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Mortgage Sale, WHEREAS DEFAITLT HAS BEEN M AT)E in the payment of the money secured by a rnortgage dated the ÜOth diy of September, In the year A. D, 1S8B, exeouted by Micbael St.effanoski and Caroline SteffanoskI, his wife, ii Brldgewater, Washtenaw Oounty, Michigan, to Ohristian Saley, { Bridgewater, Washtenaw Qounty, Michigan, wbich sald mortgage was nvorded in the offloe of t he Register of Deods of tho Count.y ui' Wasbte naw, in Liber 68, of Mort agres, on pa on the 28th day of September, ín the year A. D. 188(i,at (.30 o'cIock A. M. And whereas, the said Mortgage nai duly assigned by the said Chrlstian 8a Albei-t Brunakl by assignment I date the 30th day of July. in the year 1892 andreoorded in the offloe of the Register of Deeds of tbe said County of Washtenaw, on the 18th day of November in the year 1892, at 1.30 o'clock P. M. in Liber ll'Ot assignments of Mortages on page 279, and the siune is iiow owned by liim, And whereas, the amount claimed to be due on said Mortgage at tbe date of this notice is the sum of two hundred seventytwo dollars and flfty-elght cents of principal and interest, and which is tho whole amount claimed to be unpald on said mortgage and no suit orproceeding bavingbeen Insütuted at law to recover the debt now remaining secured by eaid Mortgage or any part thereof, wherebv tho power of salo contained in said Mortgage has becoroe operativo. Now, Therefore, notice is hereby glven, that by virtue of the said power of sale and in pursuance of the statute insuch case made and providod, the said Mortgage will bn forecloeed by a sale of the premiaos therein decrlbed. at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the south front door of the court house in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw [that being the place where the Circuit Court lor the County of Washtenaw is held], on Frlday, the 13th day of Maroh 1896, ui ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day: Which said premisis are deBcribed in said Mortirageas follows, to wit: All that piece ro parcel of land being on sectiou number [20 twenty In the Töwnsblp of Bridgewater, in the County of Washtenaw and State Jof Michigan, bounded as follows. to wit: On the nortti by the Bridgewater mili pond and on the east by lands owned by Stabler, and on the south and west by the tilghway, the same eontainlng eight acresol' tand, be the same more or less. Dated December llth., 186. ALBERT BRUNSKI, Assignee of -Mortiraire. G, R GILLESPIE. Attornev for Assignee of Mortsagee. Mortgage Sale WHEREAS, DRFAULT HAS BEEN MADE in the payment of the money secured by a mortgage dated the :;ist day of March, in the year A. I). 18S1, exeeuled by Michnel Sti i'm owski, ot the töwnshlp of Briélgewater, Washtenaw County, Michigan, to " Alón o Clark of Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, whioh said mortgage was reeorded In the omce of Register of De ds of the Couuty of Washin Liber 53, of mortgages, on page 713, on the 4th day of April, In the year A, I). l8i, at7:J5p m. And, whereas, the said mortgage aas been duly assigned ty the sa ld Alouzo Clark to James Hogan, by assignment hearing daté tfce 27th day ol April, lii t.:e year 1893, and reoorded In the office of the rei of deeds of the said Counti of Washten: the 28 tb day of April, in the year 1893 at 10 o'clock a. m. on Liber 11 of assignments of möri gages on page 178 and said mortgage baving been again duly assisrned by the suid James Hogan to Alben BrunskT.Tjy assign i ■ : (- 1 1 1 bearing date the lltli day of May, in the year 189a and recorded in the office ofK of deeds Of the said County of Washtem the 18th day of November in the year 1892 at l:Hoo'elock p. iu , in Liber 1 of assignments of mortgages od page 3T8 anil the same Is now owned by bim, the said Albert Brunski. And whereas, the amount claimed to be dne 00 said mortgage at tbe date of this notice is the sum of Two Hundred Forty-Six dollars and Niiu ■ meqents of principal and 1) whioh is the whole a-mount clahned to be unpaid on said mortgage, and no aalt or prooeeding.i buving been Instituted ut law to reooi er the dcbi dow remalning secured by said mortr any part tbereof whereby the power of sale contained iu said mortgage has becom" operative, Now, therefore, no ice is hereby giren, that by v.ri ui' of the said power of sale, i.n i in ursuanee of the 6tatute in sueh case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the pieuiises therein desoribed, Rt Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at the South front door of the Court house in the City of Arm Arbor. in said Coonty of Washtenaw, (that beiug the place where the Circuii Coun lor the Oounty of Washtenaw is hi'ld) on Friday the ïöth day of March, 1896, at eleven o'clock iu the forenoon: Whlch sald premlses are descrlbed in said mortgi follows, towit: All that piece or parcel if land sitúate or being in tbe townshtp "t Brid'-'ewatcr, Couniy of WasntenAw and State of Michigan known and deseribed asfoUowa towlt: Commenclng in the middle ol the highwayin thequarter section line In seetlon number (20) twenty in township number fonr south, of 'range tour east, twenty-two (32) ohainsand iwentv-two (23) links south from the (juarter post on north line of sald Bection numoer(20) twenty, thence south alonsrsaid quurter section line sixteen rods andisix Unke to a Btwkc, thence north-easterly twenty-f hrce rods and tour and one-half links te; astake non li to center of mili road sixteen rods and six links, henee south-westerly alpng the center of mili road to the place of Deglnnlng contalning three (3) acres of land, 1 s;i me more or less, Dated December, llth, 1895. ADBERT BRUNSKI Assignee. G. E. GILLESPIE, Attorney for Assignee, Chancery Sale. TNPUE5UANCB AND OF VIRTUE OF A JLdecree of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, State ut Michigan, In Ohan■ ry, made and enlered on the twenty. seeond day of May 1895, in a certaln oause therein pending whereln Jamea I-. ïiabcock is.complainant and Kaleb Krause, Caroline Krause, Allee Krause, Olive Fuster, Mary Van Corden, Frederick Krause, Sarah Kra se and Edward A. Edmunds are defendants. INoticeis hereby giveu tnat 1 shall sell at public auction to the. highest bidder at the iasterly entrance to the court house In the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, (that being the building In whlch the Circuit Court tor the County ol Washtenaw is heldi on Wednesday the twenty nlntb day of January, 18ÍW, at ten o'clock in the'forenoou of said day, thefollowtng desoribed property: All those certain píen s or pareéis of land situated In the town ship of Lodi, Couuty and State aforesalü, de Bcrlbed as follows: Tne nortli-west quarter ol"6cction number thirteen in township number three south, range 8veeast, State of Michigan, excepting the lollowing parcela to-wlt: Commencingin the north-west corner of said quarter running thence east along the north line thereof ten rods aud ten inches, thenre sonth parallel with the west line of said section ten rods aud ten inches; thence west parallel with the north line of said section ten rods and ten inches to the west line of said section; thence north on the west line of said section ten rods and ten luches to the place of beginning; also commencing at the weBt quarter sta ke of said section, thenee north on the west line of said section thirteen chaina and seventv-three links; thence east one degree, east thirteen cbains and nfty links, thence south twenty and three-fourths degrees east, fourteen chalns to the east and weBt quarter line; thenee west on the easi and west quarter line of said section eighteen chains to the place of beginntng. Dated Dec. 11, 189T O. ELMER BUTTEKFIELT. Circuit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw, County Michigan. E. B. N0KKI8, Bollcltor for Complalnant.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News