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thiscoimtrn has seen.- Albany Argus. IN THE North American Review are always fonml The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time The North American Keview is recognized on both sicïes of the Atlantic as tbe foremost Review in the English language, and no expendituie is spaved in maintaining it in its unrivalled position. The Review is the mouthpieee ot the men and women who know most about the great topics on which Americana require and desiretobeinfomied from mouth to mouth. lts list of contributors forms a roll of the representative men and women of the age. Subjects that concern the interest of AMERICAN WOMEN receive constant and special attention. Among topics recently discussed are: "Women Suffraiie in Prafctice"; "The Eenaisanceof Woman"; "Woman in Politics ; "The New Aspect of the Woman Questloo. and "The Modern Girl," by theauthorot 'The Heavenly Twins": "The F utureof Man-lage ; "Bvils of Early Marriages"; "The Bervant Girl of the Fature"; "The Financial Depenoenee of Women": "Trades-UnionB tor women"; "The Laek of Good Servante": 'Amert can Life and Phy-ical Deterioration" ; god and Bad Mothers": "The Tyranny of theh.itchen"; "The Amateur Nurse": MarkTwiun s Defense of Harriet tílielly etc., etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Kevikw wili publish In 12 chacters, tieg-innini; wíl h the January aumber, the Personal HIstory of the Second Empire, a hlatorioal work of ánsuráassed impori aneé, whic-h wlll throw a llotid of new lig-btupon the chequered career of Napoleon III , and the influeiu'cs whioh led to the callapeeof his Empire in the (rigantic strugg-le with united &ermanv under Wilhelm I. and his Iron Chancellor. It is as fascioating as a romance, beíng riehly antodotul and f uil of inf )rmatlon drawn from sources hlthurto inaecessible, presentea in the üraphic and vlvacious style whicn "The Eng-lishman ín Paris," by the same author, has made familiar to thousaods of readers. 50 Cents a Copy ; $5.00 a Tear. TheNortb American Review, 3 Kast;i4tU 8t., Ne-w ïorh.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News