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Detroit TYibune Price Reduced TO 75 Canta a Yaar. Unsurfatsed as a Ntwspaper. UnrivaUdiH Popular Inttrtst. Soundly Republüan. . . . An Af ent wanted Ín rery Townihlp la Michigan, to ■whom Ubanü Uru wlll be giTen. THETRIBUNB . . Detroit. - n LAND PLASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAIN TILE. LOUIS ROXIDE, Main Office - 36 E. Hurón Street. Yards- 50 West Hurón Street. CAN I OBTATIÍ A PATENT? Fora prompt anBwer and an honest opinión, wnte to MUNN & CO.,who have had nearlynftyyeara' experienoe in the patent business. Communications Btrictly confldentlal. A Ilnmlbook of Inlormation concemini? 1'ntentH and how to ob tain them sent free. Alao a catalogue of mechan ical and sclcntlfío books sent freo. Patenta taken through Munn & Co. receivo special noticeinthe Sclcntiflc Americnn, ana thnB are brought widely beforethe public wih ont eost to the inventor. This splendid paper, lssued weekly, elesantly illustrateii. has by nir the largeat circulation of any ficientifle work in tho worli. St3 a year. Sample copies eent free. BuildinK Editlon. monthly, $2.60 a year. Single eopies, tí3 cents. TPívery number contams beautiful platea, m colora, and photoRraphs of new honses. wlth plans, enabling builders to show tho latest deslsrnB and secure contracts. Address I1UNN L CO. MKW Youk, 3ttl BkoadwaT. Q R. WILLIAM8, AiiornoT at Law and Pension Chin Attorner, MILÁN, MICH. Conveyanoine and Collections. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. The Newest Designs PRICES THE IiOWEST 0SCAE"a SOEG THE DECOBATOR, 7O S. liLjXTT ST.


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