Right On Top
ma i ia!i!S 5 ï ï !! 7 ï 5 edged by evéryone to be the CHEAPEST place in Ann Arbor or Washtenaw County to buy reliable footwear. We had the Best Opening ever heard of in Ann Arbor and the most profita ble one to shoe buyers. We do' not intend to stop the good thing now, but are goingto push it right along and commencing Saturday Morning we will place every pair of Boots, Shoès and Rubbers in the house on sale at prices that will da'ze our competitors and gladden the hearts of the consumera. We have the goods to do it with. j And the prices are 40 per cent cheaper than all competitors. Everyone who needs any footwear cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Every one f all in line and follow the crowds to the great slaughter sale of Boots and Shoes at the TUI (RMT CHICAGO SHOE STOEI 1O N. Mail) Street, Opposite Court House. ANN ARBOR. ï
Ann Arbor Argus
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