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, Sherlff's Sale. BY VIRTÜEOP A WKTTOF F1ERI FACÍAS issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the Countyof Wasbtenaw and State of Michigan, to me direeted and delivered, against the goods and chattels. lands and tenemeuts of Adelia M Fisk, I did, on the ninth day of August, A. D. 1895, levy upon aud take all the right, title and interest of said Adelia M. Fisk in and to the following described real estale, situated in the County of Washtenaw aod State of Michigan, to wit: All those certain pieees and pareéis of land situated in the village of Chelsea, County Of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known as the west half of all the following described parcel of land, viz: Commencing at the south line of Middle Street in te Vlllage of Chelsea, iu said Countyof Washtenaw, Michigan, at the northeast' corner of certain lamls deeded September 28th, 11-83. by Lovel D. Loomis to Alma Conkrtght, said deed being recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for said Washtenaw County in liber 111 of deeds, on pape 174, and running thence southwardly alón? the east line of said Conkright's land to the southeast corner tliereof; thence eastwardly, parallel with said Middle Street, to a point on thesouth line of lot (37i thirty-seven. in block (4) fourol' the original plat of said Village of chulsen, live feet west of the southeast corner of said lot f37) thirty-seve; ther ce north, parallel with and live feet west f rom the east line of said ot (37) thirty-soven, to the south lineof said Middle street; thence west along the south line of said Middle street to the place of beginnlng:. And also an easement in the east huif of said rtescrihed premises as follows: The ownership of one half of the well and pump on the same, and the rifrht to go on and about Batd well ro draw waier, und the tree joint use with the owner of said east half of said premises and to said well. the owner of eaeh respective half nf said land to beat the expense of nmintaining said well and pump forever All of which I shall exposé for sale at public auction or vendue to the higbest bidder, as iho law directs, at the south front door of the Court House ia the City of Ann Arbor, (that being the building in whieh the Circuit Court for said Washtenaw County. State of Michigan, is held), od Monday the ninth day of December, A. D., 1895, at ia o'clock noon. WM. JüDSON, Sheriff. Nelson E. Fbeku, Chas. R. Whitman, Defendant's Attorneys. LDated October lst, A. O. 1895. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING HEEN MADE IN THB conditions of payment of a certain rnorttfage made the 2Hth day of August, A D. 1887. by John Pflsterer and Anna Pfisterer, hls wife, to Christian Mack and Krederlck Schmid, whereby the power of sale therein contalned bas become operative, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the register of deeds, in the county of Washtenaw, 6tate of Mlchiiran.on the 31stdayof August, aforeaaid in Llber Ti of Mortgages, on page 2XN, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of thig notice the sum of eight hundred and eighty six dollars, and no proeeedlngs at law or in equlty havmg been lnstituted tocollect thesaidsumof money or any part thereof. Notice is therefore hereby given that on the 'i day of December, 1895, at eleven o'cloek In the forenoon of said day, at thosouth frontdoor of the court house, iu the city of Ann Arbor, state of M ehiB-an, the said mortgage will b foreclosed and the lamls and teoements in the said mortgage mentioned and descriDed will be sold at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder to satisfy the principal and Interest unpaid on the said mortgage and the cósts and expenses of these proceedings. inciuding an attorneys fee of twenty-Hve dollars provided for therein. The lands, tenements and premises by th said mo tgage conveyed and then and there to be sold are described as follows. viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land situated in tho city of Ann Arbor, county of ashtenaw, and sta'e ot' Michigan, to-wlt: Commencing at a point on the south side of Hurou street. three rods and four feet west of the north-east corner of land. formerly owned by one Alonzo Gretton, and at the north-west corner of L. Rihde's land. thence south along said Kohde's west line eight rods, thence west four rods, thenoe north eight rods to the south line of Huron street, thenc east along the south line of Huron street four rods to the placeof bígiiinnig. Belng on seotion twenty-nine, town two, south range, six east. Dated Ann Arbor, September 4th, 1895. rllKl-TIAN MACK, E.B NORKIS, FKEOEIUCK SCHMID, Atty. lor Mortgagees. Mortgagees Estáte ot Henry R. Watson. tfTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wash5 tenaw, ss. At a gession of the Probat Court for the Countyof Washtenaw, holden at the Probate HBoe in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday.the lót h ilay of November, in the year one thou and eight hundred and ninety-tive. Present, J. Willard Babb tt, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hunry R. V;n -mi, deceased. Gideon L. Hoyt, the administrator da bon is non, with the will annexed of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to render nis final account as such administrator. Thereupon it is orderedihat Monday, the 16th day of December next, at lü o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the devisees, legaten and heirs at lawof said deceased, and all other persons interested In said estáte, are required to appear at a sessinn of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, lf any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said Administrator give notice to the persons interested in eald etate, of the peudency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publi-hed in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating In said county, threa 8uccessive weeks pievious to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD HABBITT, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. William G. Doty. Probate Resistor. Sherlffs Sale. DY VIRTÜEOK A WRITOF FIERI FACIA8 D issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Oourt for the Countyof Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to me directed and delivered, agalnst the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of William Biggs, 1 did.on the twenty-ninth day of January. A. D 1895, levr upon and take all the right, tille ítnd interestof said William Hitrirs m and to the following desoi Ibed real estáte, aituated in the County of Washtenaw and Stilte of Michigan, to wil: Ail those certain pieees and pareéis of land sü nat ei i in the ('il ol Ann Arbor, Couuty of Washtenaw and -tate of Michigan, known anddescribea as lots numbered four(4).twelve (lü). forty-three (43i and forty-four 44), In A. Tenbrook'a Additlon to theCityof Ann Arbor, Connivo!' Washtenaw aml State f Michigan, and loi s numbered thirty-one (31), thlrty-twoi82) n ml tblrty-three(33). in K. S.Smith's First Addition ti the s;iid City of Ann Arbor, Countyof Washtena-w and State of Michigan, all of which I shall expose for sale at public aui-t ion or vendue to the highest bidder, BS the law il i red s, at tli e south front door of the Court House, in ity of Anti Arbor, (that beingthe building in w'hioh the Circuit Court for said Washtenaw County. State of Michigan, is held), on Monday the ninth day of December, A. D. 1895. at 12o'cloek noon. WM. ,1UDS')N, Sheriff. Chas. R. Whitman, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated Oetober lst. A. D. 18115. Children Cryfor itcher's Castoria.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News