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A GRAMO QFpPTa. rKfcfcFACEBLEACH ■ft i... image
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A GRAMO QFpPTa. rKfcfcFACEBLEACH ■ft iPeery callar, awimLT8 ana wrinkles (not causea by iom} ?e8to, Facb Bi.each removes t, r;rossiou! cover up, as cosmetica do, butis-tbiirp s not MAUAME A. ETOPFKT ÍTBSe NO. 6 Ea8t 4th St., NEW yrTc TYa jVlGHI6AyCBNTm "The Niágara Falls Route.'' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect May 19, 1895, GOING EAST. Atlantic Express 7 47 a. m Detroit Night Ex 5 40 Grand Rapids Ex 11 05 Mail and Express 3 50p. tn N. Y. & Boston Sp'l 5 00 Fast Eastern 10 12 GOING WEST. Boston, N. Y. & Ch 7 30 a. m. Mail &Express 8 43 Nortta Shore Limited 9 25 Past Western Ex 2 00p.m. G. R. & Kal. Ex 5 57 Chicago Night Ex 10 28 Pacific Express . 12 15 O.W. RUGGLES H. W. HAYE8, Q. P. T. Aeent Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor TTANSY0 PiUS Bf Theonly sale and always reliable Belief ■V for Ladies. Accept no wnrthless and danH Rpruus tmltatlons. Save money and guara m health by taking nothin(? trat tlie only genuH i iie aml orifflnal Wilcoi Compound Tansy ■v Pilis, in metal boxes bearlnt? sbield traüo BV mark, price ?í.00, all druggists. Send 4 cts, for Woman'sSafeGuard, securely malled. WILCOX SPKCIFIC CO., 328 Sontb i:ielitb Street, Pbila., Pa, THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine. (The only Art Periodical awarded a Medal at the World's Fair.) Invaluable to all wlio wish (o make their living hu art or to makt, their homes beautiful Fnr 1flp we wi" senti t0 any ne 4 a rui lUd mentioning this (IA tion a specimen copy, with superb XWw color platos (t'or copying or f ramtng) and 8 supplementary pages of designs (regular price 35c). Or JOK 15c we will send also 'Paiiitinjf for Beïiimers" (90 pages) MOSÏACti; IIARKN, 23 l'moii Square, ?i.v. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. ■■'■ of all The Newest Designs PRICLS THE LOWEST 0SCAE'Ö. SOUG THE DECORATOR, 7 O S. IsEuA.IlSr ST.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News