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Heart Diseáse Kills Suddenly ; but never without warning syroptoms, such as Faint, Weak or Hungry Spells, Irregular or Intormittent Pulse, Fluttering or Palpitation of the Heart, Choking Sensations, Shortness of Breath, Swelling of Feet and Ankles, etc. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, Cures Heart Disease. Mr. Geo. L. Smith, of tho Geo. L. Smlth Mantel Co., Louisville, Ky., writes Feb. 26, 1894: "For about a yoar I was a terrible sufferer from heart trouble, which got so bad I was obliged to sit up in bed to get my breath. 1 had to abandon business and could hardly crawl around. My friend, Mr. Julius 0. Voght, one of our leading pharmacists, asked mo to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. I had used little more than a bottle when the pain ceased and palpitations entirely dlsappeared. I have not had the slightest trouble since, and today' I am attending to business as regularly as ever." Sold by druggists everywhere. Book on Heart and Nerves sent free. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore ïïcaltli.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News