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n YOUH OUTING 60 TO PICTUBESQÜi mHGXINflG ISLBHD. ONE THOUSAND MILES OP LAK! RIDK AT SMALL EXPENSE. Vlsit this Historical Island, which is the erandest summer resort on the Qreal Lakes. It only costs about $13 from Detroit ; $15 from Toledo ; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, includine tneals and berths. Avoid the heat and flust by traveling on the D. & C. floating palaces. The attractions of a trip to the (Vlackinac reeion are unsurpassed. Tlie Island itself is a grand romantic spot, itt Climate most invigorating. Two new 3teel passenger steamers have just been built for the upper lake route, costing (300,000 each. They are equipped with every modern comcniencp. annuu; iators bath rooms, etc., illamloated thróugiioul by electricity, aud are guuranteed to be the grandest, largest aud saftist steamert on fresh water. These Bteamers fávorably compare with tbc gfeat ocean liners in con struction and speed. Fout tripa peí week between Toledo, Detroit, Aljuva, Mauki nac, 8t. Iguac, Petyakey, C'éicn Marquette and Cleveland ■■ , ■ ■ . . . Put-ln-B,=v . . - .. ;.,■ ;, maks . .. ■ : oughiv i . : duscrii. ■ ,' ■ i. '. Sri!; Mioü, I EWIS' 98 % LYE ■l. ë iotdieed aot piBirmiD HjB7 (fatexted) WHffA marte. Uullke ottaer Lye, lt belng ■ HA A a flno jHiwder and packed In a can flH) with reinovable Ha, the contenta jH M are always ready for use. Win tm mate the bet perfuined Hard Soap jV in 'J' iiiiüut'-s without bofllnfr. Al It la the beat furcU-ansüig waste VV pips, dlslnfectltii? stuks cla-xïtaL I O waahlng buttlos, i-alnts, trees, etc UMfc PENNA. 8ALT M'F8 CO. ■BIB Oen. ABW., rilUa., Va. j p K. WILLIAMS, Attornev at Law and Pension Cluci Attorns?, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancing and Colloetions. Notice of Draln Letttng. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEX. That I, Daniel U'. Barry, Counfy Drain Coiumissioner of the County of Washtehaw, State of Michigan, Wlll, on the 2(th day of August. A. D, 1S95, at the lower end of Drain, in said Township of Augusta, at ten o'eiock in the forenoou of that day, proced to receii'e bids for tho cleaning out of a certoin drain known and designated as "West Branch of tbe Marsh Drain," located and estal)lished in the uiü Township of Augusta, and described a3 follows, to wit: Commenciu? at the lower end, where said Drain erupties into the Big Marsh Drain on the Asa M. Darling estáte, in the s.w.quarter of the n. e, quarter of Sec. 14, followiu'-' the line of said Draln in a northwesterly direction to the upper end, which is on the west side of the highway, on East Monroe road, on tbe 6. e. quarter of the n. e. quarter of Sec. 10. Said job will be let by sections. The ëection at the ontlet of the Drain will be let flrst, and the remaining sections in their order up ; stream, in aocordance with the diagram nouon file with the other papers portaining to said Drain, In tbe office of the Drain Oommissioner. to which reference may be had by all partios interested, aud l)ids will be made and neoeived accordinply. Contraéis will be made witli the lowest responsible bidder givinjr adequate security for the performance of the work, in a sum then aDd there to be flxed by me reserving to myself the right to reject any and all bids. The date for the completlon of such contract and the terms of payment therefor, shall be announced at tfie time and place of letting. Notice is furthrr hereby ffiven, That at thitime and place of said letttng, or at eueh other time and place thereafter to which 1, the Drain Coramissioner aforeeaid. may adjourn the same, the assessments for ami the lands comprised within the "West Brauch of the Big Marsh Drain Special Assessment District," will be subject to review. The followiu? is a descrlption of the several tracts or pareéis of land constitutie the Special Assessment District of said Drain, viz : S. half of n. w. quarter. Sec. 14; e. quarterof n. w. quarter of n. w. quarter, Sec. 14; w. half n. e. quarter of n. w. quarter, Sec. 14; w. 30 acres of n. w. quarter of n. w. quarter, Sec. 14; e. half s. e. quarter. See. 10; w. halfofs.w. quarter, Sec. 11; w. half s. e. quarter, Sec 10: 65 acres of south part of e. half of n. e. quarter. Sec. 10; 47 acres of n. part of w. half of n. w. quarter. Sec. 11; oue acre of the w. part of n. e. quarter of n. e. quarter, Sec . 10: 8 rods square, s. part n. e. quarter of n, e. quarter, Sec. 10; s. part of w. half of n.w. quarter, Sec, 11: one acre, n. e. corner of n. e. quarter of n. e. quarter. Sec 10; quarter acre of n. w. corner of w. half of n. w. quarter, Sc 11; oue and one-quarter acres of w. part of w. half of n. w, quarter, Sec. 11 ; six acres of n. part of n! e. quarter of n.le. quarter. Sec. 10; s. w. quarter of.n. e. quarter, Sec. 14: e. half of n. e. quarter. Sec. 15; 42 acres n. part of w. half of n. e. quarter. Sec 16. All in the Township of Augusta. A18O the Township of Augusta at large. Dated this Sixth day of August, A. D. 1895. DANIEL V. BARRF, County Drain Commissionerof the County of Washtenaw. Estáte ot Ellen O'Hara. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUISTTY of Washteuaw. ss. At ;i session of the Probate Coiirt for the Countv of Washteaaw, holden at the Protmte Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the 23rd day of August, iu the yearone thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. Present, J . Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ellen O'Hara, deceased. James Walsh, tlie administrator of said es. tate, coinés into court and represents that he is Dow piepared to render his flnul account aa Micn ailminislrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tnesday, the 24th day of September, next, at temo'clock in the forenoón be aBsisrned for exsminlBg ftnfl allowiag Buch account, :uid tbat Ihe heira at law of said decased, and all other persone interested in said estáte are required to appeur at a session of saif! court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city ol Ann said eouuty, and show cause, if any there be, wby the said account should not be allowed. And it is further orderea, that said ulministrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof. by causing n copj of this ordsrtobe publiahod in the Ann Abbou Akgl's, a newspaper printed and circulatiiiii in said county, three successive week previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, [A rue copy.] Jndge of Probate. Wm. O. Doty. Probate Register I Dr. Miles' Nervb Plastees cure EHEUMATI3M, WEAK BACKS. At druggists, only 25c.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News