Mortgage Sale. i;hereas default has been made ' in the payffltnt of the money secured by a mortgage dated the 20th diy of September, in the year A. D, 1886, executed by Michael Hteffanoski and Caroline Steffanoski, his'wife, of' Bridgewater, Washtenaw County, Michigan, to Christian Saley, of Bridgewater. Wasbteiaw County, Michigan, whlch said morí ig& ie was recorded in the office of the Hogisierof Deede of the Coumy of Wasfate. ntrw. in Llbex 68, of Mort ages, on page ill, on the 28th day of September, in the year A. D 18S6,at ö 30 o'clocic A. M And whereas, the said Mortgage bas been diily assigned by tbesaid Christian Saley to Albert Brunski by assignnient bearing date the 30ih day of July. in the year 1892 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deedsof the said Coutity of Washtenaw, on the 18th day of November in the year 1893, at 1.30 o'clock P. ML in Liber LllioC assigumeats of Mortages on page 2T9, and the same is now owned by him. And whereas, the amount claimed to be due on said Mortgage at the date of this notice ís the sum of two hundred seventytwo dollars and flfty-eight cents of principal and interest, and which is the whole amount claimed to be unpaid on said mortgage and no suit orproceeding havingbeen instituted at law to recover the debt now remaining secured by eaid Mortgago or any part thereof, whereby tbe power of sale contalned In said Mortgage has become operativo. Now, Therefore, notice is horeby given, that by virtue of the said power of sale, and in pursuance ol the statute insuchcase made and provided, the said Mortgago will b foreelosed by a sale of the premises therein de► crlbed. av public auction, to the highest bidder, at thesouth front door of the court house in the City of Ann Arbor, In said County of Washtenaw [that being the place whero tho Circuit Court l'or the Couuty of Wasbienaw is held], on Friday, tbe 13th day of March 1896, Htten o'clock in the foreaoon of that day; Which Raid premisis are deseribed in said Mortageas follows, to wit: All that pieee ro pared of land being on section number 120] twenty in the Township of Bridgewater, in the County of Washtenaw and State Hof Michigan, fiounded as follows. to wit: On the nortn by the Bridgewater mtll pond and on the east by lands owncd by Stabler, and on the south and west by the highway, the same eontaiuing eight acres of land, be the same more or lees. Dated December lith., 18 '5. ALBEET BRUNSKT, Atsignee of Mortgage. G. E GILLESPIE, Attorney lor Assignee of Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale WHEREAS, DBFAUIVr HAS BEEN MADE in the payment of the money secured by a mortgage dated the Sist day of March, in the yearA. D. 1881, executed by Mfchuel Steffan owekl, ot the townshtp of Bridgewater, VVaBhtenaW County, Michigan, to Alón o Clark ot' Clinton. Lenawe County, Michigan, whieh said uiortgage wue recorded iu the office of Regi-terof De ds of the Conuty of Waehtenaw, in Liber 53, of mortgagus, on page 713, 0 ■ the 4th day of April, in the year A. D. 1 bl, at 7: 15 p m. And, whereas, the said mortgage has been duly assigned y the said Alonzo Clark to James Mogan, by assigmuent bearing date the 2Tth dny ol April, in tl:e year 1892, and recorded in the office of the regis er nf deeds of the said Count. ol' Washtenawn the28th day of April, in the year 1892 at 10 o'clock a. m. on Liber 11 of assignments of mor gages on page 178 and said rcurtgage bavIng been again duly tissigned by the said Jumes Hogan to Albert Brunski. by as6ign moni beuring date the llth dny of May, iu the year 1892 and recorded in the oiBce of register of deeds of the sied County of Wnshtenaw, on the I8th day of November in the year 1SH2 at l:-' o'clock p. m , in Liber 11 of asaignment6 of moitgayes on page 278 and the same is now owned by him, the said Albert Brunski. And whereas, the amount claimed to be due on said mor'gage at tbe date of this notice is the sum of Two Huudred Forty-Six dollars and Nine y-one cents ot principal and interest; and which is the whole ammint claimed to be unpaid on said mortgage. and no sultor proueedings hu ving been instituted at láw to recover the debt now remamirur secured by said inortgage or any part tbereof whereby the power of sale contained in said mortgage has becom operativi'. Now, therefore, no' ice is hereby given, that by vir ue of the said power of sale, n in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided. the said mortgage will be foreelosed by a sale of the petuiees therein des-riüed, t Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at tht; Souih front door of tbe Court house in the Cily of Ann Arbor. in said County of Washtenaw, (that being the place wliero the Circuit Court for the Coimty of Washtenaw is held) on Friday tlie IBth day oí March. 1890, at eïeven o'clock in the foreioon: Which said premisos are deseribed in said mortgauc as follows, towit: All that pieee or pan-el of land sitúate r b ing in the towushlp oí Bridgewater, Ooun'y of Wasntenaw :iinl State if Michigan knmni and described as follow towit: Commenciog in thfl middle of the higiiway lntheqüarttT section line in Bectlon number (2lij tweniy in township number fonr south, of range lour east. twe ty-two i22i chaiusand wenfv-two (22) links Routh from the quarter post on north line of said section number i2U) twenty, Ihence south alongrsald quarter seetin line sixteen roda ai3dslx iíiik to a stake, thencc north-easterly twenly-three roda afnd four and one-half links to astake heneo north to center of mili ro-id sixteeu rods and six links, henee south-westerly along the center of mili road to the place of beginDlng containlng three (3) acres of land, be the same more or less, Dated December, llth, 1895 ADBERÏ BRUNSKI Assignee. 6. E. Gillespie, Attorney for Assignee. Chancery Sale. TNPURsUANCE AND OF VIRTUE OF A ldecreeof the Circuit Court for the County . of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in Chancery, mude and entered on the twenty seeond day of May 1895, iu a certain cause thereiu pending wherein James L. Bahcoek is eomplainant and Kaleb Krause, Caroline Kiause, Alice Krause, Olive F ster, Mary Van Cordeu, Frederick Krause. Sarah Ivra se and Edward A. Edmuiuls are defendants. otieeis hereby given tuut 1 shall sel 1 at public auction to ihe highest lidder at the easterly entrance to the court house ín the City of Aun Albor, County of Washtenaw, and Som.' ol' Michigan, (that be'ng the ' ' ing in which the Circuit Court tor the Count y 01 Washtenaw is lieldi "ii Wednesday tbe twenty nintn day of January, ljS88at ten o'oIock ín ihe forenoon of said day, the follón - tng des rilied property: All thoc certain piecesov panels ol 1 md situated in the towrj ship "f Lodi, Oounty and tnte aforesaid, de scribed as. iolluws: Tno north-weat quarter ofseciiou number th rteen ín township number threosouth, ranje 6ve ca-t. State of Mlen i lean, excepttng the tollowlng to-wit: ( i,i DClnfrln tbe north-wesi corner of said quitrter running t henee east ulong the north lin thereof ten rodB aud ten Inhes, thence sonth pamlli') wlth the west Hue of said section ten rods and ten loches; fchence west parallel wlth the north line of said SPOtlon tin rods and u-n incht-s to the est line of snid section ; thence north or tho west line of said seet ion ten rods and ten inches to the place of bezinning; also commcnelng at the west quarter stake of said section, thence north on the w est line of said siction tblrteen chuius and seventv-three links; thence east one degree, east thirteen ehains and flfty links, thence south twenty and three-fourths degreeseast, fourteen chalns to the east and west quarter line;:thence weet on the east and weet quarter line of said sction eighteen chalns to the place of begianing. i Dated Dec. 11, 1805. O. ELMHH BUTTBRFIELD. Circuit Oourt CouimUtioner, Washuuuw County Michigan. E. B. NORUIB, Sollcltor for Complainant.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News