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WALL PAPER: WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Desiga s PRICES THE LOWEST AT OSCAR 0. SORG TUE DECOR ATOR, 7O JMLIIST ST. CASI I OBTATN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinión, wrtte to MBNN & CO., who have had nearlyflfty years' experlence In the patent business. Commnnlcations strictly confldentlal. A Hnndbook of Information concerninK Patent and how to obtaln tbem sent f ree. Also a catalogue of mechan. ical and scientiflo books sent free. Patenta taken tbrouch Munn & Co. recelve ipecial notlcein the Srienliiic American, and tnns are broupht widely before the public withCnt cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, lamed weekly, elesantly illnstrated, has by far the lsrpest circulatlon of any scientiflc work In the world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Bnildlng Edition, monthly, ÍÍ50 a year. Single copies, Ü5 cents, Kvery number contains beautífnl plates, in colore, and photograptas of new bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the tetest deslsms and secure contracts. Address MUNN L CO., New York, 361 Bboadway. CQ o-g M II t g 11 . 1 m f S fi] 33 Sa h f! & I I 5 Si 4 i 1 S 3 I 0 ; í ö p Sm. I ! 3 5 H 1 "i r_l 3 íH 3 O m R h - ö g 1? S 1 1 f ! SS I I I ! I EWIS; 98 % LYE UflKP (PATENTED) L ThBtronieandparetr.y9 ■ KA mads. Unllke other Lye, lt being ■A Ualae powder and paciei Ín a can ■■Uwwlth reinovable lid, tbe contenta H B are always ready for use. Win mate the bet perfamed Hard Soap W Ín 20 minutes nlthout bullí nur. M It Is the bet for cleansüig waste n pipes, dlslnfectlng sinks, closet4L washlng boules, patata, trees, etc. .áfct PEHHA. SALT M'FB C0. ■BI Creo. A4fM., Puto., l'a. . E. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law and Pension Claim Attornsr, MILÁN, MICH. Oonveyancing1 and Colloctioas AHEAD OF ALL MAGAZINES IIUs country feas gsew. - Albany Argus. ÍN THE North American Review are always found The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time. The North Asierran Review is recognized on botli sidt-s of tlie Atlantic as the foremost Review in the 1 glish language, and no expenditure is spared in maintaining it in its led position. The Review is the mnutliuiece of j the men and women who knovv most about the great topics on which j icans require and desiretobeinformed from mouth to moiitl). lts list ot' contributois forma a roll of the representative men and women of the age. Subjects that concern the interest of AMERICAN WOMEN receive constant and special attention. Among topics recently discussed are: "Women Suflrage in Practlce"; "l'he KeDalaanceof Woman"j "Woman ín Politics": "The New Aspect of the Woman Question, iind "The Modern Qlrl," by theauthorof "The Heayenly Twins": "The Future ol Marriage": "Bvils of Early MarH;iges"; ''Tlie Servant Girlof the Future"; "The Financial Dependeneeol' Women"; 'Ïrades-Unioiis for women"; 'TheLackof Good Servants": American Lite and Physical Deterioiation": 'Uood and Bad Mothers"; "The Tyranny of the Kltehen"; "The Amateur Nurse": MarkTwain's Defenseof Harriei Shellv etc., etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Review will publish in 12chapters, beginning with the January number, the Personal Hlstory of the Second Empire, a historical work of ansurdasscd import niee, which will throw a flood of new hrht urau the chequered career of Napoleon III , and the influences wbich ld to the caliapseof hi Empire in the trisantic ptruffifle with United Germany, under Wilhelm I. and I is Iron Chancellor. It isas fascinatintr as a romance, Ijeiiiu' richlyanecdotul and fuil of inl jrmution drawii from eourcea hltherto inaecessible, presenttíd In the eraphio and vivaeious style which "The Englishuian in Paris," by the same author, has made familiar to thousands of readers. 50 Cents a Copy; $5.00 a Tear. The North A.mencan "Review. 3 Kst .i4t!i St., 7ew York.


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