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Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OP Wasluenaw. Tbe understgned havins been ippointed by the Probate Court for isnid County, ommUsioners to receive, examine and adjrst 11 claims und (iemands of all persons against the ?state ol' Aguí Taylor, late of said County, Jeceased, hereby give notice that ix uionths from Jaleare allowed, by order ol said Probate Court, for Creditors to freseiu their claims against the ;state of sai'd deceased, and that t bey will meet at [n l;iii resldonoe ot'saul deceased in the township of De.xter, in said countv, on the lith day of Octolor and on tbe 16th dn of January nekt, at teD D'clock A. M. of enen of aald days, to receive, sxamine and adjust said claims. Duted July 16, 1895. GEOKGE ALLEY, GOTTLIEB ANDKESS, üoniniissioners. Estáte of Sarah H. Olney. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, 88. At asesaion of tbe Probate Court ibr the county of Waahtenaw, holden al the Probate Office in tbe city of Aun Arbor, on. Friday, the l.ith day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. Present. J. Willard Babbltt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Sarah H. Olney, deceased. On readins' and flling the potition. duly verifiedof Mary II. Hiñe, praying that a certain instruraent now on Ule in thls Court, purporöng to be the last will and testament and 'codicil ahereto of said deceased, nmy be admltted to proliate, and that admiDistatlon of said estáte may be granted te Schuyler (irunt, ttu executor in Baid will naincd, or to sonw other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 1 4r li [lt; of October, next, at ten o'clock in the ïorenoou, b6 assigned for the hearing of said petition. and that the devlsees, legateee and lu-irs at Lawofaaid decea86dj and uil oüier persons interested In sriid estáte art' required to appear at a ■ioii of said Court, then to he holden at the Probate üffioe in the city of Aon Arbor, and show canse ifany there be, whythe prayei ■.! thepetitionerahould not bc granted: A ml it is further ordered that said ]n lili. iniiive notice tothe persons interesled in said eMate of tüe pendeocy tf said pel it ion and tbe hearing ihoreof by causingacopy of this order to be pubnshed in the Ann Akuor Aiuirs, a newspaper prime,! aud onculati d in said county. three sucoeuive weekf preyioua to said day of hearing. J. WILLAIID BABBITT, [A irui copy.l J vuige oí IJ róbate Wm. G. DOTY, Probate Redater. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waabteuaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, thatbyan order of the Probate (Juurt for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 6th day of August, A. D. löö'ï, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims agaiust theestate ofFla-Tina J.Comatook, late of said county. deceased, and that. all ereditors cf aid dooeased are iequiredto present tbeiiclaimato aid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbnr, for exaniinatioii aud allowance, on or before the Oth day of February next, and hat such claims will be heard before said Court ou the üth day of November, and on the 6th lay of Fcbruarynext, at teu o'clock in the foienoon of each of said days. Dated Aun Arbor, Aug. (, A. D. 1SÍI5. J.VV1LLARD BABBITT, Tudee of Probate. Estáte of Jacob Heinzmann. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Citv of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the28thday of August in the year one tliousand eijrht hundred and ninety-five. Present, J . Wlllard Biibbitt, Judjre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Heinzmann, deceased. Henry J. Manu, the adminiatrator of satd e. tate, comes Into oourt and represen - that he is now prepared to feodei bis ïitnil .i! count aja -uch .ilministrator. Ihen-upon it isordered. that Tucsrlay, tbc 24th day ol' September, nezt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for ezamining and allowing snch account, and that the heirs at law ol said deceased, and all other persons intere?led in said vsiaie, are required to appeai al asession of said Court, tben to be holden at the Probate office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, und showcause, il' any Miere be, why the -aid accountshould notbeallowed. And it is further i rdered, that said Administrator Lfive notice. to the persons Interested in said t sta te, ol' the pendency of said account, and U e hearing thereof;bv causmff a copy of thi urtler to bö publisliedin the Ann Arbor Argu, x newpapi i prmted aud circuiMur.L' in said county three successivt weeks pre [ous io said day oi' bearinir. J.WILLABD HABBITT, [A trnecopy] Judge of Probate, W. G. Doty, Probate Résister. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wuehtenaw. The undcrsigned huring been appolnted by the Probato Court for said County, Coniniissiouers to receive, examine and adjust all claims and dcmands of all persona against the .estáte ot Anthony Burke, late ol said county, deceased, hereby give noiice thal six inoDths f rom date ure order of eaid Probale Court, for creditors to present their claims againstthe estáte ofeaid deceased, and that tney will meet :it office of Arthur Brown, iu the city of Ann Arlior, iu said county, on the sth. day of November and on the 5Ü1 duy of FeDruary, nekt, at ten o'clock a. 111. of each of said days, to ri'ceive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, August 5, 18W. AHTHTK BROWN, W1LLIAM K.CHILDS, Commissioners Estáte ot Ellen O'Hara. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTY l Washtenaw, ss. At a sessíon of the Probate ('ourt for the Countv of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Albor, on Friday, the 23rd day of August, iu tlie yearone thousand cight hundred and ninoty-fiye. Present, J . Willaid habbitt, Judge of Prohate. In the matter of the estáte of Ellen O'Hara, di-oeased. Jantes Walsh, tho admtDistrator ol Baid estate, comes toto ooart and representa that he is now preparetl to rentier bis final account a- sucn adminislratox Theroupon itis ordered, that Tnesday.the 24th day of Si"eniber. next, at t.emo'elocli in the forenoon be assiijned for osaminin' and :ülowinjr -uch account, and that the beirs :it Ia oisud deceased, and all otber persons iuterested In aatd estáte are required tu appear at a session of sai'1 co'irl, then tobe bolden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, nd show cause, if any there be, why the said account Bhould not be aüowed. And it is further ordered. that said administrator give uotice to persous iuterested in said estáte of the peudeucy of said account and the hearing thereof, by causiui; scop; of this order tobe published in the Ann Akboh Akgus, a uews)iaper priutedand =irculating in said county, three succeseive -weeks previows to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, [A true copy.] Jadge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Eegi3ter Kl I FOWIIBB) ABS PES7ÏÏVZB Wtff (FATEHTED) t Th troii(;et and pnrti t I.jr HflfV rnaile. Unllke other Lye, t being ■Jl U a fltie powdcr and packod In a can AlU'wlili tvmovable lid, the contenta ■ aro always ready for use. Win ■■ rnake the bet iierfiimed Hard Soap WBêÊ iu 20 minutes wltlioiit bulllnar, JUP it !■ the bst for clcansing vasco ƒL- V pipes, dlslnfectlDg &inks, c1''sííü ■ ■ waslilug bottlos, i'alnts, troeu, utc Uk. PEN5A. 8ALT M'P'G COwBKBtÊ trau Agw., Ptüla., Pa.


Ann Arbor Argus
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