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; i wngimaÊi sS my ifami!v I ? trying to cure me OfPthis L fortune ) ƒ visited Hot Spring anH , ' ( by the best medici? 'men Z% ? benefited. p #L _m SP not l ) things had HjCUM When all ! determined to try S c" 'cíailed I tf-u-sscH ilnnn recommended "'LUIlUU ]} f iT' - wGEI ■-ai'U-ret0 ) f free to any address. n Dl8eBe8 maueü ORDEK YOUH COAL OF 31. STAEBLEE wanted,Íor1ale7etcT m'ANTED-To buyaboree forlílT Appiy at EunÜOR SALE-A flrstclass A nu Aitofw . 63-66 n 11 'rls a]so, strong girl for kitehen wot? Cali at Foreat Inn, 18 Forest Ave. 63-60 ÜLAGS fyrniáhed school houses at lowest I1. possible rates. Bef ore buying write or oall on John P. Conlcy, general aglntlo? Washtenaw county, P. O. bo.x 212,DDexter mca 5Ma ' A Address W., care of Argus. ow-UIy OOR SALE OR EENT-A new 8-roomhoü i wilh a good barn, good well, two eood cis. terns, one and one-half lots of land Term easy. Enquire at 33 Detroit St., Ann Arbor. F'OE SALE.- 30 acres on Chubb St in acre or five acre lots or all together. Lon Lime, small payment, 6 per cent interest. Jas H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit' Mich. ' FARM TO RENT- Containing about 200 acres plow land at Saline, Mich. Good fences and barne. Water in barns. Cali on f' D1i7?ion Ann Arbor, or A. F Clark Saline, Mich. PIANO TUNING.-A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J. Whitney will be in the city soon. Orders left at the Argus office will receive hls attention. WANTED- A MAN in every section at once to sell staple goods to dealers; no ped Hing; experience unnecessary ; bestside Hne. 75.00 a month. Salary and expenses or large commission made. Address, with 2 cent stamp for sealed particulars, Clifton Soap and Manufacturing Company, Cinoinnuti, Olüo. OU3E TO RENT- Suitable for roomers and boarders. As fine a location as here is in this city. Icquire at 47 S. División' STRICTXY PRIME Tiijiofchg Seed Alsike ai)d Jlii)e CÏoVer Seed AT K. J. ROGER'S Farm Iniplement and Seed Stote. 25-27 Detroit St„ Ann Arbor. A NEW lliïW kE A SOQD ONE. One of the best cures for catarrh ever known is made by the Warner Catarrh Cure Co. This company has a formula from which they prepare a remedy that has worked some wondersul cures in this terrible disease, and so far as is known no one has ever used it without being benefitted. This medicine does not attempt to cure everything, but IT WIIX CUBE CATARRH, as thousands of people can testify. It is taken internallyand cures the disease by its action on the blood . If you are afflicted with the disease give it a trial and you will never regret it. Large bottles $1.00. Sold by druggists or address The Warner Catarrh Cure Co., Ann Arbor, Mlch. p R. WILLIAMS, &ttorner at Law and Pension Claim Attorner, MILAN, MICH. CJonveyanoing and Collectlons . HL v P0WTIEE3 ABD PIBnOTD ■n ■ Cpatbhtid) MnK remie. Unllko other Lye. It bom Kk as? ssssrêzqgmr i&fKs&3&$ VB in 20 mlnutea without bollloir. ■Hl ueu. MU., VUM., X'.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News