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Sherlff's Sale. BY VIKTUEOFAWRTTOI'KIKKI FA0IA9 issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit i'ourt for the Oounty of Washtenaw iind Mate l Mlobigan, t. me directed and delivered, agalnst the eöods and cbatlels. landa and tenementaof Adella M Plsk, I did, on the ninth diiy ..1 August, A. D. 1895, levy apon uid take all the rhrht, title and interest of said A del ia M. Bisk In und to the following described real estáte, situated in tlie Oounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to wit: All thooe oertaio pieoes and pareéis of land slMiated in the vtilage of Cbelsea, county of Waslitenaw and State ol' Michigan, known as the west half of all the followlng descrlbed parecí of land, viz: CommenciiiK at the south line of Middle streel in f-e Villageof Chelsea, In said Oounty oi Wastatenaw, Michigan, at the norilieast' corner of certaJn landsdeeded September 88th, lft)3. by Lovel D. toomla to Alma Conkrlght, sald deed being recorded In the office of ilie Register of Deeds for said Washtenaw County in liber 111 of deeds, on page 174, and running tbence southwardly alonir the east line of said Conkright's land to the southeast corner thereof: tlience eastwardly, parallel with said Sdlddle Street, to a point on tho south line of lot, (87) tliirty-seveu. Inblock(4) fourof the original plat of said Viliage of Chelsea, live reet of the soul heast corner of said lot f.'VT) thirty-sevea; thence north, parallel with and five feet west f rom the east line of said 'ot (;!7) thirty-seven, to the south line of said Middle s1 reet; tlience west along the south line of said Middle street to the place of bezinning. And also an easement in the east hnlf of said described premises as follows: The ownership of one liulf of the well and pump on the same, and the right to go on and about said well to draw water, and the tree joint use with the owner of said east half of said premises and to said well, the owner of each respective lialf of said land to beat the expense ot' maintaining said well and pump forever All of whichi shall exposé for sale at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder, as the law directs, at the south front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, (that beinir the building in which the Circuit Court for said Washtenaw County. State of Michigan, is held), on Monday the ninth day of December, A. D., 1895, at 12 o'clock noon. WM. JUDSON, Sheriff. Nklson E. Kreku, Chas. B. Whitman, Defendant's Attorneys. 5 Dated October lst, A. D. 1895. , Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE conditions of payment of a certain mortgagiB made the 2flth day of August, A I). 1887. by John PfLsterer and Anna l'listerer, his wife. to Christian Mack and Frederick Schmid, whereby the power of sale therein containeo bas bicorne opeiative, which mortgage was reoorded in the office of the register Of deeds, in the county of Washtenaw, state ot Michijran.on the.31stdayof August aforesaid in Liber T2 of Mortgages, on pae 228, on which mortfiase 1 lieve is clairaed to be due at the date of thi8 notice the sum of eight hundred and eighty-eix dollars, and no proeeedins at law or in enuity haring been Instituted to collect the said sum of money or any part thereof. Notice is therefore hereby given that on the 3d day of December, 1895, at eleven o'clock in thé f orenoon of said day, al the south front door ol' the court house, in the city of Aun Arbor, state of Michigan, the said mortgage will hè foreclosed and the lands and teoenients in the said mortjrage mentioned and described will be sold at public auction or rendue to the hijrhest bidder to -atisfy the principa] and inu-ivs-t unpaidon the said mortgage and the costs and expenses of thpse proeeedings, includingan attorney's fee ol' twenty-flve dollars provided for therein. The lands, tenements mul premises by the said mo tgage conveyed and then andthere to be sold are deseribed hs follows, viz: AU that certain plece or pa roei of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, to-wit: Cominencinf; at a point on the south side of Huron street. iliree rods and four feet west of tbe uorth-east corner of land, forinerly owned by one Alonzo Gretton, and at. the north-west corner of L. Kohde's land. thence south along said Uohde's west line Lrtit roda, tlience west four rods. tbenne north eight rods to the south line of 1 In ron sticet, thence east alonf theflouth line of Baron si reet four rods u the place of i glnning. llein.L' on section twenty-niue, towu two, south muge, slx east. Dated Ann Arbor, Sepiember 4th, lSüñ. (Illil-TIAN MACK, E. B. NORRIS. FHEDER1CK SOSMID, Atty. for Mortgasees. Mortgageea Estáte or Jacob Hoffstetter. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol Washteuaw, as. At a sesion of the Probate Courl for the County ol Wanhtenaw, holden at the Probate Otïu-e in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Monday the 2U day "of Octolier, in the year one thousand eight hundrud aml ninety Sye. Vresent, J. Willard liabbitt.Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eBtateoJ Jacob Hoffst etter, deceased. Onreadingand fllinsrthe petition.duly verifled, of Guata? Adolph Hoffstetter. praying that a certain instrument now on filo in tliis court, purportiiigto be the last will and testament of said deceased inay be adiuitted to probate and thtit administration " of saiu estáte inay be granted to Da"id Rinsey the executor in said will nanied, or to sonie otber suitahle person. Theroupon it is ordered, that Monday, the lSth day of November next, at ten o'clockin theforenoon beassiguedfor the hearing of gaid petition, and that the deviëees. leñatees and heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons iuterested in said estate, are required to iippear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, tf any there be whytheprayer of the petitioner sliould not be granted. And it is further ordered that gaid petltiouer give notice to the persons mterested in said estáte, ol the peudency oí said petition and the hearing causing a copy ofthis order to be published in the Ank I Akbok AKGüS.a newspaper printed and circulatedinsaid county three successive weeks prevlous tosaid day of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, (Atniecopyj Judgeof Probate. Wm. G Doty Probate Résister. Sherlffs Sale. BY VIRTÜE OKA WRIT OF FIERI FACÍAS issued out of aod under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to me direeted and dellvered, affiiinst the iroods and chuttels, landa and tenementa of Williaui His-!;s, 1 did.on the twenty-ninth day of .laiuiary, A. T). 1S95, lew upon and takeall the rlffht,tlUe and interest of said William Hiííií in and to the following deseribod real estáte, situated in the (County of Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, to wit,: All those certaln plecea and pareéis of land situated in the City ol Ann Arbqr, County of Washtenaw and -tate of Michigan, kuown and described as lots numbered four(4).twelve (12). forty-three (4; and forty-four (40, in A. Tenbrook's Addition to the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and lots numbered thlrty-one (31), thirty-two (32) and thirty-tlnoc (38), in H. S. Smlth's 1 ' i i - i Addition to the said City ot Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State (f Michigan, nll of which I shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue to the hiïhest bidder, as the law directe, at the south front door of the Court House, in tbc City of Ann Arbor, [that beiujf the in wlüuh the Circuit Court for said Waslitenaw County, Stat e of Michigan, is held), on Monday the ninth d:ty of December, A. D. 1,SS).". at fóo'clock noon. WM. JUD8ON, Sheriff. Cbas. R. Whitman, Plalntlff's Attorney. Dated October lst, A. I. ! Children Cryfor I iitcher's Castoria.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News