Mrs. G. W. Loomis and two children froin St. Joseph Mich., formerly of Manchester, visited friends in town from Thursday until Tuesday. Messrs. Paul Sohoettle and Eudolpb Kurfess have gone to Jackson to find employment. Mrs. Geo. Serviss, of Standish, gave his oíd friends a pleasant cali a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ryan, of Jackson, and Peter Ryan of Marine City, carne here last Tuesday to attenrl the funeral of their sister Miss Ella Ryan. Mrs. Hpnson, of Jackson, came to Manchester Tuesday havingreceived an invitafion from the W. R. C. to install the officers for the coming year. The installation was largely attended and all had an enjoyable time. Miss Helen M. Carpenter, of Horton, Mich., was the guest of MissOeta Hall over Sunday. Elmer and Ida Silkworth entertainod the c'ass of '93 at their home last Priday evening A good time was reported by all the members who attended, it being their tbird annual reunión. The ladies' society of the Emanuel church held their yearly meeting at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Roller. The following officers were eleoted : President, Mrs J. Hauser; secretary, Mrs. J. Guiapper; treasurer, Mrs. J. Schlitch. Miss Ella Ryan died at the St. Mary's hospital in Detroit last Saturday. Slie bad been in poor health for some time and about six weeks ago went to De'roit to take medical treatment. The 1emains were brought here Monday and the funeral was held at the St. Mary's churoh Tuesday morniag.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News