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1 The secretary of state has issued 1 7, - 000 deer licenses, and still huuters clamor for more. As there is probably half fchat many deei in Michigan, the state is realiziüg handsome profits on the license law. It is a pity, however, to thiuk of the large nuinber of nimrods who will expend their cash aDd energy by shooting the air f nll of holes. Tecumseh Herald. Bev. W. H. Skentelburg leaves the Dnndee Congregational church to go to Lake Odessa. Saline is tongb. The devil has been labored with for tb ree weeks afra Methodist revival, but to no avail, and the meetings closed with just as many sinners in Saline as there were bef ore they were begun. O. M. Kelsey, of Saline, shipped six tons of frorkeys to the eastern rnarket in one day recently and distribnted f800 to the farmers in the vicinity for the same. The venerable Otto Schairer is the coiner of a uew expression - "spontanèous ease of com bnstion. "The break was made in the literatura class. We have heard the Vassar girl teil about bemg "subordiuated to the meteorological conditions of the atniosphere" or request a friend to "retire to the rever - berating echoes of heaveu's artillery, " bnt we must have more of the context to solve "spontaueous ease of combustión. - School Notes in the Saïiue Observèr. Sunday afternoon a house owued by Frank Foruer, situated about a mile and a half ïiorthwest froin this place, ■was destroyed by'fire. The house was near the one owued by Boberfc Leach, vhich was bnrned a short time ago, as ■was noted in last week 's Standard, and Mr. Leach had stowed what few goods he had saved in the building, and was residiug iu (he village. This fire finished the workof destruotion commenced by thfi praivons one.- Chelsea Standard. The Goodyear house at Manchester is beiug repaired. Davir] Haselsehwardt, a machinist in North Sharon, severely niangled his left hand while plauing stares. Miss Lucille H. Ward and Chas. H. JRobison, of Milán, were united inmarriage last week Wednesday. They are a highly osteemed couple and the grooin is a gradúate of the Michigan Agricnltnral college. Editor W. M. Featherly ("libel suit") Featherly is the sobriqnet tíe earned somo years ago) has been visiting in Milán. He has beon south this fall and furnished the Milán Leader with some roadable iettors froin Dixie land. JiJUU. They hart a baby show at Northvillt last week and the Record man hasn'yet flgnred ont all the babies that oape tured prizes. If he is wise he will grant a prize (on paper) to every baby in the corapetition. GrassLake wonld like to have an enterprising athlete come to town and organize a foot ball team. It is so iutensely healthy there that the doctors are not havjng auy basiness tiiis fall. The Ann Arbor Argus must have a blind man on its force, or else one who is not acquainted with newspapers. It credits a qnarter column Press item to the Adrián Times Now, if the Timee wonld kick agninst it, we would not say a word. And a lot of papers which excüangre with the Argns, and not with the Press will join in the robbery, and help in making the Times receive stolen property. No use going over to Ana Arbor to figbt. Beakes would hide behind a postage stamp and Hammond is off peildling for a book trust, and it wonldn't be healthy to tackle the foreman or kiok the office cat. Jndge Kinne wouldn't do a thing to us in the court either, except torun us up against that big oak sidewalk tree, with a rebuttal and surre butter, and then tnandamus. But, look here, Mr. Argus, just make that right or we will watch for yon over here sorue day. - Adrián Press. Gentle reader, you can see how jealons of bis fame as a humorist this man Stearns has come to be. We apologize- to the Times. It won't mind, perhaps, that we have disgraced it before the community at large by placing its name to one of the Press' "goaks. " But we have ! It is too late to mend the harm done now, but, before one and all. we do apologize most humbly for this innocent thrnsting npon tüem of a son that does not belong to the Times. Tbe Hhock to the Times must have been something terrible. Te dum, te dum ! Cbelsea people groped around in th dark last week wheu the engine at th electric light station broke dowu. A short tme ago one of the young men who seeuj to have nothing to do except to sit aronnd and look beautiful so far forgot himself as to do severa days' work. He received a check in payinent and betweeu the time he re oeived the check and the time of cash ing it, he raised the amount that it called for, so that he was ahead abou seventy ceuts. The matter soon leaked out.anrinow he is known among the boys as "DePrance. " This is almost inore than he can bear, and it is rurnorod that he bas thruatened to vamose. - Chelsea Standard. Must have been he "worked" the man who cashed the check. A resident of Chelsea stole a rooster and soine eggs, the China nest egg included, and his little boy's conscience pricked him so that he told the neighbor all about it. Now there is a coldness between the families such as grows up where confldence regarding ohickens has been shaken to its very depth. Dexter is agitating electric lights with a veugeauce. Thos. Birkett is to pnt in a new engine for the JDexter milis and this would furnish power. The Dexter Leader thinks that a good method to employ to keep the tramps out of the village this wiuter wonld be to insist on their taking a bath. A number of onr neighboring farmers formeel a bee and drew CO loads of gravei mto Forest Lawa cemetery last Thursday, making a driveway arouud the new addition. - Dexter Leader. Rev. W. P. Considine, rector of St Mary'e chureb at Chelsea.will complete ten years of service this evening and the members of the parish will tender him public reception. Chelsea has a football team and will proceed to fill the village cemetery. Chelsea's Relief Corps sent a $30 box of warm clothing last week to a family of six smal! children at Ecorse, Mich. Dexter, now that it 'has its new concrete walks, will proceed to prosecutn people who defaoe them. Dexter's expectation of having electric lights reminds ns of a story told by Bill Nye. Bill had tried abont every thmg for an accnmulation of yea-s of good living, which had culininated in that dull ache in the pit of the gastronoinic territory. At length, driven to desperation, he quit the family physician and toot a much advertised patent medicine and was cnred. Being persuaded to write a testimonial fov the cure he took pen in haud and dashed off the following poem in blank verso: ''When I flrst took your medicine my lights were burning very low. Thanks to your invaluable remedy I now have electric lights. " There is a "Happy Death Society" at Che! sea. Hickory and walnut trees in the county are reporfced to have borne well this year. They have so forgotteu the appearauce of greenbaoks at Chelsea that wheu a inerchan1 gets a collection of biJls they prooeed to place theiu in a show window. Cashier Palmer last week had $1,105 in paper money thus arranged for public view- all confedérate. Ypsilanti has a benefactor in the person of Mrs. Mary A. Starkweather. On Tuesday she gave $10,000 for a Studeuts' Christian Association at the Normal. The buiding wili be two stories high, the first story of boulder stone, the second of red sandstone. Cassius L. Hall, of Ypsilanti, has been granted a patent on a hose coupliug. People were getting in out of the wet Tnesday at Ypsilanti when the water maiu near the stand tower sprung aleak. Auother Johustown horror was very likely avtrtod by a water works employé who happened to be near by and who succeeded in shntting off the stroam. A large seotion of the new Normal training school was washed away. Miss Francés Stewart, clerk at the Ypsilanti Normal, stood on & chair in order to light a gas jet. Her skirts were not of the divided kind aud she stumbled and feil, and the prong of the jet passed entirely through the fleshy part of her hand. Circuit court is in session at Howell. Last spring Chas. Gates, of Pinokney, went to work on shares on Mrs. N. M. Beebe's farm. There was a misnnderstauding abont the corn erop and whp.n Gates took his share Mrs.Beebe promptly had bim arrested for larceny. A justice conrt jury found him not guilty of the charge.