses of the city during the fiscal year of 1895 and 1896, would report that we fiud the balance on hand, June lst, 1895 : Contingent Fund $ 8,704.49 Sewer Fund 4,554.22 Street Fund 7i.". 79 Firemen's Fund 2,462.96 Pólice Fund 1,520.42 Poor Fuud 130. 98 Water Fnud 1,925.13 Cenietery Fnud 259. 36 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fuud 2,369.64 Soldiers Relief Fund 794. 90 University Aid Bond Fuud . . 840. 00 Dog Tax Fund 85.00 Total $24,418.91 Your oommittee has caused and here with submit the proper resolutiou vidiug for the levy of suoh sums of naoney by taxation. Respectfully sabmitted, H J. Brown, C. H. Cady, Emmett Coon, Cmmittee on Fin anee. Leave being granted the tollowing resolution was presented : By Aid. Brown : Resolved, that the sum of $30,000 be and the sanie is hereby appropriated and levied upon and assessed against the taxable property of the city of Ann Arbor for the several regular funds of the city for the fiscal year of 1895 and 1896 ; that the same be and is hereby apportioned to the several funds as follows : To the Street Fund, the sum of $8.500. To the Fire Department Fund the sum of $6,500. To the Pólice Fuud, the snm of $3,000. To the Poor Fuud, the sum of $2,500. To the Water Fund, the sum of $5,000. The balance and remainder thereof to the Contingent Fund, $4500. Second - Resolved, that the sum of $3, 360 be and the same is hereby appropriated and levied and assessed under and by virtue of the act of the legislature authorizing th. same for the purpose of paying the interest on and the installment of principal of the University Hospital aid bonds. Third - Whereas, it appears and is hereby determined that to enable the city of Ann Arbor during the year of 1895 and 1896 to keep and maintain in good order and repair the several bridges culverts and crosswalks in the city a sum of money in excess of the per cent. authorized to be raised under the authority granted by the charter is and will be necessary ; therefore, Resolved, that by virtue of the authority granted to this Council by general law of this state the sum of $5,000 be aud the same is hereby appropriated and levied and assessed on the taxable property aforesaid, for the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, for the purpose of keeping and maintaining in good order and repair the several bridges, culverts aud crosswiiiks in the city. Fourth, - Resolved, that the sum of $8,000 be and tlie same is hereby appropriated tö aud levied and ?ssessed for the Sewer fund for the purpose of the construction and mainteance of a system of sewers within the city. Fifth - Resolved, that the sum of $3,500 be and the same is hereby appropriated, levied and assessed under aud by virtue of the act of legislatura authorizing the same for the purposo of paying the interest on and the installmeut of principal of the Main sewer bonds. Sixth - Resolved, that and it is hereby ordered that the several sums of nioiiey aforesaid be assessed on and upon the taxable property of the city of Anu Arbor, and spread on the tax roll of said city for the year of 1895 and for the fiscal year of 1895 and 1896, for the several pui-poses aforesaid ; that all the several sums of money aforesaid be assessed, levied and collected, paid into the city treasury the several purposes and on account of the several funds aforesaid. Resolved, further, that the city clerk do certify the aforesaid resolutions of appropriations and ast-i;.ssments to the city assessor, and that wben certified, the city assessor do spread the soveral sums oí money aforesaid on the c;:x roll of the city of Ann Arbor for the year 1895 and assess the sumo agaiiist the taxable property of the said city as the same lias been set dowu in and assessed on the said city tax roll, aad against i the owners of said property pursuant j to law. Aid. Ferguson moved that $500 bé added to the water fund making that j fund $5,500. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard,Allmeudinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, . Prettyman, Coon, Butterfield, Cady, President Hiscock - 15. Nays - Noue. The resolution as amended prevailed as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard,Allmendinger, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Browii, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, Prettymau, Cooii, Butterfield, Cady, President Hiscock - 15. Nays - None. To the Conimon Couucil : X"our committee on fluance to whoin was referred the reeominendation of the Soldier's Relief Oommission would respecfcfully report that they ooncur in the i reoommendation. Respectfully submitted, H. J. Brown, C. H. Cady, Emmett Coon, Committee on Fi nance. ; Adopted as foliows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard.Allmendinger, Kooh, Snyder, Laubengayer, ' Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford, ! Prettymau, Coon, Butterfield, Cndy, President Hiscock--15 Nays - None. To the Conimon Council : Your Committee m Fiuauce to wliom was referred the several bids for tlie ' ■ity niouej' daring the fiscal year next would recMDitueuil t luit the contract be awarded tn the Stare Ravings Bank, said bank h a ving the highest bid on daily balances. KeHpectfully submitted, H. .). Bkowk, C: H. Cady, Emmett Coon, Coimnittee on Fin anee. Adoptcil a. 'ollowa : Yea8- Alcl. Moore. Maynard. Alluiendinger, Koch, Snyder, LauberjfrHyer, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadfoi-d, Prettyinan, Uoon, Bntterfleld, Oudy, Pres. Hiscock - 15. Nays - None. STREETS. ïo the Conimon Council : Your Committee u Streets to whom was referred the petition ank ing for tlie Mrading of the al ley eaét of Main X. hetween Catlieriuc and Kingsley would lecomniend that ifijft he appropriated f min tlic.sin'et fund for .-sni;)i jjrading. Kenpfcifiilly ttubmitted, W.M.i'IOK Í.. ÏAVJ.OK, H. G. Pkettyma.w O. I'.. líUTTEHI-lUi.I), A. 1. Kergusox, C. .1. SXYDER, i). F. AiiLMKNDISGJSR, (iEO. Ij. MOORK, Oommittee uu Sireetii A ::; il as ïollows : Veas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Alluiundiuger, Koch, .Snyder, Luubenjiuyer, liiown, Ferguson, Taylor, Sliadlurd, l'rettyman, Ooou, Butterüeld, Cadv, Pres. Hiscock- 15. -Vays - Xoae. To the Common ('ouncil : Your Committee on Sidewalks to whom was referred the coninmnication Erom the Board of Public Works relative to the CrosswalkB ordered built across Ashlej' on the north side of Liberty and across Second on the south side of Liberty, would report that they consider cement walks at these places as perfectly safe if propcrly built and your coininittee recouimc-nd that the same be constructed as ordeiPd. Respectfully submitted, Emmrtt Coon, C. H. Cady, W. M. SlfADFORD, II. J. BkOWN, J. Lapbbngayék, John Koch, C. A. Maynahb, Committee on Sidewalks. Adopted as folluvvs. Yeas - Aid. Moure, Maynard, Allinendinger, Koeh, Snyder, Lauljengaver, Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadförd, Prettymau, Coon, Butterfleld, Cady, Pres. Hiscock - 15. Nays - Xone. Tn the Common Council : YourCoinmittee ah Str'eeta would recoinmeud that the (,'itv Attoiney be direcled tu deterniiiit' the rights of the city in fluit portiori of Miner street betweeu K'.-ich mul fliscoek Kespectfnli y bubmitted, Wai.tkr L. Taylok, H. G. Pretïymax. O. R. BUTTKRFIKI.D, A. P. Fergusox, (-. J. SNYUEU, 1). !■'. Allmjcsdingek, GliO. L. MOOKK, Coiuniittee on Streets. Ad..p(.,l. To the Comoion Cuilncil : Your Committee on Sidewalks recommend that. the Boaid of Works be instrncted to bnild" brick ciOsswalks as follous : Across Fonrth iiveime North on the 3outh si. Ie of A nn v'st. Acr'!-s state Noitli u the sontli sirte if Lawi'feiire. k&S SS on the south .f HuronWeithley " Ü'e Dorth -. of And further, tliat the Board k Acrosa Traver on „ortheast silte o{ Across Fourth avenue nrtl, from A. M. E. Chureh rth acr0S8 Sottí088 Madis" West side of Ahle, Respeetfully Btibmitted Emmktt Coon, C. H. Cadv, W. M. Shadfohd, ir. J. Brown, J. Lavbbkoayer John Kocu, C. A. May.n-ard. Couiuiittee on Sidewll i-dupted !ts follows: Yeas-Ald Moore. Maynard, Allmendingér, Koch, Snyder, Laulöengayer Pro'vn, Ferguson, Taylor, Sh.ifUorrt' IJrettyman, Coon, Butterfipld,' Pres. Hiscock- i5. y X;iys - Xone. SIDKW M.KS. ïo the Commoii Council : Yotir Commïttee on Sidewalks Imve (Mtised to lie prepared and lierewitli submii tiie proper reaolutions chamán nn.l establisbmg tlie eidewalk grades oñ the nurthwest and southeast sides of Beakes street between Fifth avenue North and Summit Kast. Respeetfully subïaitted, Ehmett Coon, C. H. Cady, W. M. SlIAIMOKl), J. Laubengayek, John Keen, C. A. Maynard, H. J. Brown. Committee on Sidewalks. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmendinger, Koeh, Snyder," Laubengayer Brown, Ferguson, Taylor, Shadford! Prettyutiau, Coon, Buttertield, Cadv Pres. Hiscock - 15. " ' Nays - None. Leave being granted. the following resulutious were presen ted : By Aid. Coon : Wiieiïeas, in the opinión of theCouacil the grade of the sidewalk on the northwest side of Beakes street ouglit Conti aued oa Piige Four.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News