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Council Proceedings

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CouKciii Chambeb, Ann Arbor, June 24th, 1895 Adjourned session. President Hiscock being al)sent the council was rulled to order by (jlen V Mills, City Clerk. Roll called - Quorum present. Absent, Aid. Moore, Allmendinger, Ferguson, Taylor, Prettyman, Pres. Hiscock. On mol iou of Aid. Broun Aid. Butterfield was chösen 'resident pro tem. COMMUNICATIONS. To the Honorable Cornalón Council ol the City of Ann Arbnr: Gentlemen- We hav io-day receiveo dval't from Herwal Mutzel, lalnncing his account. Very truly youra, Jackson Fire Cliiy, S. P. & T. Co. Per W. R. S. Receivod and placed on file. To the Honorable Common Council : The undersirned respectfully recomnienils that the street commissiouer temporaly repair the bridge on Beakes street over the M. C. R. H. tracks by placinj; a tier or row, without nailinir, of 3x10x16 hemlock plank over the plarrking uow there and to be placed at rifiht angles to the center line and directly over the center chord of waid bridge uud then remove th-e barriera now existing to the end, thatsaid bridge may be made use of while negotiations are pending for its reconstruction. Respectfully submitted, A. M. Cl.AKK, President Board of Public Works. Aid. Brown moved tliat the communication be accepted aud the recoinmendation concured in by the council. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Koch, Snyder, Laubensayer, Brown, Shadford, Coou, Butterfield, Cady- 9. Nays- None. Aid. Moore and Taylor entered. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. City ïreasurer's Oflice. To the Coimuon Council of the City of Ann Arhor: Gentlemen : In compÜHiice v i 1 1 1 an ordinance entitlfd an ordimuicc relative to ewers, pruviding for the construction of n syatein of lateral and couductin; sevveris ín the City of Anti Arbor, uould must respectfully report that there md impaid June 17, 1895, on iii.sUillment on lateral sevver No. 1, thesumof - - - - $593.28% No. 2, " " ".---. 1253.00 Making a total of - - $1846.293t All of vvhich is most. respectfully submitted. C. H. Manly, City ïreasurer. By Alderman Brown: Resolved, That the Common Council herehy certiries to tb o City Assessor that there is due and unpaid lateral sevver taxes to the amount of $593.29 in Dist. No. 1, and $1253.001._ in Dist. No. 2 according to the detailed report of thé city taxes which is lieieby made a part of this certification, aud the City Assessor is hereby directed to spread tlij same upon his rolls aloug with the othe,r city taxes. YeasAld. Moore, Maynard, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Taylor, Sliadford, Coon, Butterfield, Cad}r - 11: Nays - None. KEPORT OF STANDIXG CO.MMITTÉES. S1DEWALKS. To the Common Council, Your Committee onSidewalks would report that the tree located in the sidewïilk on Gott Street be ordered removed by this council. Your Committee further recomtuends that Dr. Lombard and Mrs. Day be allowed to lay sidewald on Oxford Street on the outside of the trees and to curve the walk at the angle in the street. Respectfully submitted, Emmett Coon, C. H. Cady, V. M. Shadford,. J. Laubengayer, John K-och, C. A. Mayiiard, H. J. Brown. CoTnuiittee on Sidewalka. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Kocli, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Coon, Butterfield, Oady- 10. Nays - None. Aid. Moore excused. To the Commoii Council : Your Comtnittee on Sidewalks recoininend tliat the grades of the following streets be changed and established : On the south side of Washington between División and State. On the south side of Huron between Third and Seventh. Your Committee herewith submits the following resolutions establishing sueh grades. Eespectfully submitted, EmmettCoon, C. H. Cady, W.M. yhiuiford, H. J. Bm'wn, J. Lauhenjiaycr. John Koch, C. A. Mayuard. Couimittee on SMowalks. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Bvown, Taylor, Shadford, Coon, Butterfield, Cady- 10. Nays- None. Leave being granted the following repolutious were presented: By Aid. Coon : WiiKitEAS, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the soutli side of Washington street ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be suitable lor public travel. Therefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the soutli side of Washington street from east line of División street to the west line of State street be, and the saini' is hereby changed, fixed and e8tablished, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At the south-east corner of División and Washington st. 860.60 ft At 100 ft. east of the east corner of División and Washington st 8(2.00 f At 200 ft. east of the sontheast corner of División and Washington st. 804.60 f At 500 ft. ef t of the southeast uorner of División and Washington st.-J 'J-LU (S68.70 f At the west corner of State and Washington st. 871 .36 f the eleyation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade linea to consist of straight lines between the several points r stations above stated Adupted as follows : Yeis - Aid. Maynard, Koch, Snyder Lanbengayer, Brown, Taylor, Shadford Coon, Butterfield, Cady- 10. Nnys- None. By Aid. Coon: Whereas, in the opinión of the Conn cil the grade of tlie sidewalk on tin sontli side of W. Huron street ought u bechanged and fixed and established,t( the rad thatsm-h street may be uitable for public travel. Therefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk "on and along the south side of V. Huron street from east line of Seventh Street to the west line of Third street be, and the satne is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaic hall be as follows, that is to say : At the east line of Seventh st. 838.50 ft At 50 ft. easterly from the east line-of Seventh st 838.50 ft At 130 ft.easterly from the east line of Seventh st 837.00 ft At 250 ft. easterly from the east line of Seventh st 834.50 ft At 420 ft. easterly from the east line of Seventh st - . 827.00 ft At 550 ft. easterly from the east line of Seventh st 824.50 ft At 710 ft. easterly from the east line of Seventh st .- 821.00 ft At 785 ft. easterly from the east line of Seventh st 818.00 ft At 935 ft. easterly from the east line of Seventh st - 809.10 ft At 1000 ft. easterly from the east line of Seventh st 806.10 ft At 1100 ft. easterly from the east line of Seventh st 800.80 ft At 1200 ft. easterlv from the east line oí Seveuth st 798.00 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the centei line of sticli walk, and tlie grade Hites to consiwt of straight lines between the several luiintR stations above stated. Adopted as ïollows : Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Koeli, Snyiler, Laubengav it, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Coon, Butnriield, Cady- 10. Nays- None. BOXDS. To the Comnion Council : Youv Committee on Bonds vvould recoinmend the approval of the boud ot the State Savings Bank with Jolin Heiuzman, Jesse Booth, James L. Babcock and others as surities. Respectfully submitted, O. E.'Butterfleld, W. J.. Taylor, Committee on Bonds. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Maynard, Koch, Snyder, Laubeugayer, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Coon, Butterfleld, Cady- 10. Nays - None. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Bonds vvould respectfully report that they have considered the following plumbers' bonds, and would recommend tlieir approval : Kenny '& Quinlan with Gottlob Luick and Add Colburn as sureties, and Hall & Woodman, of Ypsilanti, with C. R.. Whitman and Huldah L. Richards a sureties. W. L. Taylor, O. E. Butterfield, Committe on Bonds. Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Coon, Butterfield, Cady -10. Nays - None. RESOLÜTIONS. By Aid. Brown: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works is hereby directed to defer advertising for bids for thé recoristruction of the bridge over the M. C. R. K. until further notice from the Council. Lost. 4 By Aid. Brown : Resolved, Thos. A. Bogle, Ksq., is herebv directed to take charge of the case now pending in the circuit court against the M. C. R. R. Co. in regard to the bridge over said Co. 's tracks on 3eakes street. Aid. Coon moved that the resolution e referred to the City Attorney. Lost as follows : Yeas - Aid. Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Coon--4. Nays - Aid. Maynard, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Butterfield, Cadv- 6. Aid. Taylor moved that the matter be aid on the table one week. Adopted. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to furnish to this Council at his earliest convenience a oroper grade for Beakes street and Jroaduay .street from the junction of i5eakes streetand Detroit street, to Wall street. Adopted. By Aid. Maynard : Resolved, That State street west of the campus, also a portion of North University avenne, be sprinkled on Tuesday, June 26th or (to-morrow), under the personal direction of the Chief of the Fire Department. Adopted. By Aid. Laubengayer : Resolved, That Supt. of the Poor Sipley be and he is hereby authorized to contract for the purchase of not more than 500 cords of wood at the lowest price obtainable. Yeas - Aid. Maynard, Koch, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown, Taylor, Shadford, Coon, Butterfield, Cady- 10. Nays- None. On motion the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


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