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Wm. Cady, of Petteysville, and George Bailey, of Ann Arbor, accompanied by five of their friends, spent the past week in camp at lïeeve'spond, on the base line. They report game scarce, bat fun iu plenty Some big sappers were enjoyed by the boys with duok, snipe, woodcock, squirrcl, etc, garnished with cabbage and oniqns. They looked hale andliearty when they returned. Bring us a duck next time, boys - Piuckney Dispatch. The many flowinvg wells sfcrnck in Manchester have probably knocked the water works question there on the liead. Let every one that take this to heart and apply the advice to himself : Always reinember that the editor of the Standard is never too busy to be stopped on the street or eteewhere and told of an item of news. In fact he is always on the lookont for news. Then he will not think yon are egotistic even if the item is concerniug yonrself. Help the Standard man and he will praise you when yon are dead, if not before. - Chelsea Standard. At the recent school meeting held in Sylvan the the propositiou tobuy aflag, a set of maps and a globe was passed by a large majority. Charles Sill, of Milan, is putting down a well and hopes to strike the same vein of water that Messrs. Vincent and Messin did. The Saline Observer says : Beverly Bngg, who some weeks since was serionsly injured at Pittsfleld Junction, came home Monday feeling pretty well. The saved foot has healed and is all right. The amputation of the other was below the knee, it too healed readily and with the exception of being a little painful at times, is now in fine shape. Beverly is able to propel himself by the nse of crutches. He has the sympathy of the entire commnity. The oyster season has opened in Saline. According tothe Leader teamsters are no respectors of beautiful lawns in Dexter, but ruthlessly drive over the grass. Would not a little dose of village ordinance canse soine respect for the beauty of the streets? Francis Hill, of Milán has a tomato plant with 122 large tomatoes growing in clasters of half a dozen. He received the seed from England last spring. The Manchester Enterprise says in reference to County Tresurer Rehfuss, who runs the office by a deputy. "Our old and reliable butcher, Wm. Rehfuss, has disposed of his market to Al. Keebler, who has been employed in the inarket for some time, and Will Widmayer, who has been clerking in his brother's hardware store. The new firrn took possession last Monday. Mr. Rehfuss did not sell out for lack of trade, but because he has too much business on his hands. He is thankful for the large patronage the people o Manchester and surrounding country have given hiru and bespeaks for the new firrn the same liberal support, believng as he does that they will serve all customers with fairness and treat them gentlemanly. Mr. Rebf ass will continue to buy stock and wool. ' ' The Woodward and Kies fruit farms are yielding a rich harvest, taxing the help to the utmost to care for the luscious peaches. Many people cali daily to see and taste of the beauties. - Manchester Enterprise. The Willis poet in the Ypsilantian in describing a wedding anniversary thus rebukes those that are always crying hard times : It was a social time, and was enjoyed by all present. A nice rocker and other reminders of enteein were left in their keeping as friendship's gifts. The outponring of tea and coffee and an abnndance of the dainties of the culinary art were in evidence against the idler who crieth hard times. Master Arthur Wood, of Lodi, is che owner of a handsome bridle for his pony. It is made almsot entirely of black horse hair omamented with tas seis of the same material. The bridle -is a present from a friend in San Antonia, Texas. An Ann Arbor newspaper says that James M. White has paid over $3,00 sewer tax without kicking. That proves James to be a very public spirited man, but it isn't fair for him to pay the sewer tax of the whole city just the same. - Ypsilantian. Mr. Wihte is very public spirited and paid promptly, bnt his tax was only $1,900, at a rate of $36 per $1,000 valuation. About fourteen voters attended the school meeting at the Ypsilanti high school last Monday evening, to look after the school iuterests of the city and about five times that nninber crowded iu and around Justice Child's office Tnesday evening to witness the prosocution of the Salvation army leaders for singing gospel songs on the street corners. - Ypsilantian. Gottlieb Manu is building a fine new house oü his fat-m uorth of Bridgewater station. Abont tvro lmndred people iu all attended the anunal picnic of tbe German Lutbenin Suuday school at Base !ake last Friday. The day was au ideal oue and the beauties of the lake,as veil as the excellent program aud refreshinents, were greatly enjoved. - Dexter Leader. The Neue Washtenaw Post is authority for the statement that womeu voted Por rhe flrst time at the last school election iu Freedoiu. lts correspondent suggests that at future electious, che male voters had better stay at home. John Kiug, deputygame warden, has wheedled the innoceuts of the Ann Arbor Argus into belieivng that apickerel weighing 22 pounds aud 4 ounces was taken from Whitmore Lake! John is coucocting another yarn to the effect that the jolly tars who used Jouah for bait to catch that whale with, bluudered, as Jonah, being addicted to tobáceo, made the whale sickattho stomaoh and caused it to throw up the aforesaid aud the hook with him. Theu the fish, langhing in his sleeve, cut stick lor deep water. This delightful stuff will probably soon appear iu the Argus. - Graas Lake News. The editor of the will have to keep strictly withm the law and stop spearing fish iu Whitinore or he is liable to hear something drop. There is no danger of his spearing in Grass Lake because they haven 't tho fish. Francis Hill.of Milau, is theownerof a pluiu tree ou which are green blossoms and ripe fruit. The Milau Ohapter, No. 16, O. E. S. have elected the followiug officers for the ensuing year: Worthy Martou, Mrs. Electa Ford; worthy patrón, E. B. Ford; associace matón, Mrs. Belle Zimmermau ; secretary, Mrs. Flora Debenham ; treasurer, Mrs. Etta Pyle; condaotress, Mrs. Mary Kelley; assoicate conductress, Mrs. Daraxr VVhitmarsh. Installaciou will take place Tuesday evening, the seventeenth. The first of the uew erop of white beans was marketed in Ypsilanti last week by Walter Waters, of Belleville. He reported that the '.-rop yielded well and was of excellent qnality. Croquet is one of the favorite games in Milán. A permanent organizatiou of the players was effected last week under the name of the Milán croquet association. Charles Gauntett was elected presdient, J. Henry Ford, vice president, Milton H. Hack secretary, aud Win. W. Barnes treasurer. The association 's new grounds will be ou J. L. Marbles lot and are completed ready for games. It is regulation size aud shape and the arches set according to 1895 rules, ana games will be governed by said rules aud regulations. The associaiton will retain its old ground just the same.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News