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Local Brevities

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Hon. Reuben Kempf announces that he would like to be a delégate to the Republican national convention from this congressional district. The Salvation Army claims it has removed ti)e soales of sin from off 12 lowly sinners siuce it began its blast against the geutleruan withthe cloven hoof. The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house was daraaged about $400 by fire Tnesday night, flre starting from ou oil stove in an upstaiis room. The house is owned by H. D. Miller and the loss is covered by insurance. Ann Arbor Eucampment, No. 7, I. O. O. F., has elected thefollowiug officers: Grand patriarch, G. R. Kelly; high priest, A. T. Cook, senior warden; S. P. Hill. junior warden ; G. W. Clark, scribe, H. Krapf; treasurcr, J. ,T. Fergusou. The Pinckney Dispatch has made careful investigation, and bas found to its owu satisfaction that twenty sticks of Pinckney candy weigh more than twenty-five sticks of Howell candy. Nothing like heing at the head of the class. - Howell República. The Courier bas been delayed this week by the non-arrival of paper. The paper milis aro making n combine to boost prioes, and are very careful about reducing their stock until the arraugements are comple'.ed. - 'Ann Arbor Couvier. The Courier knows, for he is a stockholder in the milis from which he gets his paper. What a happy position is his! If the combine goes, he is benefited as a raanufacturer; if not, as a coosumer. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Wm. Whalen is making so much of a showing in his case for damages against the Michigan Central, that the attorneys for the road are allowing uo stone to reruain unturned in putting up a stiff defense. On Saturday afternoon the road's attorney, Mr. Parkinson, and two engineers, rode fiom here to Jackson on the car platíorm directly in rear of the locomotivo. Parkinson was shown the wornciugs of the air brakes, and the modus operandi of running a "flyer." É. T. McCIure, landlord of the Cook house, entertained the local newspaper mou at dinuer Christums. Sheriff Judson has received a letter from his prisoners thanking him for setting up an elegant Christmaj dinner. The Whalen datnage case will be irgued iu circuit conrt to rWy. It has lasttid iver a week, wiili au adjournment over for GhriShnas. Rev.C. M. Cobern's sermon Sunday morning will be anent of Christmas ; subjeot: "Gold, Frankincense aud Myrrh." The Wahr family had a grand reunion Christmas day, when ten of the children and six grandchildren sat down at the merry board. Robert Walters.a theatrical manager, was arrested at Chelsea yesterday and taken to Ypsilanti on a charge of allowing his cornpauy to jump a $32 board bilt The mnd was so deep Tuesday, and the roads so impassible iu oonsuqueuce, that people iu neigbboriug towns telephoned orders to local merchants for gift goods. The new Bethlehem church is to have a chime of three bells. The two new bells ordered have arrived, aud these with the bell in the old church will coustitute the group of jinglers. A man giving the name of David Day is a new arrival at the jail. At Chelsea last night, he assaulted the village marshal, was locked up, brought before a justice, and sentenced to thirty days in jail. Joe T. Jacobs aDd Jacobs & Allmand did a commendable thing Christmas. when they receipted bilis to the amount of 165 and sent them to worthy poor people who had been numbered'among their custoraers. The Argus congratulates, F. P. Bogardus, of Ypsilanti, (and Ypsilanti ;oo) upou his appointment as postmaster. His qualiflcations +or the place were so eminent that he had no cornpetitor for the place. At the meeting of the Michigan Academy of Sciences being held this week at Lansing, Wm. H. Sherzer, of Ypsilanti, was yesterday elected president ; Fredrick C. Newcomb, of this city, vice president of the botany sectiou ; and J. E. Reighard, of the zoology section. Iu accordance with a general custom all over the country, the Knights ars on Christmas morning met at their asylutn and united in the observance of a toast, drank to the grand master. { The same toast was drunk all over the United States and Canada, at the hour j it was here. A petition for an üi.iuuotion has been filed in chancery by Anna North to rescrain Elizabeth Lum from conveying any property which is situated in the block east of the Courier printing office and which was willed to her by Merchant Goodrich in 1892. Mrs. North claims the land was willed to her by her father in 1861. People at a great distance from Ann Arbor have been known to believe that this city was a lake port, and in consequence would address their missives to "Ann Harbor, Mich.," but it rernaiucd Eor a missionary in South África to get matters supremely twisted. Iu writing to the Ann Arbor Organ Co. from Mount Arthur, South África, Rev. J, Start addressed his letter as if Aun Arbor was a sweet little miss who had gone into the organ busiuess. A very quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's parent?, Mr. aud Mrs. Daniel Youngs, iu Ann Arbor township, Mouday afternoon, December 23. The coutracting parties were Edwin Rawden, editor of the Oakley News and Miss Emma Youngs, of Ann Arbor. Rev. W. H. Berton, of Salem, performed the ceremony in the presence of a few of the immediate frie'hds of the parties. The newly wedded couple lef t for Oakly on the evonug train on the Ann Arbor railroad. The Argus extends congratulations to Editor Rawdnn and hopes that the paste pot of affection will never run dry and that the scissors of discord will bo hung so high that neitner can ever fiud them. Now is the time to subscribe for the Argus. If you want the news for the ensniug year brief aud to the point aud up to date, subscribe for the Argus. Oue dollar a year. In Dietz' saloon recently two men, oue a prominent farmer iu the vicinity of the county house, had au alteroatiou over a game of billiards aud buth received black eyos. Here is au idea for our street railway. It uiight boom busiuess, In Mexioo, it is said, they have female street oar oond no tors - Anu Arbor Courier. It would uot do with home talent. Come down here and secure souie of the girls recently employed iu the stay factnry. Tney are young aud attractive - Ypsilauti Sentiuel. It is a peculiar "stay" factory where persons are "reoently employed." An elegant uew theatre.the Valentino, was opened Christmas night at Toledo with Joseph Jefterson as the attraotion. This building is the fluost building iu Toledo aud the bestequippod and haudsomest theatre in the west. Tonight and touiorrow Dight Mr. Craue will appear in "My Wife's Father," his new play. Nfxt week the uelebrated English aotors, the Hollands, will appear. This theatre pnmiises to be a great favorito with Aun Arbor aadiences. Win. Klein, of Manchester, has commeuced circuit court proceedings agiiust the Lake Shore & Michigan Southeru Railway. Iu his deelaratiou Klein states that on Jauuary .8, 1894, the road master accused hiin of boring a hole in the dopot floor at watkins station, and removing some wheat belouging to Luoien D. Watkins. He states that ibis accnsatiou occurred iu front of several meu, and that the road master dismissed him from service, Klein at that time beiug sectiou foreman on the Ypsilauti & Hillsdale brauch of the road. Klein thinks his reputatiou was smirched 3,000 worth. The Argus was in error in stating last week that Mr. Whalen, the Jacksou engineer, who is the plaiutiff in the damage case arising out of the railroad aocidtmt at Jackson, during the world's fair, was discharged by the compauy, the faot that his legs were broken incapacitating him for duty, being sufficient reasou why he is not running a train. We are also informed that the case was brought iu this county, because of the exoitemeut growing out of the accident in Jackson, and the danger that jurymen might be secnred whose minds were made up from the first, and exagerated reports of the accideut, and not from any motive of saving Jackson conuty expense. Karl E. Harriman, of the Toledo Commercial, came up Saturday to spend the holidays with his parents. Cbriatmas morning Mr. Harrimau reoeived a telegram from his paper asking him to take care of the big opening of the Valentine theatre there that night. Karl snppnsed he bad. He had writteu up the theatre from prosceuium to foyer, called down Mr Jefferson for surroundiug himself with pnor actors in order that his own light might shiue the brighter, and the nonsense of appearing on the spot and wrifing up the opeuing nigbt from actual observation will ocnnr to any uubiased mind. However, Mr. Harriman went, but he carne back and is specding the rest of the holidays iu the city.