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At last the country kuows the status of the Venezuelan bnuudary dispute, from tue inside, and the positiou of the adinimstratiou relafcive tbereto. The president, by the message sent to eongress, transmitting the correspondence between the secretary of state and the British Ministry, again proves his ability to rise to the demands of any occasion. There is uo jingoism abont the message, but a good deal of Americanism. Ie admits of on doubt or misconstruction. No more ïnasterfnl elucidation of the virile principie of the Monroe doctrine has been put iu words since itwasfirst enunoiatad. And the most satisfaotory feature of it all is that it is a faithful composite of the .deep seatëd convictions of Lll our people. Since its flrst enunciation, the Mon10e doctrine has been regarded as a cardinal prinoiple of our national life. It has always cominanded the solid and tmthusiasticjsupport of the American people. And that it has lost none of its virility with the lapse of time is shown by the univerasl applause wbich greeted its reappearance in congress. In its presence partisanship at once disappeared, and was succeeded by the epirit of Arnericanisru. lts reception by the country at large has not been less warm. The press likewise, gives it practically universal commendation. Nor is it to be supposed that our people have arrived at this state of uuanimity, seldom accorded any public qnestiou, without counting the po3sible cost of maiutenanca of the Monroe doctrine. They are for it regardless of the cost, beoause they believe its enf orcenient is essential to our national well being, and place in the world,aud because they believe in the words of the president, "that there is no calamity which a gi'eat nation can 'invite which equals that which follows a supine submission to wrong and injustice, and the consequent loss of national self respect, and honor beneath which is shielded and defended a people's safety and greatness. ' ' While the present situation marks the most important crisis that has occured in the foreign [relations of the United States in many years, it is not to be snpposed that it means a necessary or even probable rupture of relations befcween the United States and Great Britan. The presidentes suggestion that congress provide for the appointment of a commiss.ion to determine the uierits of the controversy, togetber with the statement of Lord Salisbury, that his government still hopes for a peaceable settlement of the dispute with Venezuela direct, seems to indícate that diplomacy has not vet exhansted its resources. [Twice before, the moral influence of the United States has been suffloient to secure a tacit recognition of the doctrine - once in 1823 when it was a factor in bringing abont the independence of South America, and again in 1807 in securing the evacnation of Mexico by the Fiench. It is to be hoped that no greater force will be necessary in this instan ce. Should this influence fail, however, and it should be ascertained through a commission or otherwise, that right is on the side of the Veneznelans, tben it will be the duty of the United States to sustain the doctrine with all the power at its command. The details of the boundary dispute between Venezuela and England are insigniflcant, as was the case with the historie" tax on tea," bntjthe principie involved is far-reaching and essential to our well being as a nation. Our people will not permit it to lapse therefore, or fail of enforcement. Great Britan with equal positivenessrefusestosubmit the dispute to arbitration. The gravity of the situation is therefore undeniable and piudence wonld diotate that our government tnrn its attention to putting its house in order. While the making of sncb preparations would seem to be the part of wisdom, and absolutely esseutial at this time, we need not despair of the maintenance of peaoe. The consideratious which make for peace betweea two uations hearing the relations to each other which exist between the TTnited States and England, are most potent. England's wars aa a rule are commercial wars. Her greed for terrifcjrial extensión is well kaown, bnt it is equally wil undersfood that her real oljct. in such inatiors is inmn.ercial advaiitao and profit. Bnt tiiere coulrl be no possihle advantage tó her from a war with the United States. The best maikot f r lier producís would be out off, aud the sourcè of a part oí her food supplies wonld le lost As to the ultímate resul-t to Englanc on this ooutinent, of such a war, ther is little rooii) for doubt. Theu agaii her avaiioio-asuess has eugeudered so many eumitios in the old world tha there is acarcely a nution but that i lookiuír for a chance to even up with her. To enter upon a war with the United States at this time, would be to take chances of uutold catastraphes That all these cbauees wül be care fully weigiied by her statesmen, thert can be no dotibL The chances are in favor of poace rather than war.


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