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T3. St. James was in Detroit Tties■day brying goods. Dr. Araistrong, of Chelsea, was in 4he city Tuesday. Miss Emma G. Dewey, of Owosso, -was a guest this week of Ann Arbor -friends. M. and Mrs. Peltier, of Detroit, who iave been visiting their danghter, Mrs. JB. St. James, returned home Tuesday waorniüg. Mrs. Gilbeit and daughter, Miss frene, returned home Monday f rom Jaekson where they had been the gnests of Mrs. Melville McGee. Jnstue Andrew J. E. Gibsn is home árom a trip in Ohio. T. Cavanaugh, of Paw Paw, was a gnest of bis brother, M. J. Cavanaugb. Miss Grace Moore is home from a "week'fs visit with Detroit friends. Rev. C. A. Young has been spending the week in Chicago. C. M. Olackrner, of Milan, was in rthe city Monday. John Mathews this week entertainod iiisnephew, Thos, Mathews, of Cbioago. Mrs. M. C. Peterson was in Detroit Suuday to atteiid the funeral of a lady fi'iend. Geo. W. Ames, of Comstock, Texas, lias been a guest of his sister, Mrs. Oeo. M. Stevens, of East University --avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Dansingbnrg, of Minneapolis, Minn., were gnesta ireoently of County Clerk and Mra. zDansingburg. R. C McA.llaster wns in Detroit an Y. M. C. A. business Saturday. H. 3. Brown is home from attending he National Cyele show in Chicago. Miss Emma Bower has retnvned from bev Cinciiiuati trip, mneh improved in h'ealth. To personalizo all the prominent; citizous uf the oonnty who were in the . city oii Wedupfcday, the day of the annual meeting of the Washteuaw Caunty Inscrance Co., wouLd ocoupy a oolnmn óf spaoe. See the county directory for ñames aud malee np the list for yonrself. Edward Daffy and son, of Pittsbnrg, are gnests of Mrs. Galick, of N. Main street. John Heiuzmann is home from a vveek's stay in Bay City. Mr. and Mrs. v Maas, of Maynard streat, entertained for a few days the first of the week, Mrs. E. A. Bader, of Detroit. A. B. Edwards is on a business trip south. Prof. Loeffler, who has been a gnest of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Edwards, bas retarned to his home iu Decatur, 111. Miss June Carpen ter, of Ann Arbor, but formerly a wellkuown Alpena girl, is to be married Jannary8to Mr. Alian Greely of laoksonville, Florida, the ceremony taking place at Toledo. Mr. Greely is a distaut relativo of Mr. Chas. Greeley of this city and is a lawyer by profession. Mr. and Mrs. Greeley will reside at Jacksonville. - Alpena Pioneer. Hon. James J. Robinson, of Sharon was in the city on Wedaesday to at-. tend the insurance meeting and was a caller on the Argns. He heartily oongratulated the paper upon its recent figures respecting state expenses tinder the Winans and Rich administrations. Regent H. S. Dean called on the governor at Lansing on Wednesday. Whose candidaoy for regent he was favoring was not given out. Miss Emma Dowdigan, of Knoxville, 111., is visiting her coothor and sister in the city. Miss Jattie Long will leave today for Milán to teach a oiass on the mandolín, gnitar and banjo.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News