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Estáte of David G. Rose. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, as. At asesmon ot the Probate Court i'or theeounty of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Aitior.on Tuesday, the I51 h day of Oetober, in the year one thoQ0and elght huudred and uinety-tive. Present, J. Willard Babbltt, Judice of Probate. Id the matter of the estáte of David G. Koae, On readin and filing the petition. duly veriflrd of hm nui (! . Ta Lor, et al praying that acertain instrument now un lile in thls Court, pui p lie the last will and tismmom and ■codii il thereto of said deceased, may ! admitted to probate, Riid that admi istration 1' stil uiatu mav be grauted u Iv e ind Charles A . Dumau, ■ cu tors in said will named, orto som-' otber suitable person. Thereupon it is ordcred, that Mondny, the llth day of No cmler, next, at len o'clock in the iorenoon, be asaigned for the heariug of said petition. and that the il. ei Ie ■■ B law of euid deceiised, and uil othor persons interester! in said estáte are required to .ppi-ar at a aessinn of said Cuiirt, theu to be holden at the ! Probate Office in the city of Aun A rbor, and show canse if any there be, why the prayer ui' the petitionershould not ba sran'tud: And 11 is further or dered that said petitionerive notice to the persona interested in said estáte of the pendency oí said petitiou and the hearing thereof fy causiitgacopy of this ordi-r to be published in the Ann Arbof Argus, a newapaper printeJ and Oiroalated in said county, three succeseive week? previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLAUD BABBITT, [A true copy.l Judge of Probate Wm. G. Doty. Probate Résister. Estáte of Edward Olney. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Washtí t a sesaion of th Prohat' Jonrtfor the County of Wiishtenaw, holden 'roï) ie Otöce. in the Ctty of Ann Arbor. 01 onday, the 14th day of October, in thi' year ie th0U8and eight hundred and uinety five. Preeent, J. WUlard Babbiu, Jiuipc.f I'1 In the matter 01 the estáte oí Kdw. rd eceased . o ading peiitton, duly v Sflmyl p Qri : - t h ■ 1 1 administration j bonis non, witli the wil] ailaexcd, .1 .-anl tte mny i.e granted 10 hioiself or souic her suttable person, Thert-upou it is orderí'd, that, tht lth duy of Novenibor next, at ten o'clock tn thi renooD. be asBiffned 101 the heariug.of 8od tition, and thal the heirsatlaw of said deceued, nd all other persons inter.sted in .said estáte, re required to appear at a session of 6-? ourt th n to be holdiri at the Probate office n the city of Aun Arbor, and sh'w cause, ti ny there be, why the prayerofthe petitmtier kould not be yranted: And it iimirthfi order ïat said petitioner give notice to the pei ons interested in said entatr of the pendency o! aid petition, and the hearing thereof, nj ausing a eopy of this order to be publiahftl in ie Ank Abbok Argus, a newspaper printed t, rculated in siiid county, three successive wee!:.revioii8 to sa'dday of henring. J. WILLARD BARBITT, IA true oopy.] Judge of Probat Wm. U. Doty. Probate liegister Estáte ot Abigrail Dickerson, OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wasta' tenaw. ss. At 11 sesslon of the Probate lourtfor the County ot Washtenaw, holden at je Probate ' 'frice in the city of Min r r n Ttnsday.theStliday of tbeyear ne tiiou and elght hundred mul Dlnety-nve. Present, J. Wlllard Babb tt, Jurlseof Proate. 1 11 the matter of the estáte of Abiirial Diekrsou, deceased. ArthurC Van Sickle, the adminlstrator of aid estáte, comes into court and repr hut li is now plepa red to ronder his final coouot as suoli ftdmiölstrator Ttiereupon it is ordcred hat Tuesday. the ifth day of November next, at IQ b'cl ck in ie forenoon,l)c asÍLrm-d For exaxnirjing and llpwlng such account, and mat 1 !u he awot snid eceased.aid all other pera tl in saidestat. ■. are rei appear t a sesslon of said ourt, then to -be 1. t tbe Probate Office, in the city of A.nn Ar or, in said Coiínty. and slnjw callee, i' afíy liere be. why the said account should llowed: And it is further ordtrefl that nid Adminlstrator give notice to th ons interested in said t;itt,ir the peneney of said account. s,nd the hr-. ring theref, by causing ;i copy of this order to ' puh- 1 1' il ui the Ann èrbor Argtie, a newspaper rinted and cir ulatiug m ;ii I county, ihree luccessive weeks pievious to sud day of beurJ. WILLARD BABBITT [A true copy.l Judge of Probate. William Doty, Probate Kearister. Estáte of Giles Lee. ■TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OK Washtennw, ss. At a sssion of U e Prolmte Court for the County of Washti'iia, hol:en ai the 'róbale Office in he City of Aun rbor, on Wednesdny, the s?cord day ot Oetoher in (he year 0"e thousand eiehthundred anduinety-five Present, J Willanl Babbltt, Judfre ofProBate, In the matter of the estáte of Giles Lee decpa-ci. Onreadiug and filing the pe'ition duly venfied of l.ucy B. Lee, prayii g Ihal a certuin íuslrumfcnt now on file in this i ourt, puri'orting to be liust will nnd tesbuneDt ot sid de ceasidmaybe admittcd 10 m h ite, and that adminietration ol said esta'e may ber ntcd to herseli', the execufiix in siid will nrfmed, or to some othersuital'le psrson. Thereupon it is ordered, that MotHay, tb 2th day of October instant at 10 o' dock in the forenoon. De asslyuíd for the hearing oí" said petili"n, and that the devisees. legatees and heirs-atlaw of said deceaeed and tll othcr persona iii-Utejipd in said estáte, are r iuired tu app-nr at aession of said court, then to he holden ai the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbtr. and ahow cause, if auy there be. why the praver of the petitioner slioutd not be grunted. . Ana it is further ordered that said petiiiucer ?ive notíce to the persons intereften in said estáte of the pendenej of smd petiiion and th hnarlns tberool, by cansiiifr a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Aiibor Abbus, a ncvspapet printed and cnculatt-d In said couuty, three succes8ÍTc weekf prviou said duy of hearingJ. WILLARU riABBITT, (A tbüe copy) Judge ot'Probate. William G. Uotv. Probate Revíster Estáte of Cecilia A. Underhill. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COÜNTl of WftMÍitonaw, as. At a sesion ofthe Probad Conrtforth County of Wnshtenaw , liold n at the Probate Office in the City ot Aun Arlor, on WfOiiPStïay, the 16ih day oí O'tobei, in the year one tboueand eisrht hundred and ninety-tive. Present J.Willurd ttabbitt, Judt?p of Probate. In the matter ofthe eatateof Cecilia A. Unáerhill deceased. Onreadinp and filing; the petition, duly verified, of Charles E Samson, praving that he maf lie licened lo sell thc real estáte wLereof said deoeasi d died seized. Thereupon it i 8 ordered, that Tuesday, the l?th day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forennon, be assigned for the heariag of said petition, nnd that the heirs at law of smd deceased and all othei persona mterested in said estáte, are required to ajipeaT at a pession ni' said Court, theu tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, and ehow aute if any thee be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it ís further ordered, that sftid petitionergive notice to the persons interest ed in said ea tute of the pendency of said pctitiou, and the htarinp thereof, bvcausing a copy of this order to be pubíished in the Ann Arbor Anots, a newspaper pnntd and circulated in said County, three anccessivp weeks previous to naid dav of hearing. J. WÏLLARD BARBITT, [A true copy] Jde of Probate WiLUAM G.Doty, Probate Register.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News