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Tiie rcpublicaus in the stats iucreased ...

Tiie rcpublicaus in the stats iucreased ... image
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Tiie rcpublicaus in the stats iucreased the taxes considerably over a million dollairs last year. The county expenses were increasod over ?9,000 rhi vear over last. A member of the 'Aun Arbor conncil arose iu his place and anuou.iced that this council, republioau, of course, was gaining tbe repntation of being the most extravagant the city had had. How long will Washtenaw sfay republican? General Harrison is being booiued pretty vigorously for president. There are any nnmber of men in the republican race, inclnding Mortou, Depew, McKinley, Reed, Allison, Bradley, and many dark horses ready to spring in in case of contest. One of these dark horses, it is whispered, is General Alger, of onr state, wbo, it is stated, wishes to head the Michigan delegation so as to be on hand to take advantage of emergencies as was Garfield soroe years ago. The sbowing made on our flist page of the increase iu county exponditures dnring the past year over the preceding year of about $9,000, is only another illustration of the difference between deinucratic and republican adniinistrations. We have had such illustrations in onr city, county and state affairs. Will onr people heed the lesson? Or are they so in love with the republican party that they prefer to pay mach higher tases for the purpose of keeping theiu in power? General Spalding's first official acc as congressinan of this district iudicates that he is no respecter of preceden ts. For many years it has been the custoru in this district, as in most others, to award the scholarship in West Point, which belongs to the district, by competitivo examination. General Spalding, íd defiance of this cu8tom, and without any examination, hae apponted his own sou, (eorge, to the vacant cadetship. It is a fine thing to hold a public offlc6 if you can use it only for feathering your own nest. We renture that if the general's majority had been 60 instead of 6,000 a competitivo examinaton would have veu held.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News