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Mis. Fred Klingler and daughter will return tornorrow from an extended trip through Canada. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Reynolds left Wednesday for Quebec and other easfcern points for a six week's absence. Miss Ethel Thumpson retnmed Tuesday from the northern resorts. Mrs. M. C. Peterson and son returned from Marine City Monday evening. Prof. John Hadstedt and family, of Chicago, were the guests last week of Christian Mack and family. They left Sunday evening for the east. Dr. D. M. Tyler left last week for Frankfort to join his wife. Dr. and Mrs. Tyler are expected to return home today. Ex-Ald. John Heinznian and family returned from their week's camp at Base Lake Friday. They had a delightful time. Mr. Heinzman believes there are a few fish still left in the lake. John Schmid of West Hurón street returned Saturday from Manchester where he had attended to the shipping of his firm's wool. Miss Anna Stauch is making an extended visit with friends in Detroit. Mrs. George Scott is visiting Detroit friends. Miss Ida Oesterlin returned home Friday from a visit with her brother Louis Oesterlin of Grand Rapids. She was acoompanied by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Oesterlin, who will make an extended visit in Ann Arbor. Prof. J. Fred Schaeberle, of Linden Hall Moravian Young Ladies' seminary, at Lititz, Pa. , is expected to arrive today to join nis family who are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schaeberle, of South Seoond street. They expect to leave shortly for their new home in Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. John F. Spafford of Manchester, visited Mrs. W. G. Doty Suaday and Monday. . ,'.J. t Wm. Matthews, of Owosso, was in the city over Sunday. f Mrs. Leonard Bassett is visiting her son in Detroit. Wesley E. Howe and family returned Monday from two weeks at Island lake. Mrs. George Feiner, Miss Bertha Feiner, Mrs. Freï Barber and daughters are spending the week at Independence lake. Dr. A. C. Nichols spent the flrst of the week in Alpena. Miss Florence Durand is visiting in Grand Blanc. Bev. E. D. Kelly left for Grand Eapds yesterday. Miss Florence Steritt is visiting in St. Joseph. 51 Edward Eberbach has been spending some time at Zukey lake. The Misses Carrie and Emma Weitbrecht, of Howell.who have been visiting Miss Lydia Weitbrecht, returned home Monday. Clarence Dixon and family have just returned from a week's visit in Detroit, Windsor, Ont., and St. Clair Flats. Leo Gruner has been visiting in Kalamazoo this week. Dr. Fred W. Blake, of Alpena, has been in the city this week. Alfred J. Paul has been spending the week at Zukey Lake. He has just been smugmugged. Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Seabolt visited in Grand Rapids this week. Win. F. Fisher is on a two weeks' trip around the lakes. Mrs. E. H. Weidemann and family will move next week from South Division street to number 23 Uhuroh street. Mrs. Fannie E. Chapin expects to move into her new house on Kingsley street, this month. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Kline are staying at their cottage at Strawberry Lake . Mrs. Rufus Waples accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Belmont Waples, have returned from Huronia Beach and will soon go east. Mr. C. E. Wakefield of Morenci, lit '95, is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Madigan, of Cleveland, Ohio, were the guests of Mrs. F. J. Lewis, of 48 South Fifth avenue, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Walz returned from Chicago last week. Mrs. P. H. Dignan, son and sister, Miss Eva Murphy, of Jacksonville, Florida, are spending the sumruer here. Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Perry are back from Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs J. J. Godyear are at Beach Haven. Mrs. Martin Seabolt went to Zukey Lake Wednesday Mrs.A.L. Noble, and daughter, Edith, have gone to Bay View. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Peterson are visiting in Canada. Miss Charlotte Beichenecker is visiting in Detroit. George R. Kelly left yesterday for a two week's visit in Hamilton, Ohio. Mrs. Sheeley and daughter, Polly, left last Saturday to visit New York friends, and will sail for Europe, August 7. Mrs. B. J. Conrad and Mrs. J. R. Allen are home from Les Cheneaux Islands. Mrs. Medaris and daughter, Miss Carlotta, went to Whitmore Lake Wednesday. Dr. George Clark,of Bay City, visited his brother, Dr. E. A. Clark, this week. Mrs. A. L. Havenm and daughter returned Tuesday from Lake Side, Obio. Mrs. Fred C. Brown and daughter, of Chicago, are visiting Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Seymour. Walter Perry returned from Elk Creek, N Y. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beal and son returned from Mackinac Tuesday. LJ Miss May Allison, of Indianapolis.Ts visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. F. Stimson. , Mrs. A. J. Kitson and children returned from Milford and Bay City Monday. Miss Susie Whedon is visiting in Chicago and Milwaukee. Jjj „7 m íJjDr. and Mrs. C. G. Darling arrived home from Europe Wednesday. Lew H. Clement returned roni Chicago Wednesday. „„üifoi . M. D. L. Branch, of Stockbridge, is visiting relatives in the city. Miss Ida Markham is visiting her aunt in Jackson. Mrs. Walter Gabrielski, of Detroit, is visiting her mother here. John R. Miner returned Tuesday evening from a trip to Kansas City.Mo. A. B. Pomeroy, of Westmoreland, Kansas, is visiting Rev. W. W. Wetmore. Mr. J. C. Campbell, of St. Louis, Mioh., will be in the city tomorrow to visit his daughter, Miss Rosa Campbell, daughter of Mrs. W. G. Snow, whom he has not seen in fourteen years. This will indeed be a happy meeting. A nine pound daughter came to the home of Henry Blitoüj Tuesday. LJ C. T. McG-ee is spending some days in Marquette. D. B. Cheever was in Chicago this week. E. F. Mills and family returned Monday from their lake trip. Ray Dennen is spending a "three weeks' vacation in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Pond returned from Nobie Monday evening. D. C. Worcester and wife are spending a month in Philadelphia, Washington and New York Misses Amelia, Eugenia and Minnie Mogk are spending two weeks in Petoskey. Dr. Jacob Wile, of Chicago, was in the city yesterday. The doctor took his first degrees in masonry in this city and married his wife here. He is now enjoying a lucrative practice in Chicago. Miss Harris, instructor in the institute, went to Detroit last evening on business. Rev. Thomas Holmes, of Chelsea, stopped with his brother, A. H. Holmes, on Tuesday, leaving for the east on Wednesday morning. Supervisor W. H. Dancer and son, Herbert, of Lima, were in the city on Wednesday.