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Müá SgÊBl AJk kcpt from ,?„„ ífs been 4HF" II ssfiBEpas FACB Bleach removes abwínteiv t18810 cover up, as cosmetica do, butis a úre aTJ no MADAME A. KITPPfkt Addreaa NO. 6 East ,4th 8tf MVáÍK- CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Tdking Effect May 19, 1395. GOING EAST. Atlantic Express 7 47 a m Detroit Nlght Ex "540" Grand Baplds Ex '." 05 Mail and Express 3 50 n m N. Y. & Boston Sp'l B Fast Eastern 10 lg. GOING WEST,. Boston N.T.& Oh Tsf% Mail&Express 8 i3 f North Shore Limited. 9 25 Fast Western Ex. 2 00nm G.R.& Kal. Ex ...."." 5 Chicago Night Ex 10 2&: Paciflc Express 13 15 O.W. BUQGLES H. W. HA YES G. P. T. Agent Chicago. Ag't Ann Arboi TOASES' ■ liHBAKE OF COUNTEKFEITS. m rhe only safe and always roliable Kniel m for [.adíes. Accept no worthless and danBf eerons imitatlons. Save money aml guara m health by takincr nothing but the onlygenuM ine and original Wllcoi Componnd Tansy WÊ JPiHs, In metal boxes bearing sliteld trada ■V mark price f2.00, all drugglsts. Send 4 ets - for Woman's Safe Guard, seenrely mallede ,,. „ WI1COX KPKCIFIC l CO., 28 SoutH Kighth Street, Pbila., P tïjèIlRtImatëür ,mBest and Lar8est Practical Art Magazine (The only Art Periodical awarded a Sledal at the World's Fair.) ínuaíuaite to aïi icfto toish to malie thelr livino bu art ortomakeihelr homes beautiful FfïP IOp wewül send to any one a rwi iVb mentioning this flí tiona specimen copy, with superb ÏUC color plates (for copylng or f raming) and 8 supplementary pages of designs (regular pnceáoc). OrFOH z5c we will send also "Paintins for BeKiuners" (90 pages) MONTAGÜE JI.VK,S, 23 Uulou Square. N.Y. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Designs PRICES THE LOWEST AT OSCAR 0. SOUG THE DECOEATOE, 7 O S. 1VI-A.I3ST ST. "Look at the Map," ÍT3 Via O I I ' Via iO v,. -l Pennsylvania SHORT LINES. Most direct irom Michigan to the East, Eoutl sast and South. For details address F. M. Bushon frayeling Passenger Agent, Detroit, Michigan. &CAVbAI S-TRADL MARKSal T COPYRIGHTS." CAIV I OBTAIN A PATENT? For prompt answer and an honest opinión, write tq MUNN fc CO., who have had nearlyflfty years' experience in the patent business. Communications strictly confldentlal. A Hamlbook of Information concernlng l'atents and how to OB tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scicntiflo books sent free. ■ , Patenta taken throush Munn & Co. recelve special noticeinthe iScientilic Ameiicnn. ana thus are brouEht wldely beforethe public w1i,n out cost to the inventor. This snlendid paper, Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, ha by far oie Jargest circulation of any scientiflc work in the world. SSayear. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, tí cents. Bvery number contains beautifiíl platea, in colors, and photORiaphs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to showtü Jatest (ïesitins and secure contract. Addresa MUNN & CO.. New Youk, 3fil BkoauwAT. LAND PLASTEN LIME AND CEMENT. DRAINJILE. LOUIS ROHDE, Maio Office - 36 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. Q# A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Diseases of the EYE, EAB, NOSB and THBOAT Office, cor. of Main and Washington Streeto. Reeidence, 14 S. State Street. Kesiderice telephone, No. 128. Office telephone No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m.


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