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upon proper Underwear at this eharvgeable season. Our Underwear strtck has been given doublé its usual room and a new fresh stock of the best the market affords can bí tutind in a bewildering variety. Ladies' Union Suits at 50c, ír.oo, $1.50, $2. 00, $2.50 and $3 75, the last figure being for ejertüine "Vpsilanti Unions" for wliich we are sole agents. By the way you will note that the price - $3 75 - 's a very large reduction i'roiii old prices and is a saving of at least a dollar to you. Children's Unions in sizes from that of the "little tot" up to that for the Miss, prices 50c, 95c and $1 .25. Ladies' Underwear Vests and Pants, in Jersey or Flat styles and in all grades from all cotton to cotton and wool and up to all wool. Prices varying as qualities vary from, 25c up to $1.50 per garment. Children's Single Garments Vests or Pants from 20c for all cotton up to 90c for finest Jerseys made of Australian wool. Gentlemen's Underwear in large variety, beginning at 39c for Natural, then 50c for either Flat or Jersey styles in superb values, next at Si 00, the best garments ever offered for the price in Ann Arbor, while at $1.50 per garment we offer "Swits Conde" Underwear which could not have been duplicated a year ago at #2.00 per garment. You will need Underwear soon for yourself and family. Let us assist youto get the best values. i l MILLS 1 CO. LaLpL&DSi l20S.Main Street C i- C AKj


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News