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I you money, get you higfaest market I I price, and make you proinpt and íull I "53 -ur eperience of 29 yeara 13 worth SaOlM IkSn somethinKto yon, our reliabillty eüso. Ba ■lNM Ask Chicago Bankers or Mereantile KJH BJfl Hmisei abuut us. Kacks free to BuimJ I ehippers. Write for "Wool Letter." Silberman Brothers, a YOÜR QÜÏIH& 60 TO PICTDBESP [ïlMflC ISLHKD. ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKS R1DK AT 8MALL EXPENSE. "Visit this Historical Island, which is the grandest summer resort on the Greal Lakes. It ouly costs about $13 frotn Detroit; f 15 from Toledo; $18 f rom Cleveland, for the round trip, including meáis and bertas. Avoid the heat and flost by traveling on the D. & C. floating palaces. Tlie attractions of a trip to the Mackinac región are unsurpassed. The island itself is a grand romantic 8pot, iti dimate most invigorating. Two new 3teel passenger ster.mers hnve just been built for the upper lakc route, cosiina 30O,000 each. Thcy .irc cquipped witb every modern cr.ueiiiciice. aimuutiators bath rooms, etc, üluminated thrnughoul by electricity, and aio guaranteed to bt the grandest, largnst sifest steamen on frcslj water. These stsamers favorubly compare with the creat orean liners in coiï struction uncí speed. Four trips per weel) between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, 8t. IiTüncp, Pf.'t.oskcy, Chicago, "'Soo,' Marquette and Duluth. , Daily between Clewla-id ar 1 Detroit nnd Ck'vrland nmi Pct-iii-1?:1! ,-, Thu pula' inl equipmt-nt inake-i travelinff on ihose stciirners 1 i o ronghly enjoyiibli1. fcL':nl fir illustrated desfriniivt' nnni'ihlct.. Addresa A 'X 8cn n :. . L ?: C, Dvtrit, Miei IV ortgaf?e Sale. II BREAS DEFA.ULT HAS BKEN M DE in the payment of the money secnred by ft morteage diited the lMth dy of August, in the year 18BÍ, executed by John Apeare of North Hurtlanri. Niágara County. Otate of New York, a farmer and un'married, of the flrst part, 10 Seth G. Rowley and Get.rge W. Eddy of Middleport. in said couniy. of the second. part, whlch said rnortage w re coided 'n th" "ffice of the Ro(r)tcr of Peeds of thP Oountyof Wjiütentw. in libor 7 pj inortgiiyi'o. o'n pxe 411ÍI, Olí the 16tU llfty 01 AU(rUst; lH'i2. ut soVlock a. m. And ttlierénfi, tlic nuiount elaimed to be düö on saiii raOftjfnue is the sum of nlno hundred and one and tttVnly nüe hundredtbs dollars (Ï001 20 of principa! alld Interest, and1 the fnrthersuinof twenty-flve dollftfs as fin af torn ey fee. sgreeable to the statute ni iicli caso made ;md provided, and which is the whoie amonnt rlaimed to he dne and nnpaid on saíá mo tgage, and nosu t. or proceeain haring been linstituted at law to recover the debt DOW rcniaiiiiiiir seeured liy said mortgiise.or any part thereof, whereliy the power of sale oontained in said mortgage has beeomo operative. Now, therefore, notice is hereby ?iven, that liy virtue of the Fairt power of sale, and in puTBuanceof the statnie in suoh case made and provided, the said niortgaj;e will be foreelosi'd by a Bale of said premisos therein depcrlóed at public auction to the hirliest bidderj at the west front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in said oountyof fVashtenaw, (that being the place of holding the circuit oourt for saM county,) on the 27th day of Auinst. A. D. 1805. at ten o'oloek in the forenoon of that day, whlcfa said premises are descritterl iii said mortcaffe as follows, to-wit: All theestate, ripht. title. and interest of the said Bpeare (it belng i he one-half thereof suhjcct ro the lite estáte of Hannah Uoyce) of in and to all that tract or pari-el of land, pituate in the Township of Superior, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, deserfhed as follows: Commenotng al Die southwest corner of Sec. 'M in Townshipof Superior, runninji thence north along the west hounriary line of t(ec. 31, elght chaina and flfty links: thence north twentj -three degree8 and forty minutti.s east forty-four chaina; thence north fifty-slx and one-fourth derrees, east twenty-three chains and flfty links to the nortli aud south quarter line to a stafce trom whicli a white oak, 2t Inohee in diameter, stands nortli lourteen dejirees, east flfty-four links and a white oak, 26 incbes in diameter, stands north twenty-one and one-half desrees east twenty-three links; thence soutb forty degrees, east sixty chains and sixty links to a quaiter stake on the south line of thesection; thence west two degrees, south alonar the south line of the township aforesaid, thirty-eight chains and flftysix links to the place of beinninsr, contalninr one liundred aud sixtr-one acres of land, mare or less, exceptinif and reservinir a strip of land twenty-one rods wide alons the whole lenif th of the east side of said land. Dated this 31st day of May, A. D.. 1895. SETH G HOWLKY, GEORGE W. T5DDV. Lehman Bros., Mortgagees. Attorneys for MortRagees. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY " nf Wnshtennw. The uinlersisírpri !.ivine '■ been jppointed by the Probate Court for aaid I (,'ouuty, coininiR-sioners to receive, e:imine and I luljust all claims uud deinands iif all pt-raons ' iL;iiudt ihe fblutt; of Wiltiam R. Tuomy !ate uf ! Prtid county, cJerenKed, hereliy give notioe that ix inontlis from dute re allowed, by order of sftid Trohate f'ourt, tor creditorslo present their claims ■.lyainst the eatate of said (Pceased, and that they u-ill meet at the Probate Court Room, in the City of Ann Arhor, in said county, oi Esalurday, the 17th day of August, and ou Aionday, the 18th riay of November next, at ten o'clock a. m. "teiicli ofauid dny to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated May I7U1, 1885. RICHARD SM1TH. KHEDKKICK FltGEL, Commissioners. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O "f Washtenaw, s. Notice is hereby given, tbutbyan order of the Probate (Jourt for the County of Wnshtenaw, made on the 27th day of Muy. A. D. 1896, six munths from that date were allowed for creditord to present their claims against the estáte of Augustine Sage. late of gaid county. deceased, and that all creditors c said deceased are ïequireato present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, forexaminaiion and allowance. on or before the 27th day of November next, and that such cliiinis will bo henrd before Said Court on the 27H1 dar of August, and on the a7tb day of November uext, al ten o'clock in the toxe noon of each of said days. Dated Aan Arbor, May 17, A. D. 1895. J.WI1,T(ART BABHITT, ludtceof Probai.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News