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Hagh McGoire, sr., wasthefirst man j to p:iy his December taxes. The Wolverine Cyole olnb will eloct officers next Tuesday night. Fresl E. Hanford has retaind toa; clerksbip with Maok & Co. Dr. Gibbes bas opeued a clown tovn ' office over Scbleieber's grocery store. C. A. Guie, has beou appoiuted po:tmaster at Pittsfield, vice Ütorge Auii s, resigned. Martin Hailer tbis week receired au order for a writing desk, to be shipped to Cape Town, África. The city's broker shop has been removed from the Masonio biock co Ne. 8 East Washington street. Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, has promised to deliver the Memorial Day address nexi year at Elgin, Dl. George-Pohm, of the Americau bonse, received the sad intelligenco Mouday that his Lrother had died in Colorado." Eev. L. Cole, of tuis oity, conducted the services at St. Luke's, Ypsilaiiti, last Snnday, making a very favorable impression. Depnty Bberiti Canfleld took Herbert Walsh to the Jacksou prisou Mouday, where he is to serve two years' sentence for horse stealiug. F. H. Ticknor, treasuivr of Pittsfield, will be in Ypsiianti on December 21; in Aun Arbor Docena ber 28 aud January 4, and in Saline Jauuary 7 to teceive taxea. Miss Fiuley'a story club will meel next Monday at 4 p. in. at the resideuce of Mis. Schoff, Snuth División street. A full atteuduace is reqnested todisousf plaa of work after 'cüe holidays. The Eev. Dr. fïyau, of Ypsilanti, Sdid in a sermón lastSunday that "the jiabbie sbould not be perrnitted to atreud these justiee cour! cases." lu view oi sorne receut developmeuts at Ypsilauti, Rev. Dr. Ryan's advoe is very good. J. J. Fttrguuou Jsati beau let the con tract to baild a home fur Hon. Ren bon Kempf. to be situated ou north Thayer, betweenCatherine and Lavvrence streets. The honse will have complete modem furnisbings. A praise meeting held last Sunday evening at the Presbyferiau cburcb very rnur-b delihted a good sized aud:ence. Quarrettes and solos wero renrïered in excellent style Bible readings and clear explauations of the same were given by the pastor. "There is a fair prospect," says the Detroit Free Press, "that the oon.plete right of way for the new electric road froni Ann Arbor to Detroit, will be secured in a few days, and those interestpd state that there is ampie capital at hand foi its completion at the earliest possi ble date. " E. H. LeRoy, of Ann Arkor, a former resident of Pontiao, is spending the week with friends in the city. Mr. LeRoy bas been away from Pontiac only abont three years, but is greatly surprised at the rapid developmeut of this place durhg that time. - Oakland County Post. Mrs. John Schrader, ar., of Whiteford Center, recoutly ir dement an opera tion for the removal of a oataract from one'of her eyes. It was sucessi'ul and she pees again. It was uot so veiy long ago in tbe iiistory of snrgery when such a restoration of sightwas regarded as little short of miraculous. - M'jnroe Democrat. "All the Comforts of Home" was presented at the opera house last Satur day night to a fair sized andonee. It gave good satisfactioii and kept the andience in good spirits, with the assistance of the "entre act" clove. By the way, the way the students - some of them- nse door checks wonld be good canse for a Sunday sermón. Messrs. Col van and Soper return ed last Saturday from tbe east, wher they had been for tbe pnrpose of pnrehasing machiuery for the Ann Arbor branch of tbe Hay & Todd faetory. The latest improved machinerv will be delivered in Aun Arbor within about six weeks, and it is expected that the branch will be ready for work by March 1. The U. of M. Glee Club have been singiDg into a phouograph. This wil insnre the advanoe man an attraction which will be anentirenovolty to opera house managers. He will be able to turn on a full head of steam, allow the manager to listen to the repertoire and if he doesn't Ikie it he needn't buy, and if he does"he pays his money and takes his choice. " The Ann Arbor Railroad Co. has filed a new map witn the railroad commissioner for a line from Ithaoá to Alma, and the flght ovei shutting out St. Louis will be resumed before the crossing board December 28. By the new arrangement the company runs a track parallel to the Detroit, Lansiög & Northern, and a spnr with one passenger train a day will be run into Sfc. ' Louis. Max O'Rell, who is to lecture in the S. L. A. course this year, lectnred in the Normal conrse in Ypsilanti last week Wednesday. The Frenchmau's subject was, "Her Royal Highness, Woman. " Here were two of his stingers . "If you must choose between living with your mother-in-law and shooting-yourself - don 't hesitate a moment - shoot - her." And again, "In America there is an entire absence of stnpid faces in an andience. In America everybodjr is intelligent - looking." A reception was given by the Hobart I Gnild last wening. The Ferguson Cart factory ia makiteg large shipments to St. Louis. Superintendent Mason thinks that the erop of trampa this winter vvill bo exI ceptionally large. ! '1 ïhe Elks exhibited a deoided partif 1j ify for tiio city fathers in electiug their officers ín this city. Oscar Burkhardt, recently with Mack 1 & Co., is now devoting his whole time bonming the life insurance business. Henry Reddway is obarged by Edith Morgan at Ypsilanti, with being the fufh'i-ofaj illegitimate ohild. Reddyray is raarried. Represeutative Aitken has introdncéd a bilí iu congress to oorreot the military record of Richard H. Marsh, formerly postrnaster of Saline. The Gradúate club meet at. President Augell's next Tuesday evening to listen to a paper by Professor Spalding on Experimental Evolution of Plauts. Dr. Boone, president of the Ypsilanti Normal sen iol, will address the Students' Christian association iu Newberry hall at three o'ciock next Snnday afternoon. Fred E. Palmer, a passenger brakeman on the Miobigan Central, died iu Detroit Monday evening. He was thought to have been in robust health. bnt his death was a sudden one. He was brought to Ypsilanti for intennent. Golden Rule Lorige, No. 159, F. & A. M., bas elected the folJowmg ofricers for 'Jie ensuiug ypar : H. B. Dodsley, W. M. ; W. W. Wadhama, S. W. ; H. F. Miller, J. W. ; L. C. Goodrich, treastirer ; Norman Gates, secretary ; W. H. Butler, S D. ; Chas. Burkhardt, 3. D. ; O. M. Martin, tyler. A represen tati ve of 011e üf the largest musió publishiiig honses in the country wbile in the oity a few days ago told a lady with whom he was talking tbpt Anu Arbor had foiged to the front rnn-ioally iu the last few vears in a way that ukeady gained a rnarked plaoe in the musical world. His house in seudng bim out on the present trip had to d h m to go to Ann Arbor aud Chicago, bnt it wotild not be necessary to stop at Detroit. - Times. There was a large turn out of stndents at the court house Tuesday morning when Merrill E. Wilson, coroplainant iu the alleged forgery case against Omar F. Neff, of thelaw school, made an endavor to get released from the bonds of Michigan. -His attorneys endeavored to show that Wilson was" inveigled f raudulently into the state for the purpose of getting jnrisdiction over him here. Neff filed a counter affidavit to show that there -was no fraud and that he had bpen inveigled out of Michigan at the time of his arrest. Judge Kinney required that the case be presented him on briefs in ten days. The theatrical path isnot onealways strewn with roses. When Harrison J. Wolfepresented the"Corsican Brothers" in Anu Arbor recently.he bad ail kinds of trials. ín the flrst place he had made sonae miscue and he was not sufflciently advertised and when the cnrtain was mug up there was hardiy a corporal'. guard to see tbe young actor. Mr. Wolfe lias shown his business sagaoity a?so by invitiug the football team to be ■present, bnt unfortnnately the eleven had not yet returned from Chicago and Captain Benninger did not ïeceive the invitation in time. The result was a small honse, but Mr. Wólfe will be greeted by a good sized audience on his return in the spring, provided he will find a new actress for tbe old woman part in the play preseuted here. She spoiled his performance.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News