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AN NU AL STATEMENT. For the yearendlna rteoemberSl, A. D. is)5 of the fonuiiicMi and affaire of the Washtenai Mutual Flre [asurance Company, looared b AnnArbor ülty Uich., organizad nnder tb laws cf the Snueof Michigan, and doing bus nesa in the County of Washtenaw, in sak State. KMEKÏ E. LBLAVD, President WM K. CHILDS, Secretary Póstoffice address of Sec'y Aun Arbor, Micli. MEMBERSHIP8. 1. Number of members Dec. 81, of previous year 2 889 2. Number of raembers added during the proíeuf, year 220 3. Total ü,ng 4. Deduet uuinber of membéra withdrawn durinir the year. and policies oancele'd by reason of sale or otherwise. 125 5. Number of members now belonglng to oompapy 2,09 6. Netiucrease T KISKS. 1. Amount of property at risk Dea 31, of prevJous year $ B,27ö 880.0 2. Amount of riskt, added du ring present year 296,475,00 ■ _ , Total 5,578,355,00 i. Dedui-i rteka canceled, wiihlirawn orterminated ',!88,7&5.( 5. Net amount now at risk by Company 5,284,620.0 fc Netiucrease 7.740 (i HESOITHCBS. 1. Cash on hand $ jgoe 2. Assessuiema of past year uncoilected 247 40 3. Nature md amount of ail other resources, the capita] stock pi the eoinpanyupoo wbieh to make assessments. 5.284,620.00 4. Total available reeouroea 85,285,018.Qi LIABILtTIES. 1. For Iot?sesdueandpa.vable3 $ 1 4!i 73 2. lor losscs not matured, K0.0O' resisttd, Ï40.00; estimated-. 6" uo 3. Due or to becobie due for borrowed money 3155 00 4. Nature and amount of "aïl otherclaims printinir, stampedenvelopeeordered.etc 100.00 5. Total liabilities ..$ 4.8 '7. 73 RECEIPTS. 1. Cash eollected on assessraents levied duringthe year 8 11,893.9 2. Cash eollected 011 aseeesments levied in prior years 24.43 8. ( a-h from Increaw d or ■ ereased insurance 531 14 4. Cash income from all other sourees, horrowrd nuoney, cempany's notes 0.105.00 " a ,, TfJíJ68hrecelpt8....í ai,dM.86 b. Add oash balance at close precedlng year . rjss7 7-, Total receipts. ...$ 21,693.32 DISBÜRSEMKNTS 1. Lo?sts actually paid during the year (of wbich 482.38 occurred in prior year. $ 12,038.30 . SahuKpacri fees paid stfficers and director (Si-lieduleA)..' 1118 20 .. All otlur dlsl ürsefrients 81 hr, ule H Includwè b(;rrowed money and interest paid... 8,389.12 4. Cash on hund, Dec. 31, 1895. . 150.6O 5. Total expenses actually paiá fiuritiíf the year, íik-iiiiIíiil.' cash on hand Dec. :n, lsos.'.i 21,093.22 schfdum: a. Name of Officer or Dhnt,r to whom paid: Amt 1. Wm.K. Childs, salary ,..$ 5or 00 .. E E. Leiand, direetor 12000 3. Wm. Cimpbell, " - - -- jggnf 4. John F. Spafard " "" sgoO 5. Wm. E. Moeklng " lina 8. Edwin Bair. " uloj 8. J. W. Wincr, " 1 ca 9. F. U.Braun, " ï..V.'SL..Y.'.l 4 0( Total Schedule A $ 111820 Si I1KDÜLE I). Items of -All other Expenses." Amt Paid 18 notes borrowed money $ 75(i(i( Interest on " ' -'40 1'! " Office rent.., ,".., B30, _ Postatre account 9757 Printinj; and stationair aeeount _. " 4085 " Incidental account """ ga " AH other expenses 260" " Assessments reTundf d ".."."."." 10 " Commission and exchange..." 75 li Total ScheduleB $ 8,38912 MISCEU.ANEOÜS QOESTIONS. 1. How many assessments have been made durnifr the year? Ans., One. 2. Whati6 the amount of all assessmer,ts made during the year? Ans., $12.141.38. 3. What Is the rate percent, of such assessmen1Sn?í1 the Prl)erty insured? Ans., Í2.30 4. What amount of loases are allowed to accumtilate before an asse6sment is levied? Ans , Loases of one year. 5. Toes the eompany in making-sn assessment, provide therein for any surplus fund over the actual losses accrued? Ans , Yes If so. how much? Ans., The estimated expenses of the year. 6. What proportion of damajre or actual loss sustained on real property ioes the company pay? Ans,, Two-tliiros. 7. What proportion of damace or actual loss sustained on personal property does the company pay? Ans., Two-tliirds. State of Michigan, i County of Washtenaw, fssI, Wm K Childs. seoretary of 8aid compsnv do depose and Bai , that 1 have prepared the foregoing statement, and know thecontents thereof, and bavegood reaon to believe and do know, said statement te be true. Wm. K. (.'ht.ijs, Becretary. Sworn and subscribed before me, at Ann Arbor, in said State and Oounty, tlns 2d dav of Januar.y, A. IJ. lsi)6. John E. Travis, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Mich. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried f or Castoria, Whea she became Miss, she elung to Castoria. When she had Cbiklren, she gavethem Oastori. Tea Club Orders We wiil pregem elther g 100 plece : DlnnerSet, or a 12 Plece Engflsb Cedro, m Bettol ting up aolub. We guaianu 1 eas and BaklnK Powder to glve entlre satlsfaetton. Tb Is is an excellent opportunity lauies to obtatn a beautlfu ! Bi i "v Bi droom 'Vi i ri e. We ms ke thi lo Introduce our Teas and Baking Powder k thereadersof thle paper, l-'or mu pi lars, Write-or oall on , Rreseb, Importer ol Teae, 6181 ummil St., Toledo, O. Kefe nli Toledo. TO FARMERS: The Aon Arboi1 Milling Co. has just finished building one of the most complete feed milis in Michigan atid will now be ready for cnstom work of all kinds, includiiig the grinding of corn n the ear. inn Akuok Milling Co.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News