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The freshnien laws are eudeavoring to elect a president, but ■without rnuch snccess. They have held two eleotions, but were nnable to make a choice between M.Pettnian, the east's candidate, and A J. Weatiierwax, Michigan's oandidate. Last Saturday they tried it agaiti, but although tlie Michigan men had turued tables and had the most votes, Pettmau at the other two attempts at election having bad the most votes, still he cnuld iiot get enough ballots to elect. Each faotion is vpry zealous for its candidate a:id tbere (hreatens to he no break in the deadloc-k. Very likeJy the class will go tbrough the vear without ogauiziifion. Prof. Hinsdale addressfld the Alpha Nu society last Saturday night on "The Function of the Liter.'iry Sociery in a College Education. " He thought the literary circles were r ecliniug and attribnted it to interest in oihor linea, notably journalisin. Hr thonght that the age of nsefnllness of the literary society had not yet passed by. 'Back" Richards wasTuesday evenïng elected manager of the foot ball eleven. Prof. Trneblood left Wednesday for Delaware, Ohio, wbere he -will aot aa one of the judges in the orartorioal contests of the Ohio Wesleyan University. He will also lectnre at the Ohio State University at Columbus.Ohio, while he is gone. The Glee, Banjo and Mandoln club gave tneir first entertainment of the year at Ypsilanti Tuesday evening. They gave excellent satisfaction. The contemplated trip of the football team to California has been abp.ndoned It was thought to be ill advised to uuder take any such trip on account of the long distance and the f act that (he jourBey wonld incapacítate the playeis for j?oud playing. Accordingly Manager Baird sent a letter to Leiand Sranford thanking them for their invitation and xpressiug bis inability to accept it for ithe team. The college team, those who have the righfc to wear the M. nweater, had their piotnres taken this week. The revised editiou of Jobnson's Eucyclopedia is an additon to the library. The sophomore annnal hop ccourred Wednesday fceveniug_atGranger 's. At the vesper service yesterday, Hou John W. Fostor gave a b alf hour's talk npon "Missious iu the Far Wesl;. " 8bakfispere'n ''Jnlins Caesar" will be prodoced by the oratorica assooiaton ia the spring. Thft cast will be entiroly made np froiu srudeuts who had work uuder Prof. Trneblood. Wrinkle's Cbrisfanas ñumber was issued yesterday. It is a very creditable issnn. It is annonuced that Robert H. Wbitten has been awurded the seooud prize of $150, given by W. A.Giles, through tao Civio Confederation in Chicago, for the best essay by a stndeut on one of three municipal snbjeots given. The Hubjecf of Mr. Whitten's essay was "The Best Method of Making Pnbliu Ituproveinents in Chicago by Special Awsossment " It is clairaed that Mr. Whitt-en is not in college here although Jje was last year. General Spalding is making au effor to seoure Governor MrKinley to deliver tiie address on Washington's Birthday next February, and has strong hopes oí beiug successful. Ben Methpany, a freshiaan from Grand Bapids, was this week dismissec froni oollege. Metheacy went to the Harvard game after he had asked perniissoja froru the faonlty and ithad been refnsed him. It is claimed other atadeuts went without asikng perinission have not yefc beeu dismissed. Dean Hutchins will address the Webster society at their hall in the law building on Friday evening Dec. 13. His snbjeot is Webster as a Lawyer. A f uil litecary programm will be oarried out.


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