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S. M. Bixby, the Saline ïniller, proposes to light the village of Saline if he receives enough encouragernent. He will reinforce his water power with stearu. Arthur Loweiy, of Bridgewater, has erected a second windruill iu a field back of his barns. He proposes having a good supply of water. The wild cherry trees in Lima are so full of fruit that the branches alruost touch the earth. Farmers are picking the fruit for the purpose of making wiiie. ïne commictee oí me sanne cernetery have purohased two and oiie-half acres of land adjoining the present cemetery for $1,200. This is considered a pretty good price for land in that vicinity. When the addition is iinproved the oemetery will be one of the finest village cenieteries in the state. Miss Julia Kirchoffer is teaching in the Short district in Bridgewater. Ham. Niblack, of Clinton, stepped on a nail the other day and has been using only one foot since. The K. O. T. M. of Mooreville, will make a Maccabee temple out of the Free Methodist church which they have purchased. They are building au addition to.the chnrch. County fair at Aun Arbor next week. All corne. A. A. Wood, of Lodi, exhibited some fine merino sheep at the state fair. Cuyler L. Barton's bail iu the Livingston couuty court on the charge of arson has been flsed at $4,000. The Dester council audited accounts amounting to $513.33 at its last meeting. The bilis were nearly all for street work. The Dexter counoil lias inore confidence in tbeir street coinruissioner than the Aun Arbor counoil has in theirs. They recently ordered hini to build an asphalt walk "if iu his judgment that is the proper walk to build. ' ' Dexter will invest $400 in tar walks. Winter is coming on apa.ce. Three blankets have been purchased for the Dexter lockup. N. B. - Tranips, please take notice. There are 23 non resident pupils iiï the Dexter schools. Mrs. L. Kirkland has purchased the residence of Mrs. G. W. Briggs in Dexter for 800. Dick Bell, of Dexter, has invented a bean separator. Every dollar of the Dexter village taxes has paid this year. Dr. J. C. Twitchell, of Chelsea, bas got the safest kind of a safe. He hasn't had it long. Rev. John Wall, of Dexter, who was ordained a priest last week, celebrated his first mass in St. Joseph's chnrch, Dexter, last Sunday. Of course you are coming to the county fair an3 will bring along a dollar or so on your subscription to the Argus. The Corporation well in Dexter is dry and the village cistern is filled by water hauled from a neiffhborinsr mili - - - ___ _ - _ _ _ __ - - j -- - - - ■ f ■ - ' - pond. The Manchester Enterprise celebrated its twenty-ninth birthday last week. The paper is a credit to Manchester and to Bro. Blosser, its editor. He deserves the success that hard werk has achieved. It seerns that the badger species is not wholly extiuct in this part of Michigan. Last Mouday ruorning John Kirkby, tenant on Geo. Preston's farm, four miles north of this village, was wa'ned by the barking of his dog that the animal was exercised by something of an unusaul nature. On rpairing to the spot he found a big badger at bay. With the aid of stones and the dog he gave the creature its quietus, and now displays its pelt as proof of bis powers as a inighty hunter. The beast's claws were one and onequarter inches in length and its weight about 32 pounds. - Grass Lake News. The Milan Leader thns describes a bicycle colusión : Onr article in last week's issue of the Leader on pedestrians dodging bicycles went into effect here Monday night. Henry Pulleu and Bert Taylor were the bicycle riders, the'pedestrian was an escaped veal calf. In the semi darkness, however, the dodging was eatirely oinitted by all three, but the collision carne with nnabated f i'ry, and great was it indeed ! The calf was uninjured, but scared nearly to death. The fore wheel of Henry's bike struck the calf amidship and Hcmy went skating aloug the graveled street on his right cheek, and Bert carne over on top of Henry and the calf. Af ter they had torn themselves apart and taken an inventory of the debris, it was found that Henry had lost sonje of his cheek and the front wheel of his bike was twisted inside out and outside in, while Bert was as cheeky as ever, and his bike a good as it was the day he paid fifteen cents for it." 1 All uut trees and hazel bushes in the county are hanging very full of nuts. VVhat do you thiyi; of a man who will try ro avoid the new school law hy tryiug to figure out his cihklreu oldei th;m th'3y really are? That man does not live in Chelsea or Anu Arbor, but in onr model town of Dexter and iu the year of onr Lord 1895. - Leader. He thinks as little of his ohildren as we think of him. Geo. H. Foster, the old reliable wel] driver, has been over at Bridgewater the past few weeks, makiug wells for a number of farmers in that vicinity. George got some good wells in that locality at a depth of 80 feet, while other well drivers have gone down over 200 feet without any success. - Chelsea Herald. The parrot owned by Landlord Edgar, forinerly of the Goodyear house, and now at Jonesville, is dead. She took cold and pueuruonia did the rest. In her delirium she often uttered the supper oall and her last words were "ham, Idiub, hash aiid fried potatoes. " She was 15 years old. The latest is told on a well kuown citizen who, in going by a certain business place quite late one night, heard a series of most unearthly sounds within. Hastily hunting up the village marshal, they repaired to the scène and forcing entrance made the honifying discovery that the sounds emanated f rom the nostrils of the propr:etor,who was enjoying a quiet little snooze before goiug home to the bosom of his family. None of the parties concerned are saying very much about it. - Dexter Leader. A man by the name of Ellis, living in this vicinity, was a soldier in the Mexican war and is entitled to a pension, but is unable to unwind the tangle involved in the fact that in enlisting he simply took the place of another. assnming his name, and so served as a substituted without any record being made oftheact. In 'other words, he personated the other man without any formalities, and so lost his own identity in that of a man he relieved. The romantic part of the transaction is found in the reason for the act, which was that the other fellow wanted to get married. We fear Mr. Ellis will never get his pension, though we sincerely wish he might, as he is needy. - Ypsilautian. In reference to the now historie interview between a Chelsea and Dexter lady Bro. Thompson of the Dexter Leader, says: "Now look here, Bro. Hoover, if you expect to continue slidiug down onr "cellar door don't rehash any more old chestutits aud endeavor to pass them off as Chelsea wit. We are willing to admit that you have a very uice little own np there iu the mud, and hope you are doing your share of business, for you certainly need it. It is exceedingly bad tste for you to let slip so many envious emarks. When time aud education have elevated your web-f ooted cranberry pickers to the standard of the remainder of the county, we will cheerfully do our best to have the right hand of fellowship extended to you. Until tnen, however, your portion must be prayers and probación. ' '


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News