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A Good Man Departed

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Beloved of his fainily, respe cted by all citizens, reoognized as a public man and benefactor, with sixty years of successful toil among men, Philip Bach laid down the burdeu of life early Saturday morning, after an illness of but a few hours. His deafch was a shook to the comrnunity, for be had been in very good healtb in recent months, and the presence of the dread destróyer was in no way anticipated or suspected. The evening before tho ladies of the Library Assooiation niet at his home at a Hallowe'en party and over 200 people were present. He joined in the evening's merriment with hearty vigor. The eveuing following he retired eaiiier than Mrs. Bach, who desired to awsiit the return of members of the family, who arrived home shortly after eleven o'clook. On going to her room, then, Mrs. Bach fonnd her husband ill aad in pain. A physician was sunamoned and he soon rallied. The doctor left, thinking that his patiënt was well reoovered, but at 2 :30 ju the morniug there was a second attack of the trouble, heart failure. Several more followed and at 5 :30 Mr. Bach breathed his last. Born at Badeu, Germán y, in Mar oh, 1820, Philip Bach moved with his parenis to Ann Arbor iu 1835. He first started as olerk for Brown & Co., the senior member of the firin being Daniel B. Brown. His first partnership was with Peter Abel, in 1839, and since that time he had been identifiedwith thejdry goods business in thiscity nntil September last, when he disposed of his stock and retired from active business; so that he was just entering upon the leisure that follows a woll speut life of business and hard work, when the grim messenger took hiin from the scènes of wliich he had becorne so prominent a part. Iu 1843 Mr. Bach fornied a paitnership with C. B. Thompson and in 1853 lie again bPcame Peter Abel's partner. X3n Peter Abel's death tho interest was taken by a brother, Eugene B. Abel. Mr. Abel was sucoeeded on his death by Zaohary JRoath, who died suddenly last year. Mr. Bach, besides bis woik at the counter, had becomê identifled also with ether business concerns. He was president at the time of his death of the First National bank, of which he was one of the orgauizers. He was mayor of Aun Arbor in 1858 and elected a member of tli3 board of school trustees in 1837, and the latter position he did not relinquish uutil 1891. He was also a stockholder in the Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., and had been a member of the board of directois since its organi'iaton in 1866. Mr. Baoh was three times marned, his first wife being Miss Hannah Polhemus. ín 1855 he niarried Miss Nancy Royce, and ú 1876 was again married, this time to Miss Annie Botsford, who survives him. There are six ehildren liviog, Mrs. Haniiah J. Warner, of the City of Mexico, James R. Bach, Mrs. Mary L. Henderson, Nellie Baoh and Waldo B. Bach, oí this city, aud Philip Baoh, jr. , a ruerchant in New Mexico. The funeral services were held at the .family resideuce, 100 South Main street, at 2 o'clook Monday afternoon, Rev. .T. M. Gelston conducting the servioes. The honorary pall bearers were James Clements, S. W. Ularksou, E. D. Kinne, J. F. Lawreuce, W. Ccrnwell, J. L. Babcock, William MoCreary and Moses Seabolt, all direotors of the First National Bauk. The active pall bearers were aeph jws of the deceased, Alfred and Eddie Hutzel, Amos and Eddi Lohr and Fred Belser. The iutermen was made at Forest Hill cemetery. During the hour of the funeral all th places of business in the city and th schools were closed, as a tribute to th deceased aud the services were attend ed by one of the largest conoonrses o people assembled on a similar occasio for many years.