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John Harris, of Ypsilanti, coloied, and the small pox patiënt who scared the good people of that city, has been arrested for adultery on comlaint of George Bryant, who charges Harris with living with Mrs. Bryant. Maggie Smith, a young Ypsilanti girl, being discouraged with life, atteinpted to end it with laudunum last week. She did not succeed. The Fowler Sunday school in Superior is taking up special subjects for Sunday work. Fred Wyman, of Dexter, is building an addition to his house. George A. Peters, of Scio, stopped talking long enough to draw 700 barrels of water to put on his peach trees, last week. That is the way he has of getting silver - working for it. Huckleberries are only about a third of a erop at Uhelsea this year, only about twenty five bushels a daybeing shipped from that station. An effort is on foot to get up a base ball game and a nuniber of other athletic sports at Chelsea August 10. The Grass Lake News' latest snake story is the killing of a big 'sauger two and a half feet long, with eight doublé rattles, on the farm of Arthur G. Clark. M. E.'Keeler, of Sharon, will have a wheat yield this year of ten bushels to the acre The residence and barns of Emerson Hall, of Waterloo. burned July 12, the loss being $3,000, on which there was $2,200 insurance. The United Brethern church and barns near by were damaged " $500 worth. The church had no insurance. The flre was caused by a defective kitchen chimney. John Hasner, who works for Arba Hurd, of Saline, feil backwards froin a wagon Monday morning striking on his head and shoulders. The wagon wheel passed over his head producing a slight concussion of the brain, knocking out several teeth and j arring him up considerably - Saline Observr The peach erop around Grass Lake is excellent. The Ananias, of the Grass Lake News is at his work again. Hear him : The water in Grass Lake is so low that pickerel and black bass parry the heat by twisting their tails up over their heads for sun shades. It beats the dickens how much a fish knows when it comes right down to business ! Joseph Brownell, of Mooreville has put in a 250fbarrel water tank and will irrígate his berry farm. It is reported that Saline is to have anothcr saloon. The Observer is still urging Saline to put in electric lights and build waterworks. Charles Burkhart of Saline bas had his barns repainted. . Clayton, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schenk, of Chelsea, had a narrow escape on Monday last. Several small boys were handling a gun that was loaded with a charge of fine shot, and in some manner the gun was fired, the charge taking effect in the shoulder of young Schenk, who was standing a short distance away. He was wearing a heavy shirt, which stopped the most of the shot, only three or four of them penetrating the flesh. - Chelsea Standard. William Andrews, living in the southern part of Scio township, captured an animal in an old drain on his farm, a couple of years ago, that has since offered a fertle field for speculation for all wno have seen it. The animal has been exhibited at the county fair and looked at by a number of learned men, all of whoru have pronounced themselves at a loss as to what it was. Last week the curiosity of a number of our citizens was aroused, among whom was R. P. Copeland, and armed with Johnson's Natural History, he took a trip over to see it. Since then he has looked the matter up very carefully and it is his opinión that the strange creature is a Cayopolin Opossum, which is described by Johnson as a native of Guiana. If this is true the little fellow is a long '. way from his native heath. - Dexter ; Leader. Ypsilanti is badly torn up over the ' violation of the liquor law in that city on July 4. The ministers thundered their denunciations of the city officers from their pulpits. The city officers ' talk back and altogether it is a pretty ' muddie. The justice, too, comes in for a share of denunciation because he ) refuse to pledge himself to give more i than $10 fine. Ypilanti has been drilling well num ber two for its water works for some f time. Finally the drill struck rock I and broke. Dynamite had no effect i and the effort has been abandonad to ( push the well down at this particular í point. A fresh start has been taken five i or six feet away. I Oscar Steffy is building a new store on West Congress Street, Ypsilauti. A reunión of the Fourth Michigan oavalry will be held in Ypsilanti, Ang O8t 15. " Manchester has made a contract for 56 electric street lights for three years. While Fred Schaible, of Manchester, was attending ohurch some one pulled up a lot of his potato vines. Herman Gieska.C. W. Case and Rev. Yokom have been appointed building oommittee for the new M. E. church ■in Manchester. O. F.Blum of Bridgewater, has had his hand crushed in a wind mili. Ypsilantians are commanded to muzzle their dogs. There are a number of new baby boys in Sharon, among them are sons of L. S. Hurlbert, Herman Myer and John Schaible. Ernest Brenniu was ordained to the ministry at Bethel church in Freedom last Sunday. He completed the theological course in Eden college, St. Louis. The Wampler's lake farmer's picnic will be held August 2. The Sharon Center Epworth league has elected the following offlcers : Presiden, Edwin Baker; flrst vice president, Myrtie Wisner ; second vice president, Jennie Monks; third vice president, Nettie Gillet; fourth vice president, Mrs. Ella Bowers; secretary, George Kirkwood; treasurer, Arthur Gillett; organist, Nettie Gillett; chorister, Glenn Slocum. There is on hand in the treasury $17. Well, Superior has had anothfr cyolone, but not of wind this time, but of fire. All that valuable muck of Michael Furlong and Sheldon Gale is on fire, and if a good soaking rain does not come before long to stop it, it will spread all over those flats. It covers now, apparently, about three acres, and although they are trying to keep it back, and prevent it doing any furthei damage, tha fire bafflesall attenipts te stop it. If it continúes to advance i will extinguish that disputed line en tirely, as a part of it already is burned and seems to have no more respect fox that of unquestioned title. During a high wind a few days ago sparks from these fires were driven into Mr. Bur rell's woods, and caught aniong the dry material there and if help had not been near at hand it would have done much damage, destroying his fields of rye some flf ty rods away. - Superior Correspondent Commercial. This is the harsh sort of an obituary notice that the editor of the Grass Late News writes : The 'pegging out' of old Jake JReithmiller in the Jackson penetentiary, will not cause a shadow of regret in the heart of any living human being. He ought to have died years ago for he was an incendiary and a murderer at heart. He swore if he ever lived to get out of confinement he would kill his wife for getting a divorce from him after his incarceration and murder others who testified against him in court. That he would have carried out his threats if in his power to do so ia the opinión of those who knew him best. He was at one time a hard workingman and good citizen. But he became a mean depraved devil unpossessed of one single redeeming emotion or sentiment ; a bloodthirsty miscreant undeserving of liberty or life. He Í3 now in his right element - the pickling vat at the Ann Arbor university. A man who in life put at deflance all law, who burns buildings and longs to take human life.deserves no compliments after death. Henee the flavor of our chronicle of this vile wretch's life.