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Children Cryfor Pïtcher's Castoria. 0. Miles' Ner ve Plastere 25c. at all drutyrlsts, Every woman needs Dr. Miles' Pain Plus. BUCKLEÏTS ÁRNICA SALVE. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Ctiapped Hands, ChllblalH8,Corns,and all Skin Eruptlons and posltlvely cures Piles ,or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give periect 6atisfaetion, or inoney refunded. Price, 25 ecnts per box. Por eale by The Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co., Aun Albor, and Geo. J. Haussler. Manchester. Mortgage Sale. DKl-AUIT HAVlNt; BEEN MADE IN THE oondltlona oi pay ment of a certaln mort - nade the th day of August, A. p. 1887, By John Pflsterer and Anna Pnsterer, li Ife, to Chrlstian Mack and Frederick Bchmld, whereby the power of sale therein eontalned bas become operatlve, whlch mortgage was reoorded lp the office of the register of deeds, In the couñty of Washtenaw, state of Mlohlsan, on t he.'il-t dayof uku-i aforesaid iuljiber 72 of Mortgages, on page 228,onwhieh mortgage i bere Is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of eight hundred and eighty-slx dollars, and no proceedlngs at law or in equity havlng been instituted to collect thesaidsumof money or any part thereof. Notiee is tlierefore hereby riven that on the 3d day oí December, 1895, at eleven o'clock in the f orenoon of eaid day.atthe sou 1 h front door ot theoouri house, In the city of AnnArbor, state of Michigan, the said mortgage will be foreeloseti and the lande and teneinents iu the 6aid mortgage mentioued and described wil] sold al public auctton or varidue to the highest bidder 1 1 satiBfy the prtnoipal and interest unpaid on the said mortgage and the co-ts and expenses'of these proceedings. including an attorney's iee of twenty-five dollars providea fr therein. The lands, tenements and premises by the said moi tgage conveyedand tben and there to be sold are de3cribéd fls follows, viz: AU thai certaln piece or pareel of land sitaated in the city of Ana Arbor, couuty of Washtenaw, and stae of Michigan, to-wit: Commencing at a poiut on the soutli side ot' Huron Street, three rods and four reet west of the north-eaet corner of land, formerly owned by one Alonzo Gretton, and at the nórth-west corner of Ii. Roude's land. thence south along said Kohde's west line eight rods, tlience west four rods, thenoe north eight rods to the south line of Huron street, thenee east long the south line of Huron street four rods to tbc place of btginning. Being on seotion twenty-nine, towú two, south muire, six east. Dated Ann Arbor. September 4th, 1895. OHRÏbTIAH MACK, E. B. NOEKIS, FltEDEKK.'K SOHMTD, Atty. for Mortgagees. Mortgagees. Notice of Drain Letting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GI VEN', That T, Daniel W. Barry, Gounty Brain Commlsstoner oi' the Couuty of Washtenaw, Siate of Michigan, will, on the 2tith day of August, A. D. Ï895, at the lower end of Drain, in said Townsnlp of Augusta, al ten o'cioek in the forenoon of that day, prooted to receive bids for the cleaning out of a certain drain known and designated as '"West Branch of the Big Mareh Dram." locatei and establislied in the said Township of Augusta, and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the lower end, where said Prain empties into the Big Marsh Drain on the Asa M. Darling estáte, in the s. w.(iuarter of the u. e, quarter of Sec. 14, following the line of said Drain in a northwesterly i tion to the upper end, whlch is on the wes1 I the liighway. on East Monroe rond, on be s. e. of th n. e. quarter of ■'ec. lü. Said job will be let by sections. The tion at the outlet of the Drain will belet first, i and the remalnlng sections in their order up i Btream, In aecordance with the diagram dow on file with the other papers pertaining to said Drain. iii the oilice of the Drain Commissioner. to whicb refercnce may be liad by all partiea interested, and blds wlfl be made and veeeived accordingly. Contracta will be made wltn ihe lowest responsible bidder givingadequate security for the performance of the work, in a sum thon and there to be fixed by me reservinir to myself the right to reject any andall bids. The date for the tion of sueh contract and the terms of mem therefor, sliail be announoed at the time and place of letting. yntice is further heréby given, Thai at the tiim aud place of eaid letting, or at Puchotlier ; Urne and place thereafter to which 1, the Drain Commissioner aforesaid, may adjourn the same, tin1 assessments for bínente and the lands comprised withla tlie "West Brunch of the Big Marsh Drain Special Assessment District, will be subject to review. The followin? is a descriptiou of the several tracta or pareéis of land constituting the Special Aseesement District of said Drain, viz : S. half of n. w. quarter. Sec. H: e. quarterof ii. w. quarterof p. w. quarter, Sec. 14; w. half n. e. quarter of u. w. quarter, Sec. 14 w. 80 acr of n w. quarter of n. w. quarter. Sec. 14: e half e. e. quarter See. 10; w. halfoi -w. quarter, Sec. ll;'w. half s. e. quarter, Sec 10: 86 acres oï south part of. e half of n.e ter, Seo. 10; 41 acres of n. pari ol w hall of o. w. qu arer. Beo. 11; one acre of the w. part of n. e. quarter of n.e. quarter, Beo, l": 8 rods square, s. part n. e. quarter of n.e. quarter, sec 10; 8. part of w. half of n.w. quarter, Sec, 11: one acre. n.e. corner of n. e, quarter of n. e. quarter. Sec 10; quarter acre of n. w. comer of v,-. half of n. w quarter, Sec 11; one j and one-quarter acre-, of w part ol' w. half of n. ir, quarter, Sec. 11 ; píx acres of n. pari of n e. quarter of n.Je. quarter, Sec. Ui: s. w. quarter of n. e. Quarter, See. 14: e. hallof n. e. quarter. Sec. IS; tí aores n. pari of w. half of n. e. quarter. Seo. 16. Allln the To%nship of Augusta. Also the Township of Augusta i at large. Dated this Si.xth day of August, A. D. 1805. DANIBL ■ IIAimr, Couuty Drain Commissioner of the COuntyof Waslitenaw. Estáte ot Ellen O'Hara. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT Y of Washtenaw, 88. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washteaaw, holdeu at the Oüioe in the City of Ann Arbor, ou Friday, the a3rd day f August, In the yearone tfiousand eight hundred and ninetj'-fiye. Present, J.Willaid Babbitt, Judire of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ellen O'Hara, deoeased. James Walah, the aanunistrator ot said es tate, coinés into court and represent! thai be ï- now prepared to render hl final account ai suen administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, thiit Tuesday,the24th day of September, noxt, at temo'clork in the forenoon be assigned for examintag and allowing such account, ml tliat the heirs at la w oi said dec and Lttl other persone interested in said estáte ars required to appear at a session of air1 court, then tobo holden at (he Probate Office in the Ann Arbor, In said ad show causé, i f anj there be, wiiy the .said aocount Bhoutd not be allowef3. And it iö further ordered, that said administrator ive notice to the pi cBted in said t--t:tt' ot i he pi DdëDcy o , hoariiig thereof, bycausins; ■ order to be publishrd ín the & Xtuus, a newspaper ii inted and :irculating in -ald county, three suocessive weeks previous to said day of heining. J.WILI.ARD BAIiRITT. [A frue copy.] e ci Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News