Death Of Clara Doty Bates
Clara Doty Batos, widely kuowu for her juveuile writings, died in CJhicago Monüay eveniug. She was born in this city and was the danghter oL Samuel Rosecrans Dofcy, a oousin of Gen. Rosecrans. When she married in 1869 she entered more extensively npon Jilemry worK. chosing as her life partner, Morgan Bates, a newspaper man. She had resided in Chicago siuoe 1877. Her last volume was oue of poems eutitled "From Heart's Content. " She stood high in Chicago literary cirrles and was the flrst vice-president of the Fortnightly Club. She originated the idea of rhe children's library at the world's fair. JVIrs. Bates was the sister of Mrs. Homer P. Finley, of 46 Sonth Ingalls street, and the funeral was held from her sister's residence Wendesüay after uoou. The remains of the poetess, than Wbom there was nu more populur javenile riter among womeu since Louise M. Alcott, lie afc rest in Forest Hill cemetery.