Another Good Man Gone Wrong. He fíiilf d to use the Clinic Kidney Cure for his kidney compl-nnt. $1 A. E. Mummery, druggist, Ann Arbor. Pain has no show Tlth Dr. Miles' Pain Ptlls. A" "-Msgists sell Dr. Miles' Nerve l'laáters. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. BUCKLEN'ti ARX1ÜA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world Tor Cuta, Bruises, Sores,, UIsits, S.alt RhPum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ('hill)lains,('oi-n.s,anil all Skin Eruptions and posltivoly cures Piles ,or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to (ïive perfect satisfaotion, or móney refunded. l'vioe. 25 ecntH per box. For sale by T}lie Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co., ynn Arbor, and Geo. J. Haussler, Manchester. Notice to Creditors. OÏATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY kj of Waahtenaw, ss. Notioe in herthy gives, that by an oder oí' the Probate Conrt for the County 'f Wuahlenaw, made on the 27111 day of Pe'-tniber, A. D. 189', sïx rannths from that date werealluwed for crediton to preeni rheii claim aï'iiist the estute of John . Cownn late of said county, deceased, and thai all fn'ditors rf sairi deceased ure itquiren to preBeni tlieir claim w to said Probate Court, Kt the Probate Office in thf city of Ann rbor, for examinatiöB and allo wanoe, on or before the 7f.l1 day of June next, ftná that fuch nlaïms wiil bv heïtrd before said Con rt on the 27tb dav of March, and 011 the 2711 dy of June next, at ten o'elock in the foenonn ofeaefa ot Sai dnys. Dated Afin Arbor. Iec. 27, A. D. 1S5. J.WLLLAiM) II VBHITT, Tudirc oí ('róbate Estáte of Merchant H. Goodrich. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol Wnahtenaw, 88, At a sessionof the Probate Court for the County nf Washtenaw holdpnatthe Probate Office in the city o Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the lHh day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and i-inetv-five. Present., J . Willaid babbitt, Judjje of Probate. Ip ttie muiter of the entate ot Merchant H, Goodrich deceased. Noah W. (Jheever and Josnph H. Vanee the sptciai administrators come into court and represen' that they are now prerared to ren der thtir final account as such special adminisiiators' Thereupon it ia ordered, that Tuesday. the l4th day of laiiuary, next, at ten o'elorb ín the forenoón be assined for examiningaDd allowing such account, and that ihe dn visees, legal ut and lieiis at law oi said deceast'd, and all otlier persona imerenteiJin snid eetate are required to appear at a session of ik tonrt, theu te be holden at the Probate Offie in the city ot Ann Arbor, in said county, .nd shov cause, if any there be, why the said account ahomd not be allowed. And it U furtlier ordered, that said administrator tiive uotice to the persons intcreted in said bstato of the pendency of aaid account j and the heariiif: thcref'f bycausíng1 ttopj of fcbia order to be pul)liöhtil in the Ann AbbqbAhgus, a aewspaper printed and iroulatinx in said county, tbree suocesBive previous to said-day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, [A truecopv.] Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register EISENBARTH LIVER PILLS Will stimulate a sluggish system into healthy action. MANN'S DRUG STORE, 39 S. Main Street. ZE White Tokay The Best for all Purposes, MANN BROS., Druggists, 3e S. Kaïn St. ■ ANN ARBOB
Ann Arbor Argus
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