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lili BA ffifl Look after the Back: A Falí, a Straiu, s Constant Sitting er Stooping Position Briags Backache- Do ïou Know This Means the Eidneyrf are Affected? How few pcople realize when tlioir back begins to ache that it is a warning pr„vidcd by nature to teil you that the kidneys are not working properly. You liave u se veré f all, you 6train yourself lifting or perhaps yon are compelled to maintain a sitting or stooping position for long intervals at a time, your back begins to ache, tben your head, you becomc listless, tired and -weary, but do you understand the eal cause? We think not, else you would not use piasters and liniment on the back, which only relieve but do not reach the canse. If you would rid yourself of tha pain and cure the root of the trouble, at the same time save many years of suffering and perhaps life itself, you will take a kidney reraedy that has been tried and proven that it will cure. Mr. John Robsoin of 661 Russell Street, Detroit, says: "As a result of exposure uring the war I have suffered ever since with rheumatism and kidney trouble. Pains would start in my hip and go around to my back. Highly colored urine denoted kidney disorder. The pain in my back was often so bad I had to give up work until the se veri ty of the attack passed away. I have used many liniments and other things, but received very little relief. Some time ago I started using Doan's Kidney Pilis and they have worked a wonderful change in me. My back is all right now and I owe it all to the almost magical influence of Doan's Kidney Pilis. " Mr. Robsoin was a meraber of the Fiftyfirst Illinois Regiment, which served through the war with honor and distinction. Doan's Kidney Pilis are for sale br all dealers - price, 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole cents for the U. S. Remember the ua:nc, Jhan's, and take no other. pRE INSURANCE. CIRiSTiAN MACK, .K)Jit lor thr fellomnff Yln Clui Companii rspreeonting oier twenty-eiirht Million Dollar? Aecet, issues polieie at thfl lowt rate - - .Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.0 Franklin of Phila.. 3,118,713,00 Crermania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N. Y . 4,065,968.(Mj Iiondon AssuranceJond'n 1,416,783.00 Michigan F. fc M., Detroit 287.tiO8.00 N. Y. Underwritera, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505.00 Fhenix, N. Y S,759,036.(X) +-+- í"8peci! attentíon givt tu tij innrm u) dwlÜngB, school. cisuixHMn4 poiillr haiMinft B terms of Ihfee and rer tim k SMSÖiï'S BAKERÏ, SRÖGEEI AND Fimn km feeo stom, We keep consutntly on hand BREAD, CRAGKERS, CAKES, ko, For XVTiolealO or TíeUÁl Tnul. We ihall also keej u suppïy oi GOLD DUST PLOÜR. J. JL Swtft & Co.'a Beft White Wïiwtt Flour, Bye Tlonr, Buokwhsat Flour, Oorn Hl, ' ted, &c, &c, c. At Vholesale nd Rctail. A cciieral stock oï OBOOETIZS AND PS07ISI0K3 constantly on hand, which wil] be sold on as reas onable terms ns at any other house in the city. fc3ST"Cash paid for Butter, Kers, and Countr Produce jfeneralW. tïf"Goods Deiivered to fl-ny part of the city with out extm chrj?c. HiaMT Se Se Sbolt CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT Y For a prompt answer and an honest opinión, wrlte to MUNN ifc CO„ wtao have had nearly flfty years' xperience In the patent business. Communications strlctly confldentíal. A II nn dbook of In. formation concerniDR Patenta and how to ob. tein them sent free. Also a catalogue oí mechanteal and scientiüo books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelvo epecial noticeinthe Scientific American, and tnns are brought widely bef ore the public wiihut oost to the inventor. This splendid paper, iBsued weekly. elegantly illnstrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientitic work in tba world. 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Kdition, monthly, 2.50 a year. Single copies, ia cents. Kvery number contains beauiiul plates, in oolors, and photographs of new kouses. with plans, enabling builders to show tha ittest deaifims and secure contracta. Addresa KUNN & CO NKW YOKK, 361 BRO4DWAT. "wim:. hbbz, NO. ♦ W. WASHINGTON ST. HOUSS, SlG, OHAMEKAL AHD FrëSCO PaIHTER, gilding, oaloimining, glazing: and paper hang mg. AU work is done in the best style and warrauted to give satisfaotion. jyt A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Diseases of the EYE, EAB, NOSE and THROAT Office, cor. of Main and Washington streets. Resldence, U S. State Street. Eesidence telephone, No. 128. Office telephone No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. LAND PIASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAINJILE. LOUIS ROHDE, Main Office - 36 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street.


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