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Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OP Washtenaw. The uuderslgned having been appointed by the Probate Court lor said County, Commissioners to receive, examine and adji'at all claims r.'nd demanda of all persous against the estáte of Agur Taylor, late of snid County, deeeased, hereby give notice that ix inontha from date are allowed, hy order ot said Probate Court, for Oreditors to present their claim, against the estáte of sai'd deceased, and that they will meet at thf late resitlence ofaaid doceased in the township of De.xter, in said connty, od the lfith day ot' Octohorand on the 16th da.i of January nekt, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said day6, to receive, examine and adjust. said claims. Duted July 16, 196. GEOUGE ALLET, üOITLIEU ANÜKKSS, CommissioDeréi Estáte of Sarah H. Oiney. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wa8htenaw. sa. At asession ot tbe Probate Comt i'or the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arhor. on Friday, the l.lth dtiy of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninetv-live. Hresent, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge óf Probate. Id the matter of the estáte of Sarah II. Olney, deceased. On reading and filingr the petition. duly verifií'tlof Mary H. Hiñe, prayingthat a certainin Btrument now on flle In thi.-t Court, purporting to ie the last will and testament and 'codicil ithereto of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that iiuministr.ttion of .said estáte may be granted te Sohuylet Grant, the executor in said wil] named, or to som1 other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 14th day of October, next, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition. and that the devisees, legatees aud heirs at law of aaid deceased, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte are required to appear at a ession of said Coiirt, then to be bolden at tbe Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse ií auy there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioaergive notice tothe persons interested in said estáte of the pendency ot said petition and tbe hearing thereof l?y eausingacopy of this order to be published in the A.nn Akbor Argus, a newspaper printeJ and reuland in said county, t bree successive week previous to said day of hearing. J. VVILLAHD BABBITT, [A true copy.l Judge of Probate Wm. G. Dóty. Probate Register. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahtenaw, nu. Notice in Iiereby gi,veH tliatbyan order of the probale '.-,!., V r.,, ba County of WnSUtfenaw, nüuie on the 6th day of August, A. D. 1893, six munths from that date were allowed tor creditoru to present their clmms ag;iiust theestate of Flavina J.Comstock, late of said county. deceased, Hiid that uil creditors of said dect'Asedarc lequiredto present theirclaims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office In the cityofAnu Arbor, forexamina ion ;ind allowance, on or before the Öth day of Fehrnary ne.vt, and tliat Kuch dalias will bc heurd belore Hiiicï Court ou the tith day of November, ant) on the fitb day of b'eljruar' nest, alten o'clock iu the foxe noon of each ot s.ii) days. Dated Abd Arbor, AOg. 6, A. D. lS9ï. J.W1LLARP BAjJÖITTi fudffe of Probate. Commissioners' ïNotice, STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Wnehteuaw. Tiie undersijined haviug been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Ooniniiasionerti to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons against the estáte oí Anthony Uurke, late ot saicl oounty, deceased, herebj give noiice that six months from date are allowed, by orderof said Probate Court, for creditors to present i huir claims against thu estáte of ymd deceased, aml tliat itiey will meet at th office of Arthur Iirown, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said ccunu, o& the 5th day of November and on tlie tii d.iy ot February, next, at ten o'clock a. m. ofeuch ut suid da-s, to receive, examine and adjut said claims. Dated, August O, 189".. ARTHUR BROWN wiLLiA.M k., _____ Coiumi.-sioners Mortgage Sale. DEl'Al'I.T HA VING BEEN M l)i: IXTHE oondltlona oí paymeni ol a certaiii mftrtmadethe 2fltb. day of August, A !. !r"7, liy John Pflsterer umi Mina Pffsterer, bis wife, to Cbrlst.tan Hack and Krederlck Schmid, whereby the power oí sale thereln contaiaed has become operatlve, whlch mortgage was reoorded m tho office of the reirist, rof deeds, in the oounty of Washtenw, etateot llichiitaii.un I beSfsi dayofA ii)iui aforesald in Líber 72 of Mortgages, on pue 2X&, on whicti mortg&ge there th olalmed to be due at the date of this in, tier the sum of ciulii hundred ;uid eighty six dollars, and oo proqeedings at law or in equlty havinj? been lnitituted to collec-t thesaid sum of moiiey or any part thereof. Notloeifl therefore hereby gi. en that on the ;i] da} ot Peoember, 1895, at eleven o'elock in theforenoonof said dav.atthesouth frontdoor of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, state of M'Cbitran, the eaid mortgage will be foreclosed and the lands and tenements In the snid mortgage mentioned and described will be sold at public auction or vendui? to the highest bidder to satiBfy the principal and interest unpaid on the said mortgae and the costs and expenses of these proceedings, tncluding an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollai-s provided for therein. The lands, tenements and premises by the said tno bgage oonveyed and then and there to be sold are descrlbed as follows, viz: All that certain piece or purcel of land situated in the city of Ann Arhor, county of washtenaw, and sta'e of Michigan, to-wit: Conimenciiii! at, a point on the south sido of Huron street. three rods and four feet west of the nortli-caet corner of land, foi merly owned by one Alonzo Gretton, mid at the north-west corner of L. Rohde's land. thence gouth along said Kohde's west line el;lit rods, thence west four rods, thenoe nortb eight 1 rods to the south line of Huron street, thence eastalong tbe south line of Huron street four rods to the place of beginning. Belng onsention twenty-nlue, town two, south range, six east. Dated Ann Arbor, Septembentth 1895. ('Illil-TIAN MACK, E. B. NOHKIS. FKBDBR1CK SCHMin, Atty.ior Mortgasees. MortgageeB. Estáte of Daniel Sutherland. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTÏ of Washtenaw, 8s. Ata session of the Probate Court for tne County of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office in the city oí Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the i'th day of September, in the year oue thousaud eight hundred and ninety-five. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. lp the matter of the eatate of Daniel Sutherlaml, deceased. Sarab J. Sulherlnnd, exeeotdz of the last will and testament of Bttld deceastrd. conios into court and represent that she is now preoared to render her tlnal account ae sucb esecuuix. Tbtreiipon it is ordered that Tuesday, the 22d day ol October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assiined for examiniug and allowing such account, and that the devisees, legateee and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in gaid esiate, are required to pppear at a íeinnn of said court, then to be holden at the l'robato office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in suid county, and show cause, ïf any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And t is further ordered, tliat said exucutrix give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pndency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by oausing a copy of thisorder to be pnblmlied in the A-.n rbob Vkodh,h newpii-r jtrintvrl .-nrtclr■ iililiug in mid cuauty, iwo incoM-ive tekf pn'Vi us to ï-ald dav oí henrit y J WILLABP BAH' ITT, (AtrueKopy.) Judweo' lioiiate, WlLLIAM i;. DOTY. Probate Kemsiei.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News