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TRUCK AND STOKAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 48 Fourth Ave., North Telephone 82. P B. NORRIS ATTORNBT AT LAVP. Does a general law collection and conveyancQ? business. A moderate share of your patronage respectfully solicited. Office 16 E Huron Street, upstairs. a ií i Pri P-4 S H S I, H j R a ü H fe . J S f ?í' -1} f i I á ö Si 61 I e 11 s ft 5 il a i 1 cq n g M w S H Sí H á I! s 1 II I 1 1 í ■ - j DANGEEOÜS GROCERIES are easí to buy and hard to detect. But íood ;rocerles are f ully as easy to l)uy if yon ouly know where as dantferous ones, and thogroeries that Wo are In the habitof dealing out iré not only good, but you'll know they are goodon the vory flrst trial. That's the trial we wantyou to give them. After the trial your verdict will be the imple word "tiest" or the simpler word 'more" and you will get more as othersdo. STAEPLEÏ1 ét. CO., Pbone 141. 41 S. Mala It


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News