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EISENBARTH LIVER PILLS Will stimuiate a slugfjkh s, stem int healüiy sciion. MANN'S DRUG STORE 39 S. Main !r treut. EIWHITr OKAY The Best for !: I'urposes, MANN BROS;, Druggists, 30 8. Main St.1 - TANN ARBOR. LKE? " e 3Rm I you money, get you hlghest market I I price, and make you prompt and f uil I ■ returns on your W '5?m Our exporlonee of 29 years Isirorth HftS JW something to you, our roliabllity also, D# QI Aüfc Chicago Bankera or Mercantile WJ ■lI Houses about na. Sacies free to HkK ■ fthippars. Write for "Wool Letter." Silberman Brothers 305-14 Michigan St., gjf 1 CnltAdO, ILL. jlteH PALACE STEAMERS. LOW RATES. TOMACKINAC # PE OSKEY # CHICAGO # Four Trips per Week Between Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac Pktoskey, tuk "Soo," Marqüette AND DUIjUTH. EVERY EVENING BKTWEEN Detroit and Cleveland Oonneotlng with Earlleit Tiains at Cleveland for all points East, South ind Southwest Sunday Tripf, June, .luly, August and September ünly. 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers Have just been built for our Upper Lak& Route, coetjnK tatiO,OUU each. Send for Ulustratcduamphlet. Address, A. . SCHANTZ, S. f. .. O1TBOIT, MIOM. The Dttroit & Cleveland Steam Navigatiiui Company. LAND PLASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAINTILE. LOUIS ROÏÏDE, Main Office- 36 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. Michigan (Tentral " Ihe Niágara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Takiny Effect May 19, 1S95. GOING EAST. Atlantic Express 7 47 a. m. Detroit NightEx ...5 40 Grand Kapids Ex 11 05 M;iil and Express 3 50 p. m. N. Y. & Boston Sp'l 5 00 FastEastern 10 12 GOING WEST. Boston, N. Y. & Oh 7 3tfa.m.Muil & Express - 8 43 North Shore Limited 9 25 Kast Western Ex 2 00 p. m. G. K. & Kal. Ex 5 57 Chicago Night Ex 10 28 Paciflc Express 12 15 o.w.i me, .}. .. ... uit maa o. Ag't Aiui rbur CDEÜ! MME. A. RKPPERT'S rfllX FACE BLEACH ,-r- MME. A, RUPPERT .-o y íÍk saya: I uypreciatethefaoO rw' - jjJtv tlmt tbere ni e nrnny thouf mfLr.JciMr' fifi Bandsof líi(lícsiTith''Dnltel TjHKSMyaKaM &tatesth;ifiviuild liket try TTMfi my Worltl-lïcnüwned Face -3a&Kl tKS Bi-KAcn: but have beea jSmTm ""' yj kopt from doin so on acflHL L A countof prir-c.v hkhisS2,0O 2 perbcttleor;íb(.tLlt--( &m3SHC - WÊÈ toether, 8.V00. Ii; CJSÍVi i nL that uil of thc-se mnyliavo V!SS aT1 opportatïltj ,1 itl give Sj w" to every c:t!k-r, absoltttelï 3t free. a pumplo bottle, anfZ World. Iwillsend Itsafely packedin piala wrapper tUlchiirResprcpaid, for 25 cents, si I ver urtriinp-" ín every case of freckle, pimples. moUi, sallownesSíblackbeü'lsene.eczeiria.íiilincr.s.rontíh- ness,or any discoloration or disense of tho si ui and wrfnkles (not caused by facial expn FACB ÜLKACHroraoves absolutely. It cïik's nol cover up, as cosmetica do, but is a cure. Addres& HÁDAME A. KTJFPERT,(Hppt.O.) No. 6 Eastl4th St., NEW YORK CITY. A. MAC LACHL.AN, M. D. Digeases of the EYK, EAlt, NOSE aud THROAT Office, cor. of Main and Washington Ptreets. Kesidence. 14 S. Stnte Street. Resldenoe telephone, No. V. OfHce telephone No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. mTHE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine. (Theonly Art 1'iTiodiO'il awarded a Modal at tho WorW's Fair.) fnvalua'jle to nlí who wish to muke llu Irltotng by: art or to mnke tlicir homes beautiful Fap Iflp wewili send to any ono rUI l mcntioning ihis I I ]A tlon a specimen copy, wilh auperb XVW coló' pintes (forcopying or framing) and Bsupplementary pages of desiKns (regular prico35o. Or FOR '5C we will send alsc '"IalntmK for Hesfiniier" (M pages) HOMTAGITE MARKS, S Union


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