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Chas. Lncb, of íonia, was the goer TTuesday of N. D. Corbin. Miss Josephine Chite, of Duudee ■was a guest tilia week of Mr. aurl Mrs W. C. Tate, of Liberty street. Mr. and Mrs. T. Low, who have been in the city on their return from Boston, have left for Denver where they inteud locatiug. Robert Shanuon, of the Argns force, is quite ill at bis home on West Sunimit street. Miss Nina M. Davison returned Mouday from a few clays' visit with friends in Toledo. Mís,s Jean Philiips, wbo has been a guest of her brother, Robert Phillips, leix VVednesday for Kentuoky. Captain Granger and Lieutenant Walters were at Adrián Weduesday in consultation with Major Howell. .7. D. Ryan has returuud from a business trip to R&chester, N. Y. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Bradshaw were guests of Jackson friends Monday. VV. H. Butler was in Detroit Tuesiay. Oscar Burkhardt has resigued with Mack & Co. Ernest L. Curtis recurned Monday evening from a visit with Hudson friends. Rev. John Neumann was in Detroit Monday on business. Miss Emma Bower has recovered from her recent severe illness and has gone to Cincinnati in compauy with ner sister, Miss Maggie Bower, for a íew weeks' visit with her brother, B. Frank Bower, of the Cincinnati Tribune. Mr. and Mrs. Reason, of Pinkney, visited their daughter this week, Miss Myrtelle Reason, who is attending the academy of rnusic. Paul Perry, of Bay City, spent Thanksgiving and Snnday with his parents, Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Perry. Mrs. Newton Paine and f on, of Detroit, were Tbank'sgiviug guests of Dr. C. G. Darling and faniily, returning home Monday morning. Harry Randall, who is teaoher of physics in the Saginaw high school, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with his father, Prosecuting Attorney Randall. Mr. and Mrs. G. Adolph Kranse. of Grand Rapds, who have been visiting in the city, returned home the first of the week. Mrs. F. W. Hawkins, of Detroit, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. F. Key. Friday night Mrs. Hawkins had the misfortune to slip on the steps at her daughter's home and break her left wrist. Mrs. Willis J. Abbott was a guest over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Christiau Mack. Prosecnting Attorney Randall was in -Milan yesterday. C. J. Buroett, of Lansing, is in the city. Mrs. J. H. Cuttlngand Mrs. Flora H CuttiDg visited the Masonic fair in Detroit yesterday. Mrs. Jacob Wattz, of Manohseter,. ■who h;is been visitiuf,' her brotqer, Mr. Chas. Bindei, aud other relatives returued home today. H. W. Hawley aud wife stopped off here on their way home frora Earope the fiist of the week to visit Mrs. Hawley's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Christian Mack. Miss Iva Gregg, who has been identified witli the postoffioe forcé for a loiig period, left last Saturday for Marqnette to remain for the winter. Miss ire;jg was very popular in her positiou and her removal from our midst will be generalij rogretted. Her plaee in tbe postoffioe will be taken by Miss . Sarah Come.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News