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Terina Of Court for the TwentySecond Judicial Circuit for 1898 and 1897 Siate of Michigan: The Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit. Terms f l'ourt In and for said Circuit far the Years 1896 and 1897. I, E. D Klnne, Circuit Judge in and fo the Twenty-Seeond Judicial Circuit, do hereby fii and appolnt the times of holding the several terms of the circuit Court in and within the Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit fortheyeam 1896 and 1897 as followe, to wit: IN MONROK COÜNTT. The flrst Monday of Pnbruary, the flrat Moop day of April, the flrst Monday of June, ana the flrst Monday of November. IN WA8HTKNAW COUNTY. The firet Monday in March, the flrst Mondar In May, the flrHt Monday in October, and the flrst Monday In D-eember. Dated Oct. U, 1895. B. D. KINNE, Circuit Jprot Estáte of Charles Walter Reade. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTT of Washtenaw. es. At aeession of the Probate Court r'or ihecounty of Waabtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in tht city of Ann Tuesday, thH 31st duy of December, ia the yeaz one thousaud eight hundred and ninety-five. i'resent, J. Willard Babbltt, Judee of Probate. In the matter of the estáte o! Charles W altar Re ide, deceaved. On reading and flling the petition. duly verifie d of Carrie E. Rcade, praying that adminUtion of suid estáte may bw granted to üenry WilsoD or sonie other Huitable i erson Thereupou it is oidered, that Tuesday, tha 28th day of Jaauary next. at ten o'clock in the forennon, tte assigned for the hearing of eaid petition, and that the heir al law of said deceaiied and all othei persons interestedin said estáte, are required to appear at a sessiou of said Court, th-in tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show caupe, if any the'e be, why theprayerof the titioner should not be granted: And lt b further ordered. that snid petitioner give notioe to the persons interestedin naid estáte of the pendencyolsaid petition, and the hearing thereo uveausing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argls, a newspaper pnnted and circulated in said Couuty, three successiv weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBnT, [A true copy] Judge of Probate Wiu.iam G. Doty, Probate Ri'itister. Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT H AVINO ÚEEN MADE IN THB condition6 of paytnent of a córtala mortgage made the 9th day of April. A. D. 1892, by John PBsterer and Maty Pflsterer hif wile, to J' lm O. Schmid, adminietrator of the estáte of Chrlstian Gnssman, deceas-ed, whereby the power of sale therein contained has become operative, which mortgage was recorded in the olliee ot the Register of Deedi for the County of Vashtennw, on the 9th day of April, 1892. in Liber 79oi Mortgages on page 118, which mortgage was duly assigned by the said mongageeto theundersignedadministratorde bonis non, with the wi 1 annexed, by deed of aS6ignineDt, dated the I9th day of Oetober, 18H5 which assignment was recorded on tbe last named day in the office of the Retrister of Deede aforesaid, in .Mber 12 of men t of Mortgag-ee, on page 2i4; on which morttrage there is claimed to be due, at the date of this noice, the sum of eleven hundreci and ñve dollars, and no proceedingsat law or ia equity having been instituted to collect tb said sum of money or any part thereof. Notice is therefore hereby given that on th 27t'i day of January, A. D. 1896. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the south front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor. State ot Michigan, thesuid mortgage will be foreclosed and the lands and tenements by the said mortgage conveyed will be sold at public uction or vendue to the highest bidder to satisfy the principal and iaterest seeured thereby and the cost and expenses of these prooeedtngs, including an actomey's fee of tbirty-five dollars provided tot therein. 'ihe lands, tenements and premises in the said mortgage meutioned and then and there to besold are deseribed as follows: All that certain parcel of land eituated In the city ot Ann Arbor, Michigan, bounded and deseribed as follows, to-wil: the west onefourth of Lot o. live in Block No. three, north of Huion street, Range six east, accordingto the recorded plat of the City of Ann Arboi1, and containlng one-flfth of an aore ot land. Dated, Ann Arbor, Üotober30th, 1R95. JACOUJ REICHERT. Administrator de bonis non with the will ani exed of the estáte of Christian ürossma deceased. E. B. NUREIS, Attorney for Asslgnee of Mortgage. Estáte of James Sage. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the Probate Court for th County of Washtenaw, holdi n at the Probate Office in the City of Aud Arl-or. o Saiurday, the 4'h öay oí January, in the year one tbousand eiht liundred and ninuty-six. Present. J. Willard Habbitt, Judire of Probate. In the miitter of the estáte of James Sage, deceased. Onreadingand ttlingthe petition, duly verified, of .Mict ael saüe, administrator, piasing that he may be licensed to sell the real estáte whereof said dereasid died seized. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 3rd day of February next, at ten o'clock forenoou, be assigued for tbe hearing of said petition, and that the hcirs at law" of aaid decensed, and all otber persons iuterested ia said estáte are required to appear at a sta sion of eaid Cutirt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, andshow cause if auy there be, wby the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And itis further ordered that said petitionergive notice to the persons interesled in said estáte of the peudency oí said petitioD and the hearing thereof by causingacopy of this order to be published ín the Ann Akbob Arous, a newspaper printeJ and circulated in said county, three successiTe weckc previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLAUD BABBITT, [A true copy. Judge of Probata Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN COÜNTY of Washtenaw- ss. In tbe matter of the estáte of Cecilia A. ünderhill, deceased. Notice is hereby sriven that in pursuance of an order grauted tothe undersigued administrator of the estáte of said estáte by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw. on the 12th day of November A. D. 1895, there will re sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, & front door of the Post office in the city of Ypsilanti in the Couniy of Washtenaw, in said State, on the 1 lOth day of February, A D. 1898, at ten o'clock in the forenoou of that day (subject to all eucumbrauces by mortgage or otherwise exlsting at the time of the dea hof said deceased) the described real estáte, t u-wit: That certain piece or parrei of land sitúate In 1 he lownship of Ypsiluuti county of v ashtenaw and State of Michigan, viz: Commenoing in the center of the highway at tbe n u'theast oorner of the west quarter of section number three, running thence south one despee cast along the north and south quarter lineofstiid section ten chaius and seventy links, to the north cast corner of landowned by J. H. Marvin; thence south eighty-nlne d'grees and thirty-six minutes, west along the north line of said Marvln's land and the north line of land owned by J. Horner, tea chalns; thence uorth one degree west ten chaios and sixty-one links U the center of the highway 011 the eaet and west quarter line of said section; thence north eighty-eight deirrecs and thirty-six minutes east along tin; r; ntcr of said highway ten chains tothe of beginninif, containing ten acres of land, more or lees. l)a:ed December 23, 189S. CHAKLE8B RAMSON, AdmiaistMtor.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News