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Fred Andrés is recoveriug from a serious illiiess. Dr. Wessinger went to Howell WurtTiesday to make a two or three days' Visit at his old home. Miases Etfca and Maude Murray havo en visiting in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Joün Hagen have been visiting in Toledo. E. L. J. Smith and daughter visited ïn Lausing last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mutchell refcurned from Bay View Saturday. Miss Margaret V. Bower is in the upper península. Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Tedrow are visiting in Constantine. Eugene J. Hale, of Detroit, visited jhis sister, Mis. L. D. Wines, Saturday. Miss Alice Staebler has returued rrom Toledo. Mrs. Dr. Hartley has returned from Milwaukee. Will Gwinner has been at Zukey "Lake this week. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Martin returned Monday evening from their Hudson JBay trip. Mrs. Henry Maan and daughter, Liulu, left Tuesday morning for Monroe to visit Mrs. W. Isenmann. Titus F. Hutzel and son, August, and Dudley Looniis, of this city, and Otto Behr and three sons, of Detroit, left on Tuesday for a week at Zukey JLake. Rev. W. E. Putt, of Topeka, Kansas, the guest of his brother, C. L. Putt, left Tuesday for his home. A. R. Peterson, of the Kyer Milling Co. , and wife returned Sunday from a Tisit with relativos in Ontario. He brought back a valuable fox terrier -with a pedigree so long that it extends back to the dark ages Miss Anna Wetmore went to Niágara JFalls Tuesday. Eobert Wetzel, of Calumet, is spendiug ihe week in the city. Mr. and Mrs. George Kingsley, of J?aola, Kansas, are visiting Mrs. Charles Chapiii. Miss May kNoble is visiting in Detroit. Christian Wetzel, oí Detroit, isspend:ing aweek's vacation here. Prof. W. H. Pettee and family reïurned from New England, Saturday. Dr. W. H. Dorrance returned from New York Saturday. Judge E. D. Kiune returned from Ifantucket Saturday. Morris Lantz and family ai-e encamped at Base Lake. Eruanuel Henriques, of Chicago, i.' visiting in the city. William McCreeryhas returned f ron a rnonth at Bay View. Mrs. Sid W. Millard is visiting ir Chicago. Charles F. Meyers is in Lansing aar T3ay View. Mail Carrier Arinstrong is visiting in Saginaw. Misses Mattie Drake and Erama Meyer are at Petoskey and Mackinac. Mrs. R Dun ster and daughters are visiting Mrs. Snker in Toledo. Will Caspary is back from a three ■weeks' vacatin spent in Detroit and Grand Rapids. D. J. Ross and family are at Zukey Lake. Miss Mary Dowdigan is visiting her sister in Knoxville, 111. Mrs. William Walsh and children are at Zukey Lake. Miss Nettie C. Daniels, of Gregory is "visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. A. Beal. George Hangsterfer and family have been at Zukey Lake this week. C. C. Warner left Wednesday for ÏTew York in the interest of Warner's catarrh cure. Miss May Judson, of thp auditor general's office in Lansing, has been spending her vaoation at her father 's, Sheriff Judson. Fred C. Brown, of Chicago, was in the city over Sunday. Dr. V. C. Vaughan has returned ïrom Bay View. E. E. Calkins has moved into his rrew house on Hill street. John Burg and Hardy Woodruff pased Sunday at Whitrnore where Mrs. 3Surg is spending a few day. 'Wm. Frank of Detroit, fortnerly of 'íhe Germania nouse of this city with Wm. Sti-aup, also one of Ann Arbor's former resideuts, wheeled through here Sunday morning on their way to Whitmore. Instructor Hall of the University, is the guest of Harry Harrington, at Harbor Point. R. C. Campbell, of Ann Arbor, is in Petoskey for a few weeks of resorting and for a general good time in any J available way. Eugene Oesterlin, with his son Eugene and nephew Richard Oesterlin, returned Monday evening from a two days' onting at their camp at Silver Lake. Being taken uuawares, Mr. Oesterlin had no flsh story prepared, but said he found his finny friends as accommodating as ever. Mrs. Roehm, of Chicago, is visiting 3Irs. K. Diehl. Mrs. Eli W. Moore returned from a Trïsit in Adrián Tuesday. A. W. Gasser and family left f o Cleveland Wednesday evening. Misses VanKleek, Van Valkenburg and Crippen rode to Chelsea Tnesday on ' their wheels to attend the Epworth league convention. Returning yesterday they left this morning for a sixty ' mile ride to Flint, taking J. H. Vanossel as body guard and pony engine Sor np grades. P. L. O.senburg, '94 lït, lcft Aun Arbor this week for Los Angeles, Cal.. re lie has a position as instructor of Jiisrory. D. A. Tinker aud family returned ', Monday eveuing frorn their suuiruer's vacation at Bay View. J. D. Ryan was iu Detroit Wednes1 day. Dr. Karl Warden, '95 ruedic, has 1 found a favorable opening for bis profession in the miniug región of Ishpein ing, and let here Wednesday, with Pred take a two weeks' pleasure trip through the northern part of the state and Upper Península before euterjng upon his work. V. Lindenschmitt, of Buffalo, N. Y., rettirned home yesterday af ter a two weeks' visit with his brther, John Lindenschmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Hawley, of Chicago, start tomorrow on an extended trip throngh Europe. They sail on the steamer Lucania. Justice Gibson helped thresh on the Bullock farm, for whiöh he is agent, on Tuesday last. T. R. Wilcoxson, of Lansing, forinerly a resident of South División Street, Aun Arbor, was in the city Tuesday. Samuel Dickie and farnily, of Albion, who are taking a pleasure trip by driviug through to Detroit, spent a day at the Cook house this week to visit Ann Arbor. Messrs. Eiward andRobert aud Miss Flora McCarter, of Columbus, Ohio, who have been outing at Whitmore for soine weeks, are the visitors of W. C. Stevens and family. P. M. Howard and son, Stanley, of Belding, were in the city this week makiug arrangements for the following school year which Stanley intends to pass at the University. W. C. Stevens and family returned Tuesday from a few weeks' outiug at Whitmore. Michael Clear and wife, of Chicago, are visiting E. A. Andrews, of North Ashley street. S. D. Townley, instructor of astronomy in the Uuiversity, left here yesterday for a year's sojourn and study in Berlin. Profs. Hall and Russel are about to take a few weeks' tramp and ouitng in the true sen se of the word in the Adirondack mountains. George Chaudler, of Owosso, was in the city Wednesday. Mr. Chandler was for rnany years a clerk in Wagner's clothing store and has niany friends in Anu Arbor. Justin B. Bullis left Tuesday for Niagara Falls. Mrs. J. C. Knowltou went to Charlevoix Weduesday. Miss Phebe Hewell is visiting in Ionia. W. C. Huil is visiting in Westñeld, Mass. Miss Alice Porter is visiting at Niágara Falls. Edward Duffy was in Grand Rapids yesterday. Mrs. D. F. Schairer leaves for Wequetonsing today. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Griffin,of Grand Rapids, have been visiting in the city this week. Charles J. N. Jacobs left Tuesday evening for California. Mrs.H. S. Cheever and son left Tuesday for a trip around the lakes. Mrs. G. N. Sweet, with her family, is visiting her sisters at Elyria, Ohio. Prof.jA. C. Tagge hasietuned toMouloe. Miss Lydia Weitbecht is spendiug her vacation in Detroit aud Put-in-Bay. Miss Lizzie Diehl is speuding the week at Put-in-Bay.