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The Salvation Arrny has arrived in r.own as per program. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Spring on Monday. C. F. Stabler paiuted the Arlington hotel front this week. No. 134, three rings, will now c:ül np VVadhams, Ryan & Reule. Miss Kittie Ir Win and Herman Pipp were rnarried Thursday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Tatlovk willgive a recoptïon this eveniug in Harris hall. Rhoda M. Snow desire9 a divorce f rom hei busband, ex Alderman W. G. Snow. Cornelia E., nino months oli daugbter of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Morton, died Snnday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Booth celebrated the twenty-fonrth anniversary of their wedded life Monday. Rt. Rev. Bishop Gaylor, bishop coadjutor of Tennessee, will deliver the lectures before the Hobart Guild this year. James N. Riley has purchased an in - terest in the clothing house of Wadhams, Ryan & Reule in Battle Creek. Leiand T. Powern pleased1 a large audience at University hall Friday ereniug, in the S. L. A. course, in his preaentation of "Thé Rivals." Frederick Nellis and Miss Nellie Flinn were married Thursday night at the home of the groom's parents, on West Liberty strest. J. F. Schub will oconpy the middle one of the three stores now being erected on East Washington street,witb a line of plumbing goods, sewing machines, mantels, etc. The court honse clock will be lighted by electricity at a cost of $96 per year. Bight incandescent lights will be used iu order that Bibuloas niay find bis way home with ease. Cbicken thieves entcred the premises of Mrs. Mary Baechler, on West Third street, early Monday morning, and are supposed to be fattening three nice fowls for Thanksgiving dinner. The remaina of John McNally were brought nere Friday froui Terre Hante, Ind , for burial iu tbe St. Thomas cemetery. The deceased was 24 years old, typhoid fever being the cause of death. A hallelujah wedding will occur at the Salvation Army hall, on Fourth ave, Monday evening, when Staff Captain Gifford, of Detroit, will unite in marriage Mr. Sam. Davis and Miss Jessie Lyle, of Detroit. Jay C. Taylor used to live here, before he became a shining light íd a tenor role in high opera, and it is believed still claims this as his home. He will appear here with the Carlton Opera Co. in "Liily of Killarney" next Monday night. Here's the greatest joke Mr. Stearns has yet peípetrated : "If there is a dearth of county crumbs and neighborhood notes this week, our readers must be indnlgent. Uuexpected work prevented examination of our exchanges, and opportnnity to get information." Prof. E. W. Kelsey will deliver his lecture npou "A Snmmer in Pompeii" at the Presbyterian chnrch tonight. The lecture was to have been delivered last spring, but was postponed on account of the professor's illness. Tickets purohased last year will be good for this lecture. The annual meeting of the Needlework Guild was held Friday last at the home of the president, Mrs. Perry. Mrs. Cushman, the secretary, made a report showing that 820 garments were oontributed for the poor last year and 1,031 tbis year. About 100 families were reported as needing help in the city. The Charitable Union solioits donations of meats and poultry, fruits, groceries, canned goods and money, in order that the poor of the oity may beprovided with Thanksgiviug dinners. Vegetables snfflcieut have already been donated. All contributions shonld be sent on Tuesday, Nov. 26, to Mrs. J. R. Miner, 42 East Liberty street. M. W. D'Ooge, secretary. The most notable theatrical event locally of the new season was that of Monday evening when a packed house greeted A. M. Palmer's company in "Trilby." The cast included some very able actors and there was nothing lacking to leave the good iinpression with the audience that DnManrier's masterpiece had already left. Svangeli was a villain, Taffy and the Laird veré trae to life and, Trilby was enough of the innocent model of the Latin qnartier to make the delusion well lustained. It seemed hke seeing old aoquaintances in flesh and blood. Eugene Frueuuff, of Ann Arbor, a olever local journalist, has, as has so many other clever journalists, slid ont of Ann Arbor. He takes a position on an Owosso paper. He took all the vowels of his name with him, and will be known as the only quadrothong newspaper man in America. He is of Irish desceut, and there may be some Germán country whioh will out vowel that name, but it couldn't be imported without paying a heavy tariff on mannfactnred artioles, so onr Owosso coworker will have no fear of competition. - Adrián Press. Ask yonr dealer for Gorman's Royal Red Top Cigar, a pnre Havana filled cigar and a royal smoke. Union hand made. Santanelli, the mesnaerist, who was I here last vceek, claimed that he conld mesiiierize a subject so that food wonld i not digest. He put a fellow under hifi influence at the Cook house, and, at the end of the day, the students watching experimented in vain to regain possession of the chicken and other eatables. They had evidently beeu digested. Ou account of the inclemency of the weather Suturday the hoss race at Dexter was not. very well attfnded. However there was some good sport. J. V. N. Gregory's Rockaway showed the Anu Arbor horse Happyinan a fleet pair of hoofs. Freestone, owned by Torn McNanaara, wou the race from Gregory's Trixie. Anothei meeting will be held tomorrow. The meinbers of the retnrning board of the state L. A. W. met at the American house Tuesday to canvass the votes for the state election. The gentlemen thus assembling were H. E. Pontius, of Flint, chairman; C. W. Wilcox, of Niles, and E. W.Staebl'tr, of Ann Arbor. Only one ticket was in the field and the following officers were declared elected: Chief Consul, R. G. Steele, St. Johns; vice chief consul, Ed. N. Hines, Detroit; sec-etary and treasurer, F. A. E. Scott, Grand Rapids; ïepresentative, at large, S. W. Knight, Mt. Clemens; B. E. Keilerman, Flint; E. A. Marsh, Battle Creek. Prof. Franeis W. Kelsey will lecture at the Presby terian ohnrch Friday evening, Nov. 22, at eight o'clcck, on "A Summer at Pompeii." This lectuie has been enthusiastioally reoeived wherever it has been given before and will afford a rare treat to the Ann Arbor public. Prof. Kelsey obtained a large nnmber of stereopticon views of Pompeii and vioinity while there and these will be used to Ilústrate the lecture. Pref. Gardner Lamson, of the University of School of Mnsic, will Ilústrate Italian summer life by giving a nnmber of Neapolitan folks songs. Miss .Taffe will accompany him. Tickets have been placed at tweuty-five cents. All tickets sold last year are good now. Baltimore oysters at Besimer's. I have a splendd line of Parlor Furniture, low priced, medintn and of the fine grades, which I offer at speoial low figures, as I wish to inake room for my large stock of Christmas goods. If yon need a nice Rocker, Arm Chair, Couch, Fancy Chair or a complete suit do not miss this opportnnity. Res'.ectfnlly, 71-2 Martin Haller. The Grand will have next Monday as a magnet to draw the hosts who love masio in its best estáte, that sterling baritone, W. T. Carleton, and his excellent musical organization, which will appear in our city one nighc. Mr. Carleton presents this eeason a novelty in the musical line, an Irish opera en titled "The Lily of Killarney," which gives to him and his company the best opportunities for displaying their various talents, and permits of the blending of pathos with humor and Irish speech. The music is by Sir Jalius Benedict who was mnsio master to Qneen Victoria. He had traveled extensively in Ireland and thoroughly caught the Irish melodie strain. The libretto is by Dion Boucoicault, than whom none have perhaps given better portrayal of the Celtic character in its various phases, and is a musical adaptation of his noled play, "Colleen Bawn." This renders further encomium unnecessary. Ainong the principal members are Miss Rena Atkinson, Jay C. Taylor and Geo. W. Campbell. Wm. Hamilton, the celebrated basso of the American and Tavary opera companies,Tom Ricketts tl e well known singing comedian, whilstamong the other ladies of the company are Miss Clara Wisdom, cunsidered the best of character actresses, Miss Bertha Lassall, late of the Chas. Frohman com panies, Miss Selina Rongh, and others specially selected to suit tht cast of the "Lily of Killarney" Baltimore oysters at Besimer's.