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It is pertinently remarked that many a man in his prayers on Sunday tells the Lord what a wicked man he is and then lives the balance of the week in such a way as to prove the assertions made in his prayers. - Dexter Leader. Well, there's no use of lying to the Almighty. Chas. Morris, of Dexter. lost a second horse this winter one day last week. Dexter feels like a dirty boy with his face washed and hsir cornbed since theyescavated it f rom the dirt on its main street pavement. They were so old fashioned at Dex ter that they hung up stockings Christmas. At Ypsi. they hung up bloomers at the normal, and at Chelsea they hung up their suspenderá. The editors as usual had so much "hung up" thafc they didn't have a pair of socks left. Greatsportsmen over at Saline. The Observer says: "Some of the boys have of late been having considerable fun at the slaughter house killing rats. A few nights since Herman Lindenschmidt, F. H. Best and Tommy Spears went down and af ter fixing up a few plans and waiting a few minutes they captured thirty-five." Local burglars ransacked stores at Brooklyn one night recently, got a few dollars and broke some glass. Mrs. Lafayette Hollis, of Manchester, died last week VVedriesday trom á tumor, from whieh she had suffered for several mouths. J. JVl. Pearson and Joseph Hntting, of Ypsilanti, were thrown from a road cart the other day. Pearson is all right but Joseph is still Hutting, as they say m boston. John Cook, of Urania, wil! buy wheat at Saline. The ladies of the Milan Presbyterian chureh cleared 813 with their Christmas bazaar. . The Willis correspondent of the Ypsilantiau took a hard cold afti-r his flight in metre of the week before and last k "the girl with the benutiful eurl" was thus sized up by the bard of thebarn-yard: The beautiful snow went off -ith the rain, Tbe beautiful air] was not beard to complain, The beautiful mile on her beauiiful face, Was a beautiful tribute to natu e f rom Graoe. Grass Lake takes the bun with a new bakery. A young son has been born to Mr. Dd Mts. Frank Young, of Chelsea. The Chelsea electric light works will have a new Corliss engine. Edward Welsh, anold and respected pioneer, of Lyndon, died recently in Jackson, aged82 years. Dan Miner, teetotaler, killed a snake at Saline durinar the warm spe:l l.isc week. The two Fitzgerald boys, tr uth tellers, caught a string of fish at Saline Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shatz, of Cbelsea, were in receipt last week of a large box of fruit containing 20 lbs. of twenty difiere 'it varieties of California fruit. The box was a gift from their son George, who is at Fresno, Cal. A couple of fakirs struck Chelsea the flrst of last week, intending U work tbe !ost speetacle racket du citizens. ThI caught on to their game. an , ïietly left town without seliinir anv of thoir goorls. E. B. Houey, a former resident of Chelsea, died recently in Isabella couoty. A Ilillsdale man plowed on Christ mas E. A. Eogers, of Duudee. received by ex other day athorough■... ;■ shpThe Oollie was a duke among theprpsof Giasg siiid to ig for an Am eric sa to requite h tune in soup bones. Rev.Leonard Baker usen to be a lavvyeratDundee bul past year has been an ordaiued minister at Sterling, 111. If ; ; moved away he would be better off lumped fr enger train receiitly anti lost both feefr. A concert eonapany giving themselve representi esthetic taste of the Normal Conservatory oí 'vlusic gave a concert at ..üne recently. The busso profundo df] not know a key from a Yale lock, tne tenor couldn't sing "'Oft ia tüe Stilly it" and mak; it sound different from "My Lover's a Soldier Bold" and the "I ííreamed I DweJt in Marble Halls" of the soprano, tlirew even a Saline audience into the throes of distractions. The Observer 'roasted" the company and the 'ro ist" carne to the ey of Prof. Pense. lie became a jreen color frotn vvrath at once, wrote the Observer that nobody had been authorized to appear at Saline or anvwhere else as the original, all wol and ff yard wide. nnuie bjöwn in the bottleConservatory of nusifi quartette, and immediately set to vvork to bi ing things to a more harmonions finale at Saline. He found that the quartette were all ex-students but one and that one was at once sung the Doxology and dismissed frota school. A prreat musical tre;ii wa enjoyed by ill who attended chape] exercises at .lie Normal, Friday morniug. The sboir sang the Intl.uimiatus frora Hos sini's Staftac Mater in a raagnificeot slyle. and Miss White covéred herself with (?lory by her rendering of the solos - Ypsilantian. We aro glad Miss Wlme evered herself with sume thiiifr.. But it is all the style now to memion the dresses at society events. And this dise ise oL Rossini's ? InilamxtatlOM of the siabat. That's more ,mn appendi ;itis - and probably more fashionuble. Miss Mini ie Robertson and Dr. Don M. Gillette, a Chelsea couple, were niarried Christmas night with great eolat. The quantity of Ohristmas packaees handled by the postofflce here was surprtsing. Êvideiitly, even if the times are hard, everybody found a way to juy giits for loved ones. A strange thinK, too, may be mentioned in this conneetion. Of the more than tweiity merchants with whom we have talkeil, not one but had a better holiday trade this yéar than last, and this in spite of the fact that the weather was the verv worst possible. Cau it be that the times are really better, and that we. eep taSking of "hard times" from force of habit. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Electric bells have been put in at the Milan school and the professor sits at his desk and jerks a little lightning to correct pupils. Hovvell has a large new bean elevator and the Herald with commendable enterprise last week contained a Hice cut of the same. One of the little ward school lads was quite excited over the war uews read by his father and asked many questiöns of his parents. Finally his father said, -lYou would't go to war and üght, would you?" "No," said the lad, "1 wouldn't go and fight men, but if there were any little English boys about my size, I would fight them." - Manchester Enterprise. The Petersburgh Sun has decided to cut off all delinquents the first of tke year, concluding they must be "dead beats" who will not or do not pay up after three or four requests. lle will then put a collector after them. Y"oung girls, tired of the monotony ot country life and fond of adventure, frequently gö to the city and qaickly come to grief. The papers are full of stories of such follies, and every one of them should be a lecture heeded by those who are still safe, and ought to be happy, in their own country homes.- Chëlsea Ileiald. A correspundent in the Pinckney Dispaich Wants to know why the driveïis of clipped horses do not wear linen dusters instead of eavy overcoatsV The Podunk lyceum recently debated that Columbus deserved more credit for discovering this country than Washington for defending it. The quest'.on naturally arises whether Washington could have been the father of au undiscovered country. Jos. Alger has on exhibition tliis year a couple of as üne Christmaa beeves as one would see in many days travel. The beeves were twins, raised by Dennis Walker of Scio, 21 months old, and weighed 2,200 pounds. The dressing and trimming which was very nicely done was the work of Erank Preston and Will Vogel. Mr. Alger also purchased two sheep of W. E. Boyden wiiich weighed 300 pouuds.


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