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THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine (The only Art Periódica] awarded a Meda'l at the Worid's Fair.) Invaluable tn all icfto vnsh. Ut make livina hu art ar ti make thetr homes beautifid Fnp Iflp we wi" send to ay (ie a ■ ui iwy (IA tion a specimen copy, with nnperb iUL color plates (foroopyins or l'raminp) and 8 suppleoientHry pages of designs (regular prioe 35c). Or KOR 5c we will send also"Iasmiii}r for Bejfimiers" 190 pages) 1HONTAGFE M4RKN, 23 llHiou Square, N.Y. èiM É fee ïtp (Tl Via cJ " Via n 1 O Via i Pennsylvania SHORT LINES. Most direct from Michigan to the Eaat, South sast and South. For details address F. M. Busuoua trayeling Passenger Agent, Detroit, Michigan. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT í Fora prompt answer and an bonest opinión, write to WIJN N fc CO., who have had nearlyflfty years' experience in the patent business. Communications strietly eonfldential. A JH amlbook of Information concerning Patenta and bow to obtain tnem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and selentiflc books sent free. Patenta taken through Munn & Cp. receive special noticein tbe Scien tifie Awiericnn, and tíms are brought widely beíoretbe public wihout cost to the inventor. Thia spiendid paper, issued weekly, elegautly illuatrated, has by far the larjzest eirculation of any scientifle work in tha world. 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, 5 cents. Kvery numher contains beautiful plates, in coloro, and pbotograpbs of new howses. with plans, enabling builders to show tho latest deslcns and secure contracta. Address MÜNN & CO.. New YOük, 361 BkoauwAT. LhM PIASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. LOUIS ROHDE, Main Office- 36 E. Hurón Street. Yards- 50 West Hurón Street. " B. WILLIAMS, Attorner at Law and Pension Claim Atlornw, MILÁN, NfICH. and Colleotions. ti EWIS' 98 Vvtí L POwriBEr aot festoiíid (PATENTE) ThC0tFonyAí and pnrest TJ9 made. Unllke other Lye, lt beln a flne powder and packed. Ín a can wlth removable lid, tho content are always ready for uso. Wlu niake the bet perfiuncd llardSoap Ín 20 minutos wKliunt bolllnv. It I tlie bent furck'anslug wasWj pipe, dlslnfoctlng sliiks, closouk waslilng bottle, palnts, troes, ote ' PENSA. SAXT WS'Q CO. Gen. Agte., Plilla., Pa. Pensions! If vou want a Vension, or re-rating, or any luestion answered in Pension or Patent cases write J. L. STARKWEATHEK, Attorney, Romeo, Mich, t Mr. Starkweather secured orer ton per cení. af all original Pensions allowed in Michigan for the month of August, 180; 603 allowed.Detroit Free Press.


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