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Johu Avery, of Salino, recently lost a viluable cow. She was valned at $200 Villiam Wanty's house at Milan burned this week. It was oocoupied by F. Woodmansee. H. E. Johnson, of Ypsilanti, has been elected superintendent of the Union City schools. There were forty applicants. Mnoh wheat, is being threshed in the vicinity of Milan, and the yield is surpassing expectations. Many fields average 20 bushels to the acre. Score one more for the Grass Lake News man. He is authority for the statement that a mammoth elk's hora teu in circumferene, bas been found thereabouts. Peter Cavandar, of Munith, and Miss Margaret Hankerd, of Chelsea, were married on July 9th by Rev. W. P. Considine, of Chelsea. The happy couple will reside in Munith. W. Bates, of Grass Lake, dropped fifteen f eet to a platform in a dry mili. The board broke, filling him as full of slivers as a porcupine. He was flshed up, and has signed the pledge never to take another drop - like that. - Evening News. A little two year oíd daughter of Harry Camp, of Ypsilanti, feil iuto au uuused well fhirty feefc deep on Wednesday. Worknieu saw the accident aud rescued her. The extent of her injuries are uot fully known, as they are intern al. The Saline Observer gave the hustling business men of that town a write up last week. It was done in good style and shows that the needs of the good people of Saline are weli looked after by a number of first class and strong business houses. Miss Bessie L. Mead, of Milan, and Robert Maxwell, of Kalkaska.were married by the Rev. J.Ward Stone last week Wednesday. They departed on the 4 :i% train for Detroit from whence they went to Petoskey by boat and theuce to Kalkaska, their home. Newell B. Perkins, of Ypsilauti, proposes to try nis hand as a landlord. He has pnrchasefí the Southern Michigan hotel at Coldwater for the snug sum of 30,000. He will give the Coldwater people and the traveling public first-class accommodations. He kuows how. Ypsilanti is seeking a new water supply. They have one new well with a capaity of 15,000 barrels per day aud they now propose to try once more, wheu if they meet with like success they claim they will have all the water that will be needed to supply the demands of the city. Acording (o the Clinton Local Anna MoMaster, forinerly of that place, was soon to have boen rnarried to one C. G. Cady, of Pinckney. But he 'took advantage of his opportunity, the mean old thing, before it was everlastingly too late, and eloped with Miss Etta Rice, of Pinckney. Maggie Smith, of Ypsilanti, attenipted to conimit suicide at Ypsilanti Wednesay by the laudanum route. The cause leading to the desperate act is supposed to be shame on account of her mother's drinking habits. Medical assistance was secured in time to save the young wornan's life. Revs. Andrus, Blackford, Browu, Hudson, Hogeman and Vorner, of Te cumseh, are all away enjoying their vacations. In the meantime his satanic majesty is getting in his work in great shape. Were it not for Editors Stacy and Field the place would no doubt fall back into utter moral turpifrude. Tbe city marshal is af ter the saloon keepers for violaton of city ordinances regulating their business. And the preachers are after the marshal, and propose to make it "hot. " "Between the devil and the deep sea!" Perhaps he will consider that he had better "take to the woods " - Ypsilanti Commercial. A Clinton young woman, named Miss Kit Van Tuyle, not being pleased with her face as nature left it, used what she supposed to be glycerine to remove blotches. The liquid proved to be carbolic acid. She is not so good looking now as before the attempted improvement Heroic effort on the part of friends prevented her disflgurement for life. J. J. Orr, of Tecumseh, had a large, good natured, beautiful St. Beruard dog ■which he valued very highly on account of his kindly dispositon and his friendliness with ohildren. Recently söino low cuss gave the dog poison,wnich terminated its mundane existeuce and sent its soul to the dog heaven. It was a most intelligent animal and John had been olfered SJ1125 for him. , While workmen were engaged ia excavating at the Stove Works this week they came upon a piece of masonry about twelve f eet long, six f eet high aud ftve feet thick. The wall was torn down, and entombed ia it was a skeleton, portions of which reseiuble that of u human being. There is considerable speralation as to who made the tonib, ;ind how long it has been built - Clielsea HeTald. A youug oouple froni Anu Arbor aroused Jnstice Webb froin a sonnd sleep Tuesda.v night.and presented proper predentials, asked,tp be made husbaud and wife. His honor rose to the occasion, tied the knot, congratulated the groom, kissed the bride, (that is we suppose he did) pooketed the fee I and sent thera off "for bettex or for ' aud we all trust for the better. - Siline Observer. Por the past two weeks we have noticed soniethiup; abuut the appearance of the Chelsea Standard that was uot qtiite natural, bnt as our sight is not the best were unable to teil what had happened to our neighbor. However, on applying the measuring stick to it we discovered that it had been taking on a little more size. It is now a six column quarto and a flrst class local paper. The Argus extends its blessing aud is pleaserï with this latest evidence of the Stauard's prosperity.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News